Jones Whitman

First off, can you tell us your real name?:

*an attractive girl around the age of seventeen sits at the table in the kitchen, sipping a cup of tea. She looks up at you as you approach and seems to smile over the rim of her cup* I'm Jones Whitman.

Do you have a nickname? If so, how'd you get it?:

*she blushes slightly and puts her cup down* Well Nathan...thats Smudge, use to call me Jonesy but at the moment I don't have a nickname. *she pauses a moment and then looks back up* Oh and if you call me Jonesy ever I'll have to kill you.

Do you know your age? Birthday?:

*she smiles a bit* Of course I do. I'm seventeen years old. My birthday is on August 19.

Can you describe your looks?:

*she sighs a bit and shakes her head* What a silly question. *she looks at you and sees that you are serious* Alright, alright. I'm about 5'6" and medium sized. I have choppy, jet-black hair that falls just below my ears. I have violet colored eyes and light skin. *she moves some hair out of her eyes* I also have a scar on my left wrist from a broken beer bottle.

What's your personality like?:

*she sighs and appears to be thinking for a moment* Well, I would like to think I'm nice to most people, because I really try to be. *Jones does try to be nice to most everyone but she has a short temper and sometimes can be very nasty. She tends to be very mysterious and dark, sticking to herself most of the time, but that's only when she's sober. Jones loves to party and loves to drink and smoke just as much. When she's drunk she gets very emotional and carried away with a lot of things. She can also be very spontaneous and adventerous*

Got any friends?:

*she laughs a bit* Of course I do. Smudge and I have been friends for a very long time. He and I have known each other for several years and actually dated for a while. But most of the other people here are nice too.

What about a significant other?:

*her cheeks flush a soft pink red and she shakes her head* No, not at the moment.

Any family?:

*she sighs and rolls her eyes* Yes, acutally I have a very, very large family and it just seems to keep growing.

What was your past like?:

*she pauses a moment and runs her finger along the rim of her cup, dazing off for a moment* My past was very tough. My father is part of the "Five Points Gang" led by an Italian immigrant named Paolo Vaccarelli. For most of my childhood we lived in a very cramped apartment with my aunts, uncles and cousins in the east end of New York. My father was always gone and there were always gangsters coming and going in the apartment. I was one of the youngest of 8 children so there was almost never enough to eat. My father would come home drunk or angry most of the time and would take his anger out on us. It was because of this that I grew up to have a very short temper and a pair of fists to match. When I met Smudge I kept my homelife from him because I didn't want him to know that my father was part of the "Five Points Gang." One day I was suppose to meet him for dinner. I was late because one of my sisters was sick and I had to take care of her before I left. My father happened to be "doing a job" in the same area where Smudge was and he witnessed the entire thing. My father was furious and thought that Smudge would go to the police. So to protect Smudge I sent him away and soon after my family moved to another part of New York. After a while I began to get fed up with my father and decided to go to the police myself. My youngest brother found out and told my father and my father then came after me so I fled and somehow wound up here.

Anything else you want to say about yourself?:

I love good times and good drinks. I smoke and gamble occasionally. I also love race tracks and am there a lot. *thinks a moment* Well that's about it.

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