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Okay, okay, so
was last Christmas. Then again, it's such a fascinating (and learning) thing, that it certainly does belong at Brainstor(e)ming! You can even pick up the Furby Trainer's Guide for good measure.
Green Eggs and Ham
So, we all love Dr. Seuss, but this is the computer book with additional activities. So, let's eat!
Where is Thumbkin?
Great for the younger crowd (toddler - K), all 26 children's songs on this CD lend themselves to activities.  Clue II
Clue II: Murder At Boddy Mansion
A lot of us played Clue on a board, but our kids will play it on the computer and across the 'net. Of course, you can get the movie for even more fun.
More Items
Super Solvers Gizmos and Gadgets Play games, solve puzzles and do experiments! Designed for ages 7-12. CD for PC/Mac by The Learning Company. I See Colors A good starter book of colors--each page is a collection of everyday items of one color. Preschool.
Brainstorms: Creative Problem Solving Book for parents and teachers to foster creativity with ideas for activities correlated to subjects. Grades 4-6. Oooh Aaah Chemistry This set includes chemicals, lab supplies, and instructions required for a number of experiments. Grades 5-7 with supervision.
Previously Featured Items
Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, Deluxe
Help the Zoombinis to reach freedom by solving a series of puzzles (12 puzzles, 4 levels each) to defeat trolls, fleens and guards. Designed for ages 9 and up (Grades 4-6). CD for PC/Mac by Broderbund.  Ultimate Science Kit  Ultimate Science Kit. Designed for older kids, this comes complete with 40 components, including a circuit board and a motorized model car, and over 100 projects.
    Icky Bug Counting Book  Icky Bug Counting Book. Great for the younger crowd (pre - 2), and you can also buy it in Spanish. Who could resist that title?
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This site located at http://www.oocities.org/~pcp/store/kids2.html and last updated 05/03/2000. Next update planned for June 2000.