meet the designers!

Milana Zaurova, our mathematician. We all realized we would leave the math up to her after I[marysol] was heard saying "let's start a business, the five of us!" I swear I'm really not a blonde. Anyway, Milana is a precious little genius--without her, every order would come out disgustingly wrong. Either that or we'd be in debt.

Marysol Villanueva, that's me! I'm the computer geek of the bunch. I'm the one you'll be coming to for your graphics [what's a shirt without something really cool on the front?] and I also design what you're looking at right now--the website. So if you're having questions about what kind of graphics, colors, prints, icons, etc. you would like, I'm the one you need.

Corinne Bart, our quasiperfectionist. She's not as bad as Danielle, but Corinne always makes sure the cutouts are perfect and nothing's out of place. She's also the team's personal chauffeur.

Danielle Valle, the OCD layout-ist. Don't you dare start ironing without this girl making sure it's centered! It's always good to know there's someone making sure the shirt is right and the graphics are in their place--we'd have a lot of angry customers otherwise.