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Rights -vs- Privilages

[Commentary by LNC 2003.06.21 #16]

The long drawn out brouhaha over whether Sultaana Freeman (FKA - Sandra Kellar) should be allowed to wear her veil in her driver's license photo.

Even though she has admitted that she has had her unveiled picture taken several times since her conversion to Islam including the following mugshot in 1998.

The Freemans claim that there religious rights are at stake. But a state attorney countered that Islamic law has exceptions that allow women to lift their veil and expose their face if the action serves a public good. Assistant Attorney General Jason Vail said arrangements can be made to have Freeman photographed only with women present to allay her concerns about modesty.

Well, here's my take:

Driving is a privilage, not Right, and if the rules and regulations governing this privilage interefere with your rights, than you have the right to refuse participation in said privilage, or any other for that matter.

Honestly does the veiled woman resemble the unveiled one?

In Liberty,

dB-) LNC


Right to Speak Freely Does Have Consequences

[Commentary by Lancaster 2003.04.05 #15]

Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks is getting exactly what she deserves. Freedom of speech gives people the right to say what they think; it does not protect them from the consequences of said speech.

The radio stations also have the right to play whatever songs, by whichever artists, they want. The fact that they are not playing Dixie Chick music because of what Ms. Maines said is a consequence she should have thought of before she opened her mouth.

People today seem to forget that words mean things. If a person has the intestinal fortitude to say or do something that is against popular opinion, then that person had best be ready to deal with the consequences.


Tort Reform

[Commentary by LNC 2003.01.05 #14]

With the walk-out in WV by the medical profession over the escalating costs of liability insurance, it renews the debate for Caps on Monies awarded by Juries to the allegedly victimized.

The AMA Claims that run-away Jury Awards in the Litigation Lottery have extracted their toll on the Insurance Industry driving up Liability Insurance Premiums.

Mary Alexander, president of the , Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA), counters with "Twenty-five percent of their (Insurance Companies’) investments are in stocks, so when the stock market goes down and they lose a quarter of their profits then they turn around and put it onto doctors and therefore patients." [Click for source]

On Fox News Live, Sunday, January 05, 2003, with Tony Snow a representative from the American Medical Association (AMA) dispelled that assertion with the Claim that OB/GYN Physicians in California, which has a Cap on Medical Malpractice Awards, costs $50,000 per year where as in Southern Florida, the same annual policy costs in excess of $210,000.

“Now Nutcase,” you the reader might say. “Doesn’t the Libertarian Philosophy of a less intrusive Government go against Tort Reform?” I disagree wholly on the notion that with-out some type of Tort reform, the quality of life of Americans as a whole will be lessened. Your average American is tired for involuntarily paying for these and all run-away lawsuits.

How do I figure?

Insurance Companies pass on the costs of these Multi-Million Jury awards to the insured (Physicians) as higher Premiums.

Physicians pass on the costs of higher premiums onto their consumers (patients) as higher fees which we, the General public, pay through the nose for as Higher Health Insurance Premiums, Higher Co-Pays, Greater Limits on Medical Procedure Coverages and higher tax burden for you as your State picks-up higher medical costs for Medicare, Medicaid, Medical Assistance and other programs for the uninsured.

For more information, See the Official LP plank on Health Care & Health Costs.


[Commentary by Lotaso 2002.12.15 #13]

      What’s wrong with this Government? One minute they're giving out how they were going to kill Hussein, the next moment we’re finding out that we caused his problem in the first place. Okay, this was just a hypothetical situation but sounds quite in-line with the whole handling of this situation. I have finally lost all faith in the UN. What took me so long? My age… After all, I’m so young that I don’t remember when Reagen was president. Which makes it that much that much worse when I can see the problems this world is going through. Here is my points concerning the recent reopening of Iraq to weapons inspectors.

Point #1:

Why don’t they train these guys better? According to most reports they couldn’t tell the difference between a SCUD missile and pencil sharpener. Maybe it’s a conspiracy to start a war with Iraq. But wouldn’t it look better if the inspectors found something, were taken hostage and the UN declared war in order to save those “men.” I use the word men lightly, more on that later.

Point #2:

With UN backing the Government can use the "I hate Iraq Generation" to their heart's delight. As I’ve pointed out earlier, I don’t remember Reagen. So, my peers and I have grown up around all the propaganda against Iraq. The embodiment of this is a newly released video game in which your main aim is to kill Sadaam Hussein. It’s similar to almost every other living American’s hatred towards Communism. You guys fought 2 major wars, 1 minor and numerous missions against the “Red Tide” since 1919. We’re in a similar position and now my generation is in the army. God Help us sinful children.

Point #3:

The problem with the inspectors is that they don’t have any determination, courage, chutzpa, or any of those other things required to be in the military. Oh wait, they’re not in the military, are they? The Military would be better to handle something like this. Not convinced? How about a pro - con list?

The Military Should do the Inspections… Yes? or No?



It’s a close one but I feel that the military would be the only ones who could satisfy all the mission parameters fully.

I’m done now, the world situation is starting to make me sick.

The War on Iraq

[Commentary by LNC 2002.12.15 #12]

The difference between then and now:

      Then - we were liberating Kuwait and protecting Saudi Arabia.

Both of these countries are allies of the US. We had every right to defend Saudi Arabia and kick the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait. It was imperative that we defend our friends and keep open the flow of Oil to the America. It was not about Saddam Hussein. It was about allegiances and American interests. As Imperialistic as it may sound, America is dependant on Petroleum and needs to protect its sources.

Many Middle East countries were in accord with our thinking and were afraid if we didn’t kick Iraq out of Kuwait, they could be next. Hussein needed to be told to get out, sit down and be quiet.

This is what we (the USA) set out to do and it is what we accomplished, End of Story.

Side bar – for all of you “No Blood for Oil” anti-war, sixties wannabe protesters, have you sold your Car yet? Are you riding your bike instead of the bus?

      Now - we are striking against a perceived threat.

Kurds – You know we should be aligning ourselves with Iraq. They want to stamp out terrorists as much as we do. I refer to the Kurds. They live in Northern Iraq and Southern Turkey. They are a thorn in Turkey’s side with their constant terrorist acts to support their extreme Muslim fundamentalist views against the more relaxed views of the Turkish Government. The Kurds fundamentalism and their outward aggression to bend others to their will is what caused Hussein to attack them in the first place.

I don’t condone his methods he used, but he demonstrated tactical knowledge of the threat that they posed. In our backwards attempts to subdue Hussein as a Major Player, we decided to protect these terrorists from the Satan Insane (FKA as Saddam Hussein.) In establishing the Northern No Fly Zone in Iraq, we have created a safe haven for Terrorists. They attack, at will, both Iraqi and Turkish sovereignty in the name of Muslim Fundamentalism.

Instead of threatening Iraq with yet another war, America should sit down at the table with Iraq and discuss a combined effort against Terrorism. We can tell Saddam we understand that he harbored anti-American al-Qaeda Terrorists because we harbored anti-Iraqi Kurdish terrorists. If we combined our resources and intelligence, we could help the Iraqis suppress the fringe element of the Kurds with-out using chemical weapons (or other weapons of mass destruction) and Iraq could help us cut the heart out of the Al Qaeda network.

Think of the implications that this would mean for Turkey. We would also not only be helping them to suppress the Kurdish Terrorist fanatics in Turkey, but we would eliminate the safe harbor that they have in Northern Iraq as well. I refer to the safe harbor that we have created for Kurds as a whole.

Saddam Hussein knows that it is only a matter of time before al-Qaeda comes after him. This was made apparent by an al-Qaeda spokesman made reference to him as dictator of an infidel regime.

In Sunday's (8 Dec 2002) statement, the al-Qaeda spokesman, who was stripped of his Kuwaiti nationality in 2001, singled out growing US war preparations against Iraq as a particular target for the group's operations.

"The danger of what America and its allies are preparing against Iraq and its people is not limited to overthrowing the infidel regime and its dictator but is aimed at ... Balkanising this great country, pillaging its wealth and occupying a vital part of our Arab world," said Abu Ghaith.

But alas, this will never happen. Why? Because our little dictator friend won’t be an American Puppet. We love our little dictators as long as they answer to US (us). Think of the Shah (Iran), Batista (Cuba), Somoza (Nicaragua), etc.

We were supporters of Iraq when they attacked Iran. But when Saddam Hussein refused to don our puppet strings, the US turned against him. Similar to how we went after our boy, Manuel Noriega (Panama) when he refused to obey us.

Since we’re on Noriega, he was once a CIA operative much the same as – Osama bin Laden.


In other news:

The Linux Kitty had a recent change in domain names due to circumstances beyond her control and the corporate greed of some Domain hijackers.

If you are looking for the KAT she's now at

Since I am on the subject of Web-Logs (BKA – Blogs,) I have to tell you about Joey Michaels. He became the regular poster over at Unlovely after Cookie departed so many months ago. Of course this was following Jocelyn’s loud reclaiming of her website. Needless to say, when Joey Michaels appeared and the whole theme of Unlovely changed, the NutCase was disgruntled.

I’m not saying that it was necessarily a bad thing, but to me it was just unacceptable and I started an Anti-Joey Michaels campaign at Unlovely. Poor guy became the dart board for NutCase dissatisfaction. When he turned up at Chicken Legs, he got blasted again.

When he showed up at yet another of my favorite sites, Bowling for Jesus Clicky Clicky, I really let him and the site have it.

Joey Michaels later e-mailed me and asked me point blank, what it was that I did not like about his writing style. He took his writing seriously and was always looking for constructive criticism. His whole demeanor in his writing style spoke volumes about the truly classy person that he is.

We e-mailed back and forth and buried the hatchet so to speak.

So, I need to set the record straight. Joey Michaels is real stand-up guy and a classy person.

Joey, I want to take this opportunity to publicly apologize for the grief I’ve caused you and for the detrimental things that I said about you.

A NutCase on Art:

I can't make any claim as to being a patron of the arts, but I do enjoy art of all types as much as I enjoy a wide variety of music. I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination; however I participate in local art events whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Here are a few sites to check out - An aspiring young anime artist - The all but lost art of the Pin-up - a very talented, multi-dimensional furry artist - an exceptional furry artist. Michael specializes in the fantasy, pin up, and horror. Eliza Gauger is the artist responsible for the Mama Liberty image on this site. Check-out her other works and visit the Mama Liberty Store! Gary Clair proves that comics are an art form to respected!

Want cartoons plus a little bit more? Try User Friendly dot Org.

Since were on comics as an art form, Gonzalo Martínez has a great variety of comics. My favorite strips of his are Horatio and the Professor and Claudia in Red.

Don't forget to Click Here and Vote for me in the Top 25 Libertarian Sites.


In Security's Name, Goodbye Freedom

[Guest Commentary by Darrin Lancaster 2002.12.05]

Did any of our country's senators read the homeland security bill before they voted on it? This bill was a bad idea before the elections and it is a worse idea now. Governments of the people, by the people, and for the people, should not be allowed to spy on the people. The government will be allowed to investigate and rip apart someone's life based on what that person puts in an e-mail.

The fight against terrorism does not need a new organization and bureaucracy. All the fight needs is for the existing organizations to do the jobs they were designed to do.

We need to fight to preserve our liberties and freedoms while we still have them. The American people need to stand up in 2004 and vote against those who are for this horrendous bill. You never know, it may be the last time average Americans are allowed to vote.

All in the name of security, of course.

[Note: This originally appeared in several papers across the country on 2002.11.28. It has been reprinted here by permission of the Author.]

The Hollywood Elitist Left Challenges the Right to Self-Censorship.

[Commentary by LNC 2002.09.29]

The   latest brouhaha is about the Directors Guild of American (DGA), or more precisely 12 Directors who are moving to put an end to your right to say No to Sex and Violence. They are suing CleanFlicks, a Movie Rental and Retail outfit that Openly "Sanitizes" movies by editing out excessive bloodshed, gore, nudity and outright sex.

This is how it works,

CleanFlicks purchase a licensed copy of a "Hot" Hollywood Flick.

Edits out the "Objectionable" material

Resells the movie as an "Edited Version"


Rents the movie as an "Edited Version"

As long as for every one Edited Version sold by CleanFlicks they Purchase a Licensed version, then they are not infringing on the copyright.

They will also remove objectionable material from Movies that you have already purchased for a fee.

CleanFlicks is providing a service to a select segment of our society. They are not trying to change the way America watches movies.

The ironic thing is that the Liberal Hollywood Establishment had long parroted the Libertarian Mantra, "If it offends you, turn it off." Of course in this day and age of movie making, the field of non-provocative movies is nigh extinct (Children's movies are hanging by a thread.) So when an alternative is provided, which caught on like wild fire (Oh Shock-horror), the DGA stamps its feet and says NO! You will watch what we want you to watch, period.

I think the real motivating factor behind the lawsuit filed is that the CleanFlicks and similar chains have franchised and grown so quickly. It's like a large segment of the population saying "Stop loading good ideas with Crap!"

"If you buy the DVD of `Black Hawk Down,' you can play Frisbee with it," said DGA spokesman Andrew Levy. "You can use it as a cat toy. If you buy a copy of the videotape of `Titanic,' you can rip out the tape and throw it in the fire. That's your business.

"But can you make changes to it and then profit off of it? That's wholly different...How do you not find that offensive?"

If I were to buy a Picasso, and cover up the naughty bits. What right does anyone tell me that I can't? It's my Picasso! Same thing goes with my DVD. If I buy a Movie and I remove or have someone remove the Naughty Bits, It's my Movie and I am playing Digital Frisbee with it, so to speak. And if someone is profiting off of providing me with the ability to do just that, Who cares? Well, obviously the DGA does.

For the time being, I am boycotting these authoritarian civil liberty trouncing directors: Robert Altman, Michael Apted, Taylor Hackford, Curtis Hanson, Norman Jewison, John Landis, Michael Mann, Phillip Noyce, Sydney Pollack, Robert Redford, Martin Scorsese, Brad Silberling, Steven Soderbergh, Steven Spielberg, Betty Thomas and Irwin Winkler.

In closing; I have just one question for you, "Why is it that I can buy Edited Audio Cassettes and CDs at WalMart but not Edited Video Tapes and DVDs?"


Musings and Ramblings

[Commentary by LNC 2002.08.25]

38% of you Found the Nutcase by searching for a little shameless self-promotion or a lot of shameless self-promotion.

I like this Libertarian Candidate. You should check out his Campaign Web Page. It is full of Good Articles and well articulated platform issues.

Take the How's George Doing Poll. Below are my answers and commentaries that I submitted.

1. I believe Corporate Responsiblity is nothing more than a catch-phrase, and big money will always control how the government protects me as an investor:
(x) yes () no

2. Bush is doing and has done everything he can to improve our economy:
() yes (x) no

3. The new legislation has helped restore my faith in the stock market:
() yes (x) no

4. How do you feel Bush is performing so far?

He did the right thing in Afghanistan, but this talk of invading Iraq worries me. He could be inviting the onset of WW-III. A lot of these Homeland Security measures are an outright infringement on our civil liberties and individual sovereignty. Mail Men and Utility workers spying on you is a page out of the Nazi Party Handbook and is a mere precursor to life in Orwell's 1984. What's next Double-U? Shall we now all say Sieg Heil?

There was a follow up question after submitting the first poll:

What does the future hold for the stock market, bullion and rare coins? How can we better serve you? Have a request or comment?

There will continue to be slides before everything levels off again. The market is readjusting after an artificially hot "Plastic Money" driven Economy. If you follow the Consumer Spending Patterns during the Holidays you'll see that not only was spending down, but Plastic Money Spending was down Exponentially. Yet Hard Currency (or at least Federal Reserve Notes) spending was up. Couple that with Credit Card Companies lobbying of Congress for protection by exclusion from Bankruptcies.

Think about it . . .

This Article claims my real name is an obvious pseudonym. Get it right - Liberty NutCase is the Obvious Pseudonym. I always used my real name when I wrote for CGX E-Zine. I must add that it is nice to have my work used as a reference in someone elses article, obviously.

Sorry, more mandatory Christina Christian



Musings and Ramblings

[Commentary by LNC 2002.08.18]

The Top Five Search Engine Keywords for This Week are:

senator ted kennedy' s wife 56.70%8th Ranked
senator boxer flaming liberal 22.63%3rd Ranked
israeli women philanthropist 10.54%19th Ranked
teresa heinz and abortion 5.33%10th Ranked
smallest quiz 2.97%

You can now find the story that generated the first four hits in My Archive. Let's see what we can generate from the following story.

Have you been following American Idol on Fox? I have been since the very beginning. I was stunned and really disappointed several weeks ago when Christina Christian was eliminated from the competition placing 6th over-all.

What's wrong with you, Idol-Watchers? Christina has more talent then Justin, RJ and Nikki combined. She is every bit as beautiful and talented as Tamyra and Kelly.

Yes, Christina is obviously my favorite.

Your first question to me would be of course, "NutCase, what has this got to do with Politics and Liberty?" Well, honestly nothing except that it proves that there are other things in this world that move me besides jumping up and down from my soap box. Music is a big part of my life. My Family is the Most Important and is usually what will preoccupy me.

Anyway, I wouldn't be a true fan of Christina Christian if I don't post a picture or two and babble on an on about how great I think she is.


In the "No Surprise There Department" we bring you a Story recently broke by

The National Organization of Women ( NOW ) drops all pretenses of Non-partisan Affiliation.

[Commentary by LNC 2002.08.04]

On their new Web Page The Truth About George, not only do they drop any and all pretenses that they meekly maintained, but they totally misrepresent the Truth. Follows is a copy of a letter I sent to their research department.

|To: NOW
|From: Liberty NutCase
|Sent: Sunday, 04 August 2002 04:00 AM GMT
|Subject: Research Questions

On your page; You said:
"The Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore appointed George W. Bush to the presidency of the United States on Dec. 12, 2000, and he was sworn in as the 43rd president on Jan. 20, 2001. "

By a 7 to 2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the recounts were illegal. Under current Federal and Florida Law, as well as The Constitution, the ruling was correct.

Side Bar: The Media Sponsored recounts were completed independently and George W. Bush still won!

Summation: If you want to attack G. W. Bush, stick to the facts and expose him for real wrong doing; as in his total disregard for individual freedoms as he assaults our personal liberties and individual sovereignty.

To start off by saying "The Supreme Court . . . appointed George W. Bush . . ." is disingenuous and intellectually corrupt. You undermine any credibility that you would otherwise have and position yourselves as appearing to be yet another Spin Machine and Democratic Party Hack.

Does NOW truly want to further women's rights through education or are you delivering additional mind numbed Democratic "Pull the Big Lever" voters? Will you go down in history as the Great Educator or the Great Brainwasher?

Independent Thinker

I must concede that they did get it Right on with their attack on John Ashcroft's campaign to erode Individual Liberites in the name of Homeland Security. However, the tone that they set in the opening lines of their new web page undermines any credibility and ultimately undermines the Civil Liberty cause.

I've said it before and I say it again right now If Al Gore and had carried his own State (Tennessee,) Florida would have never been an issue!

In closing I ask, What did Tennessee know that no-one else wanted to admit to? In Al Gore's concession speach, he said he was going home to Mend Fences. So why has he taken up residence in Virginia?

Here's a collection of Multi-Slanted Views on the Recount. This could be a good resource for the reader. If you read both sides of an argument, you'll find the truth somewhere in between them. Or you just may see how the Left and The Right are both equally clueless . . .


Nutcase - Where are you?

[Commentary by LNC 2002.07.07]

Hello devoted readers,

I haven't written much because I've been busy. Here's some of the things that I have been up to or looking into.

Cool!! We are number 3 when you search Google with the key words senator boxer flaming liberal.

I read this really great article by Wendy McElroy on that led me to find the Individualist Feminists homepage.

Check them out!

Lucky Kitty Girl is working on her First Homepage. She's learning the concepts then I'll move her onto writing code, if that is what she desires to learn. But look forward to writings of The Lucky Kitty Girl on these pages.

There is actually a Real Candidate running in a local election.

Stan Lee is running for Volusia County Council District 4.

Take the Daria Test

More to follow . . .


War in Israel

I thought and lulled over what resources I'd direct you to on the current conflict in the "Holy Land" but, you'd have to be living with your head in the sand to not to have at least heard about the current conflict.

I don't really need to tell you about the current hostilities between two separate entities. But I have to stress:

There will Never Peace in the Middle East
Without Complete Annihilation of One Side or the Other!

[Commentary by LNC 2002.04.02 #5]

Israel and Palestine have been at war in some shape or form as far back as Biblical Times. Their hatred and distrust of each other can be traced back to before the sons of Abraham. This is not necessarily a hatred between religions (the Bible predates Islam) or governments (many have come and gone) but between two opposing cultures, of two different people.

In more recent times, this is very evident.

Yasser Arafat rejected the Baraq Peace settlement, the most liberal and pro-Palestinian State that had been ever put forth before. He was afraid that the Extremists of his fellow contemporaries would turn on him for capitulating to the enemy. The Palestinian Charter calls for a unilateral dismantling and obliteration of the Israeli State. The people of Palestine do not want peace. They want it all.

Baraq was willing to give up 90% of captured and settled lands and return it to a Palestinian State. The Israeli people viewed this as a weakness. His so readily submissiveness to the "enemy" bought him his ousting from power in favor of a more Warring General, Sharon. The fascist disposition of the Israeli Government is a true reflection of the beliefs and ideology of the Israeli people themselves.

There is no question in my mind that the Palestinian Acts of Terrorism is appalling and unacceptable, but Israel is not innocent either. Their self-serving fascism may only now being recognized around the world by their most recent actions. All of this reverberates the memories of Palestinians being slaughtered in Lebanese Refugee Camps by the Israelis are still fresh in my Memory twenty years later.


From a historical Standpoint…

Many of my contemporaries were confused by the whole USA -VS- USSR notion and how it would apply in a West versus East, post Cold War Olympic brouhaha. So I present to you . . .

Russian Jealousy of the U.S.

[By Lotaso 2002.03.23]

The beginnings of this rivalry can be traced back to the break up of the Roman Empire C. AD 300 into two parts. The state religion of the empire at this time was Christianity and the Christian church split up into two with the empire. These formed into the Roman Catholic Church in the west and the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Empire. The people of the Muscovite State also adopted the eastern orthodox denomination. Because of this religious divide from Europe, the renaissance did not come to Russia, leaving them in the technological dust. Here is the beginning of the jealousy of east to the west.

Peter the Great would be a personification of this in his attempts to "Westernize" the country, but Russia would go nowhere until serfdom was eradicated. The decimation of feudalism by the crusades (the lack of knights took away the use for the peasants) and the black plague gave Europe a little more time to experiment with things such as art and weaponry. This was the huge jump in technological understanding known as the renaissance. Unfortunately Russia wasn't able to benefit from its next-door neighbor's developments. The nobility didn't like this much (the peasants were too busy trying to survive to care) as you could imagine, but for some reason nobody wanted to change until Czar Alexander II realized he was lagging behind. In 1861 he issued a decree freeing the serfs, but by this time the industrial revolution of Western Europe and America had already pushed Russia even farther behind. Too little, too late, Alexander.

To add to of all this, there was the humiliating defeat of the Crimean War. Russia was attempting to gain access to the Mediterranean by taking over the Ottoman provinces in the Balkans. Great Britain and France felt threatened and decided to attack Russia on the Crimean Peninsula (that part on the top of the Black Sea that curves inward.) Anything to help Russia's positive self-image, they lost so many people they had to sue for peace. All the hatred already welled up inside towards the European nation would be redirected toward the U.S. with the economic problems caused by the two world wars.

WWII ended with the USSR and the USA as the major powers left. USA has a European origin as most of the American nations do. So the "Cold War" was inevitable, as was the end, with the US surviving stronger then ever and the USSR collapsing into a pile of economic woes. The competitive edge brought on by the split of the Roman Empire has lasted this whole time and turn into a desperate jealousy that makes the Russians do anything they can to feel better about themselves. What an inferiority complex!


This Weeks Top "Subservient Suck-ups" from The Boston Globe Online; Women senators rally around Kerry for Senate

[Commentary by LNC 2002.03.12]

Five Democratic Female US Senators are campaigning in the Liberal Bastion known as the People’s Republic of Massachusetts for thrice elected US Senator John Kerry. Three of which are the notorious Flaming Liberal Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Arkansas Carpetbagger Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and our favorite San Francisco style Liberal Queen, Barbara Mikulski (D-MD).

So far, Kerry will be facing Libertarian Michael Cloud and a yet to be named Republican this November.

The three "We know better than you do" Pit-bull politicians we’ll be beginning their campaigning for Kerry at a fundraiser chaired by Kerry’s wife, philanthropist Teresa Heinz. It is co-chaired by Vicki Kennedy, wife of the Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy’s (D-MA) and Angela Menino, wife of Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. The topic of discussion will be Women’s Issues, Suffrage and the Right to Abortion.

It sounds like the meeting of the Old Movers and Shaker’s Liberal Club of Martha’s Vineyards. Especially when you consider that Kerry already has at least $550 Million dollars of his wife’s money behind him. These women are just getting face time and Buddy-points with the most likely Democratic Nominee for President in 2004. If they really cared about their fellow women, their plight and elevating their status in Massachusetts and America, they would be, as Joe Sciacca of the Boston Herald said, " . . . lunching with (Acting Governor) Jane Swift (of Mass.) "

It boils down to one simple fact, these Feministas only seek to further their own careers and power-broke their agenda with more influential males and really don't care about one of their own who could use some help furthering hers.

Go Figure.


2002 - Feb - 22

Today’s Top "You can’t be Serious" Article, from Fox News: "ISU Denies Russian Protest Seeking Duplicate Women's Skating Gold Medal"

[Commentary by LNC and Lotaso 2002.02.22]

The Olympics, the most Politically charged Non-Political Event on this planet, has found a whole new role in World Politics. If you are at least as old as I, you have first hand memories of the US Boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics held in Moscow, USSR. Even more of you will remember the subsequent Soviet Boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics; citing concerns over the safety of their athletes in what they called an anti-Communist environment.

With latest East Bloc -Vs- Western fiasco from the strange loss of the Canadian Skating pair to the obviously inferior Russian Pair followed by the Russian protest that their, once again, substandard female skater was robbed; epitomizes the self-serving over zealous Russian Government pomposity in the Soviet Vein.

Objections filed by Russian skating federation that reverberated right up to Russian President Vladimir Putin demonstrates, unequivocally, the current Russian Government’s disdainfulness for the Western World, especially towards the very country that they are begging for hand-outs and economical assistance from; the United States of America. It is a reflection of the inferiority complex felt by the current non-Communist ruling regime after losing the Cold War to their 40+ year nemesis, the "Capitalistic Dogs" of the world, the United States of America.

In light of this misdirected rhetoric of a financially strapped government, to me, only foretells of sales of Nuclear Weapons to countries and/or agents who will use them against their conquering nemesis. The current Russian regime may not have the balls to go toe to toe against a superior world power, they are not above using a third party sacrificial lamb, so to speak, to attack the very World Power that got the upper-hand over them. Their long traditional egocentric pride throughout history reinforces my allegations.

The well articulated words of General Patton come to mind – " . . . I have yet to meet a Russian (Government) bastard that I could trust. I think we shouldn’t stop here in Berlin, but keep on rolling right into Moscow."

Related Story - Hockey Defeat by U.S. Completes Russian Misery

In the Strange Bedfellows Department - From the Washington Times: "Gun rights groups rip UN chief's 'hypocrisy'"

[Commentary by LNC 2002.02.22]

The current allegations of the UN Security Officers carrying illegally imported and domestically banned fully automatic German made MP-5 Machine Pistols is the pinnacle of a corrupt World Governing Body’s self-centered attitudes. This demonstrates, in the typical UN Elitist Fashion, that Secretary-General, Kofi Annan of Ghana, believes in the Liberal tried and true intellectually corrupt battle cry "Make small arms illegal for everyone in the world but us, the would be World Kings."

The Ironic part of this whole story is Anti-Gun Organizations concede to the NRA Mantra "you have got to enforce the current gun laws to curb gun crime . . ."


Can you be any more outraged?!? From the Washington Times: "State confirms Pearl's death"

[Commentary by LNC 2002.02.22]

Muslim Fanatics show exactly how brutal and uncivilized they are. These inhuman murderers will stop at nothing to shock and attack the Western World. These Jihad Marauders, much to the disdain of The Real Islam, will stop at nothing to embarrass the more moderate and truer to the faith Muslim Eastern World.


Indirect Quote of the week:

"If you are going to hold the gays accountable to these crazy arcane sex laws (of Alabama) then you have got to do the same thing to the straight!"

Bill O’Reilly in reply to statements made by the lawyer representing Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama.


Cheap Chappaquiddick dig of the Week:

Happy 70th Birthday to Honorable Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy, but I got ask you, how old would Mary Jo Kopechne be today?

XOXOX LNC & Lotaso


2001 - Sep - 21

Hello, Liberty Nutcase here, I have been woefully neglective of the very webpage that got me started in 1994. Wow! Has it been that long?!?

I last updated a lot of the info here back in 1997, not long after relocating to the World's Most Famous Beach. Well, There's a whole new web out there and a whole new Nut-Case who has put Liberty as priority Number One!!! Especially in view (vue for you old timers) of recent events!!

The time is at hand for me to rise again - God have mercy on your political correctness!

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