How to get a monitor:

1. Proceed to the nearest "Kay-Be" or "Toys R Us" toy store.
2. Buy a Etch-A-Sketch.
3. Bring it home and use the knobs to draw some windows. (preferibly 95 or 98 windows)
4. Take the knobs out and now you have places for:
Thats it!!!
You now have your very own monitor... and it has been successfully attached!!

Now you too, can become just like this guy and millions of others who are adicted to the web...

my bio - my links - my e-mail
my pictures - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6.
my signin - my viewin
my eeyore - my bnl - my form - my game - my guys
my lost - my knowledge - my love