Are you feeling stressed, tense, restless or down? If so I have an example of something you can do to release some stress, and I call it taking some quiet time. We all need at least 30 minutes a day to ourselves to focus on our mental well being. So, maybe you can give it a try, and see how you feel.

Find a place, a quiet place, where you can rest. Take this time to dream, relax, renew your energy. If weather permits, take your weary body outdoors and connect with nature. Walk barefoot in the grass , lay on the grass, and look into the sky. Take slow, deep breaths filling your lungs, and slowly release it. Feels good.

Now, look at the flowers, smell their scent, notice the colors, the shapes of the petals, see the beauty in them, and relax. Listen to the birds, feel the beauty that surrounds you. Can you feel it? Can you see it?

Maybe you could rest in a chair, sit back and sip on your favorite drink. Sip it slowly, tasting the flavor you love, take in the pleasure that the taste gives you. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature. Relax.

There are many other ways of taking some quiet time, you may need to find something more active, like gardening, running in the park, walking briskly. Whatever works for you is good for you, as long as you do it for you…

Take some quiet time today!

Evening Falls - Enya

Spending just a few minutes of your day in quiet focus and reflection
can help you see the big picture and shake off those day-to-day stressors.
Learn to achieve the serenity you crave.

Learning Meditation

Full Body Relaxation Technique

Short Relaxation Techniques

Slowing Down

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