Truth McNotord

First off, can you tell us your real name?:

*he smiles* My name? It's Thomas McNotord. Nice to meet you.

Do you have a nickname? If so, how'd you get it?:

My nickname? Truth. This guy I met, Derek, a real nice guy, too... anyway, he called me that because I... *shrugs* tell the truth a lot. It's that simple.

Do you know your age? Birthday?:

*nods* I'm 16. I was born on June 10th, 1888..

Can you describe your looks?:

*shrugs* I could try. I'm 5 foot 7 inches, and I have brown hair, almost like the color of an owl. And my eyes are green... Derek once said that they were like pools of grass. *smiles a bit* Anyway, what else? Let's see, I've got some muscle I guess, and I'm a bit on the skinny side. I think that's it. What about you? *Truth can usually be seen in khaki pants and a tan buttondown shirt*

What's your personality like?:

Personality, eh? Well, I wouldn't know about that. *Truth can be very sensitive, but at other times, he's a jerk. He's extremely talkative, and can be a touch impatient, especially if he doesn't feel listened to. Truth will sometimes put up a strong outershell, because he is ridiculed often. He doesn't really start to open up until he knows you*

Got any friends?:

*shrugs* Not too many here, at least, because I just got here.

What about a significant other?:

*smiles* I do. I have Derek. But he's still in New Jersey, and I'm hoping he'll come here to join me.

Any family?:

They're still in New Jersey. *frowns* My family shuns me, except for my sister, Annie, but until she gets married in October, than she can't talk to me. She hopes to move here with her fiancee.

What was your past like?:

It went well... until I decided to tell my parents that I was bisexual. The whole religious community of our town near Queens shunned me... I was a Mormon, you see, and it's against the religion to be bisexual. I don't know what I will do. It's awful.

Anything else you want to say about yourself?:

Just that you shouldn't judge me by my homosexuality.

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