Gecko Swanson

First off, can you tell us your real name?:

*the boy looks down at you from his bunk* My real name? Jay. Jay Swanson.

Do you have a nickname? If so, how'd you get it?:

Course I've got a nickname. They tagged me Gecko. I can climb anything, on top of which I was born in Jamaica while my parents were abroad doing some scientific work. So I'm a tropical climber. A gecko. *grins*

Do you know your age? Birthday?:

Course! I'm 13. I was born on January 13, 1891.

Can you describe your looks?:

I don't look like a small green lizard, that's for sure. *grins* *Gecko's 5 feet tall. He's got grass-colored eyes and strawberry blonde hair. Gecko's pretty skinny. He's not at all muscular. His hair is pretty straight.

What's your personality like?:

*shrugs* Beats me. Ask someone else for the nonbiased version. *Gecko's very outgoing and talkative. He'll talk you're ear off. At times, he can be a bit obnoxious, due to the fact that nobody is perfect. Gecko's not humble at all. Although he talks more than listens, when he decides to listen, he's not that bad at it. He gives pretty good advice at times. Overall, Gecko is pretty friendly*

Got any friends?:

*nods* Yeah. There's Leapfrog for one. And my friend Joe. *shrugs* And for some reason---I dunno why--- I feel close to Tiptoe. *shrugs* I dunno. She's just a good friend.

What about a significant other?:

*shakes head* Nah. I mean, I'm interested and everything, but no luck.

Any family?:

*shakes head* No, I'm afraid not. My father died in Jamaica and my mom was killed by a cult for a sacrifice.

What was your past like?:

My past? I believe you're bringing up a touchy subject, my friend. *Gecko hasn't had a wonderful past. He lived in Jamaica for about two years, until his father died and his mother's work was canceled. They took a boat back to the United States and arrived in Florida. Gecko's mother died when he was 6. He was sent to an orphanage, the same one as Leapfrog. The boys were friends, but when Joe and Leapfrog ran away, Gecko was left feeling lonely and sorry for himself. For a while, he was considered for factory work. The day that Leapfrog and Joe returned was one of great joy. However, they could not stay cooped up, and left yet again. Leapfrog and Gecko never saw each other after that until Gecko arrived at Bay Ridge*

Anything else you want to say about yourself?:

*shrugs* Not much left to say. *Gecko turns around and starts to play Solitaire*

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