Fiona Alenden

First off, can you tell us your real name?:

*the girl smiles at you* Fiona. Fiona Alenden. No, it's not Irish. Don't even bother asking.

Do you have a nickname? If so, how'd you get it?:

*nods and pushes her bangs back* Nah. So, they call me Fiona Alenden. *shrugs* So what? Stage calls me Fi. But he's Stage. *smiles* Sort of self-explanatory.

Do you know your age? Birthday?:

I was born on October 3rd, 1887. And if ya do the math, I'm sixteen.

Can you describe your looks?:

I have green skin and orange eyes. My hair is violet-blue with red tint to it. Not orange-red, but actual red. I've got scales on my leg. And I have three toes on each foot and two fingers on each hand. *laughs* And if you ain't blind, you can see the rest for yourself. *Fiona has fair white skin. She has shoulder length brown hair. Her eyes are brown. Fiona has plenty of freckles. She's about five feet five inches tall. Fiona's not gaunt, but she is pretty skinny*

What's your personality like?:

I'm an evil sorceress who turns away any that come. *grins* You're enjoying this sorceress monster thing, aren't ya? *Fiona's compassionate and sympathetic. She's a good listener. Of course, she will also talk your ear off. She keeps a positive outlook on things and always has her hopes up. She can be polite when she wants to be*

Got any friends?:

Sure, lots. Stage, in Albany, is my friend. And many people in Washington are my friends, also. And I made a lot of friends while traveling with "Crows and Geese". And Charity and Smudge, of course.

What about a significant other?:

*shakes head* I don't have one.

Any family?:

*nods* Yes. My father lives down in Washington, D.C., still. I don't have any sisters or brothers... I'm the only one. And my mother died of a drug overdose. *sighs* She was a great person, lots of inspiration to me. Always told me to go for my dreams. And I did. *smiles* And here I am.

What was your past like?:

*shrugs* Interesting to say the least. I was an actor with a production of "Crows and Geese". I lost my job when I fought for women's rights when we were traveling in Bay Ridge. So I went to the lodging house to stay the night. That's how I found out about it. I headed on to Albany and found Stage, and stayed at Albany. I decided to come back here. *grins* I just missed Smudge. But for my past past... it wasn't interesting. I had a real normal past.

Anything else you want to say about yourself?:

Nah. I'm just an evil witch sorcerer from Mars.

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