All About Me, These Websites, and Life in General

All About All Dressed Up

When I created "The Completely Unofficial DRESSING FOR BREAKFAST Home Page" I did it because I had just downloaded a demo copy of Claris Home Page and I was dying to try it out. Well, you'll never guess what prompted the complete overhaul of my DRESSING FOR BREAKFAST Home Page and the addition of a UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS Home Page... Claris Home Page Version 3.0!!!

I'd like it noted I am not advertising this product or necessarily advocating its use (my server, you see, frowns upon this and nudie pics) I'd just like to share with the public what could have possibly prompted such monumental changes to my site...

Well actually, the fact that I have nothing better to do between eating and sleeping other than shovelling snow (man I hate winter) probably is a contributing factor...

I absolutely fell in love with Dressing For Breakfast the first time I saw it on WTN. I don't know why it just sort of struck a chord with me. When I couldn't find anything about the show on the internet I figured I might as well put something on the net. So I created The Completely Unofficial DRESSING FOR BREAKFAST Home Page .

Most of the information is accurate and all of it is, I'm sorry to say, incomplete. I've exhausted every search engine and database in my quest for information. My family thinks I'm crazy because I was caught looking for old TV guides in my recycling bin at 5:00 am. (If we still have ones from NOVEMBER where are the ones from JANUARY and FEBRUARY!?!?!?) Well, actually, my family thinks I'm crazy for numerous other reason... this only confirmed their suspicions.

Anyway, my hope is that someone out there will be able to fill in all the gaps by E-mailing everything I don't know so I can let you know everything that you ever wanted to know about DRESSING FOR BREAKFAST.

Last year while I was directing a play for my local theatre group and working nights I found myself home in the afternoon with nothing on TV but soap operas and bad talk shows. Then one day I found this rather interesting looking black and white British Drama. The show was supposed to be an hour long but for one reason or another WTN decided to show it in two parts. Well, you can't watch one part and not the other... you have to know how it ends right? So I watched it the next day. Then the day after that... Before I knew it, every afternoon between 2 and 2:30pm I would take the phone off the hook, sit in front of the TV with my lunch and watch UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. My initial net searches came up with little or nothing about the show and in my typical fashion I decided to remedy this. It has taken me quite awhile to do this and in the mean time a very good site has appeared in the form of Steve Phillips Upstairs, Downstairs Page. Oh well... C'est la vie!!!

All About ME!!!

Gee... What's there to say? I'm a 21 year old unemployed actor (what other type is there?). I teach drama part time at local schools, I volunteer at my local theatre company running the youth group and occasionally directing plays. I really want to be Oscar Wilde, but then who doesn't? I paint (not well), I write (better than I paint but I'm no Tennessee Williams or Christopher Durang.) and I PROCRASTINATE. That's how I found Dressing For Breakfast.

My favourite movie is ORLANDO based on my favourite novel ORLANDO by VIRGINIA WOOLF. I love Woody Allen Films, Hitchcock Films and, well, anything Arthouse. I enjoy long walks on the beach, good food and good company. If you're independently wealthy, I am currently single.

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