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Glider Pro
Glider Pro CD

Fly your Glider through the many houses of this newer version of an old favorite. You can even pick up more player-designed houses around the Net. Why would I feature this at the Brain Store? All I can say is that it's fun, and it really does involve a lot of physics/engineering! CD for Mac by Casady & Greene.
The Game of LIFE
Now, I remember playing this back when it was just a board game, but of course, that was the age before personal computers. The Game of LIFE is a classic, and this version has been well-received for it's graphics and other amenities. (CD for Win from Hasbro Interactive)
Triple Play 2000
Triple Play 2000
Batter up! Triple Play 2000 offers your chance to be in the major leagues. CD for Win95/98 from Electronic Arts  Goren
Goren's New Bridge Complete
Long considered the "Bible" of contract bridge, this is a must have for any person who even considers playing the game.
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1,350 Toughest TV Trivia Questions of All Time: Third Edition Now, I'm not particularly good at trivia and trivia games, but a good reference can never hurt for those people who really enjoy such games. Here are some to use when stumping your friends. The $25,000.00 Challenge : World's Toughest Trivia Test IF you can answer the most questions by Sept. 12, 2000 you can win $25,000 (or split it with the other winners). Hints are throughout the book, and updates and hints are on the website. (Someone's got to win it; why not you?)
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