Issues of 1918-1920

A series of Provisional issues were released during this time, apparently due to the problems with WWI.

In the December 2nd 1916 issue of Stamp Collecting, there is mention of a new series being in preparation. There were to be 12 values each showing a famous person of Paraguay. These were to be:
1c Emilio Aceval
2c Dr. Eusebio Ayala
3c Benigno Ferreyra
5c Fabio Queirolo
8c Juan A. Escurra
10c Dr. Cecilio Baez
20c Juan B. Gaona
40c Albino Jara
60c Adolfo Riquelme
80c Manuel Gondra
1 P Dr. J. Zubizarreta
3 P L. Rojas

Needless to say, this issue never was produced. Perhaps essays of these exist, but I have no record of them.

I am following the Kneitschel and Gibbons order of listing the provisional.

The 5c on 40c

This was overprinted Habilitado - en 0.05 - 1918 and was issued in a quantity of 300,000.

The following varieties are reported - Overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted.

The Habilitado - 1918 on postage dues

The 5 centavos

Issued in a quantity of 424,400 the following varieties are reported: overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted.

The 10 centavos

Issued in a quantity of 170,100 with the following varieties: overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted; overprint vertical

The 20 centavos

A quantity of 179,750 issued with the following reported varieties: overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted; overprint double one diagonal; overprint triple one diagonal; overprint vertical; overprint diagonal inverted.

The 40 centavos

The quantity issued is unknown. The following varieties are reported: overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted.

The 30 c on 40c

Issued in a quantity of 1,000,000. with the following varieties: Large "8" in 1918 (position #72); decimal point (dot) omitted (positions #14, 76, 82, and 84); number 3 far from decimal point (position #71); overprint inverted; overprint inverted missing dot; overprint inverted with 3 far from dot; overprint double; overprint double missing dot; overprint double with 3 far from dot; overprint vertical; overprint vertical missing dot; overprint vertical with 3 far from dot; overprint double vertical with one inverted; overprint double vertical with one showing missing dot; overprint double vertical with one showing 3 far from dot; pair - one with vertical overprint the other with a double vertical overprint with one inverted; overprint double one on front normal the other on back is inverted; overprint double one normal on front the other inverted on back with one showing missing dot; overprint double normal on front inverted on back with one showing the 3 far from the dot.

The 50c on 80c

Overprinted Habilitado - en 0.50 - 1920 in an unknown quantity. The following varieties are reported: IABILITADO (positions #9 and 59); decimal point missing; overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double with IABILITADO; Pair one with normal overprint the other with double overprint; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted; overprint double one vertical; overprint diagonal; pair with and without diagonal overprint; overprint double one diagonal; pair one with normal overprint the other with double overprint one of which is diagonal.

The 1.75 on 3 Pesos

Unknown quantity issued. The following varieties are reported: Flat top on "1" (positions #48 and 98); long serif at top right of "1"; IABILITADO; overprint inverted; overprint inverted with IABILITADO; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double with both inverted; overprint double one vertical.

With Overprint HABILITADO - 1920

The 1 Peso postage due

There are two settings of the overprint. One measures 10mm between lines, the other 8 mm. The issue date and quantity is unknown, but it has been reported that the entire issue was sold out by September 1920.

On the 10mm setting, the following varieties are known: Overprint inverted; pair - one normal one inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted; overprint double one vertical; overprint triple one vertical; overprint triple with 2 inverted.

On the 8mm setting the following are known: AABILITADO; "1929" for "1920, Overprint inverted (on the "1929 and Inverted overprint, these are found only with the precancel "CANCELLADO" in violet); overprint triple; "H" in Habilitado lowered.

Gibbons catalog claims that only the AABILITADO, "1929" for "1920" and the inverted overprint are issued items and all the others are bogus. They do not state if this applies to only the 8mm setting or to both the 8 and 10mm settings.

The 1P on 1.50 P postage due

The quantity and issue date are unknown. The following varieties have been reported: overprint diagonal; overprint inverted; overprint double; overprint double one inverted; overprint double both inverted; italic "1" (positions 22,33,72 & 83); Roman Numeral I (positions 36 and 86).