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Child's Play


This game can be played with either individuals or teams. It's a great game for teaching the numbers one to ten, but it doesn't have to be limited to that. Take a deck of cards and spread them out face down on the floor. Have the students sit on the floor in a circle around the cards. When a student answers a question correctly they can turn over two cards. If the two cards match, eg. two 5's, the student gets to keep them. But if the two cards don't match, eg. a 5 and a 7, they must be turned back over so they are face down again. As the student turns a card over they should say what it is. That's why it's called memory, the students have to remember which cards are where. To make the game simplier for younger or beginner classes you may want to remove the picture cards. If you are just looking for a quick fill in game, this isn't it. This game takes time.