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Child's Play

I forgot!

This is a variation on the game of "Clue". It works well for practicing prepositions. I call it "I forgot". Draw a a game grid on the board in the shape of a wheel with spokes on it, a lot like "Trivial Pursuit". Where the spokes intersect the ring, draw a star. When the student(s) come to this space, they are allowed to try to solve the puzzle. Students use a checklist with three categories:

    1. relatives (father, mother, brother, etc.)
    2.another is simple objects such as pencil, eraser, book, and so on.
    3.rooms in a house - bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, whatever.

Each team is given this checklist, and the teacher has wordcards for each of the words. The teacher takes one card from each of the three categories and puts them in an envelope. The remaining cards are then dealt to each of the teams, where the students can check it off their list. After that, the players take turns rolling a die to get to one of the spaces with the star on it (they can go forwards or backwards). Once they land on a star, they try to guess the cards in the envelope by using the phrase:

    ___(person)____ forgot the ___(object)___ in the ___(room)___ .

The other teams show any cards they have that may match the guess. The teams may then checkoff and eliminate the different possibilities until they can correctly guess the cards that are in the envelope.