Jesus' Edicts For Freedom

Wisdom from the Bible that guided America's founding fathers in shaping the constitutional republic our ancestors once enjoyed.

My new site has all my latest updates. You should go there.

When Yahoo! bought GeoCities, they rewrote much of the software, making access to update my site very sporadic.
So I relocated to a new address so I could keep my site up to date.
Please go there to see all my latest articles!

Formerly "Jesus' Eternal Freedom Foundation"

Too lame. To reflect the urgency of our time, I changed it to

"Jesus' Extremists' Freedom Front!"

Then people thought I was a band of guerillas!

I wonder how long I'll stay with this name!

"Extemism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!

Senator Barry Goldwater
Republican Nominee for President, 1964


Why you need to read this web site:

To understand humanity's basic conflict
which has come to a head in our time;

to understand good and evil,
so you can avoid damnation
from unknowingly helping the Devil!

My articles on this site are free for all to download, print, copy, and distribute.

This site gets updated monthly (more or less) so come back again!

Here's a new song! It should be the anthem of the Christian Patriot movement.

(7131 bytes)

Read this eyewitness account of Federal oppression of Andrews, North Carolina!

(10370 bytes) (An average person reads about 1 kb / minute, so for example, figure about 10 minutes for this article.)

New article! Clinton has started the next world war!

(8685 bytes)

Guest article:
The Christian Foundations of the Declaration of Independence
A truly excellent article by Dale Crowley, Jr. !

(21191 bytes)

This article describes the Biblical foundation of early American law, and gives an overview of how it is being attacked.
Stand Up For America!

As I re-read this article I wrote five years ago, it amazed me how little I had to change it, considering how much I've learned since then.
(60783 bytes)

How to Protect Your Rights
Gun owners should actively oppose the NWO now!
Not wait until we've already been checkmated!

(6778 bytes)
Here's a flyer you can pass out at the Post Office on April 15!

Who should be your master? God, or government?
Here's a clue: The Government is Lying!

(9570 bytes)

Debunking the debunking:
Remember the cold fusion "hoax" ten years ago? It turns out that the scientists who "debunked" the "hoax" fudged their data!
About 100 scientists are currently studying cold fusion, and getting results!
Here are two articles on the subject:
A short one (13 kb) giving an overview of the subject, and
A longer one (66 kb) profiling several of the scientists, and telling how cold fusion is being done.
Plus, here's my own suggestion on how cold fusion might be made reliable. (4232 bytes) (The reaction is very sensitive to impurities.)

As long as we're on the subject of nuclear things ...
Here's an article (27 kb) exposing the myth of plutonium being
"the most toxic substance on earth."

Got something you want to say? Click HERE to POST your comments!

Really! Take a look! We had a great discussion on May 8, 1998! And a good follow up on June 5!

Unlike several left wing web sites I've found on the net, I run an honest guest book! When you submit your entry, it automatically gets posted!

I've tried to post comments on the guest books of several left wing web sites, only to find that they allow the posting of only the comments of which they approve! The entry goes into a queue, and they post only the ones that either (A) give glowing approval of their views, or (B) disagree in such vulgar terms as to make it look like only idiots disagree with them!

When you submit an entry to MY guest book, it will be posted automatically! No screening! (I have broken some visitors' entries into paragraphs to make them easier to read, and even corrected some of their spelling errors for them!) I do reserve the right to edit or remove any entry that is too grossly vulgar, but have not yet had any need to do so.

So go ahead and say what you think! But please do refrain from profanity. Don't spoil my guests' perfect record!

(2471 bytes)

Brief Summary of this web site:

The whole idea of people's rights comes from the Bible. Most of the commands in the Bible are to respect other people's rights. That is the belief that created the USA, and gave us the freedom we once enjoyed, but is now being assaulted by runaway government.

Human nature includes lust, greed, and pride; the three basic sins. These three, especially greed and pride, lead people to violate other people's rights. Government is the ideal vehicle for the greedy and prideful to satisfy their sinful desires.

America's founding fathers understood this, and set up a government with LIMITED power, with checks and balances. They set up various institutions of government (legislative, executive, judicial; national, state, county, city, etc.) to oppose one another, so that one group never has too much power. This tends to limit the abuse of power and restrain the sins of greed and pride.

Today, most of those limits have been circumvented, and government is rampantly abusing its power! Too much centralization of power always has the same result! "Absolute power corrupts absolutely!"

The USA was founded by CHRISTIANS (not "deists"!) who understood the above principles. They were good stewards of the opportunity God gave them. Today's Christians are being VERY BAD stewards of what God has given us! And we are now just beginning to reap the consequences of the laziness and irresponsibility we have sown!

We have failed to be the salt of the earth. Without the preservative, our society is rotting. By trying to be the sugar of the earth, we are actually feeding the decay!

We need to re-learn these principles and tell the rest of society the benefits of following them. We need to start being faithful to tell everyone the virtues of God's ways!

Whether or not people follow our guidance, we owe it to God to give it to them! If they ignore God's commands, they will reap the consequences. If we don't tell them God's commands, we will have disobeyed God!

Will you help us try to lead America back to God? Or will you keep taking part in the rebellion by ignoring his commands? Silence means consent! There is no middle ground! "He who is not for us is against us."

This web site is an attempt to lead America back to God. My articles are mostly about the basic principles of a Godly social order. My links lead to many web sites with many articles on just about everything going on today, and how God's principles apply. Read on, and become enlightened!

Update (7923 bytes) to my "Urgent Warning" article:

I said that something like this was going to happen! I posted the "urgent warning" article during the first week of January, 1998! Now, on February 19, the "someone" I mentioned in the article (along with an "accomplice") was arrested in Las Vegas for suspected possession of BIOLOGICAL WARFARE agents!
Read these articles based on PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS with LARRY HARRIS!

Urgent warning for all Americans! Read this article! (12370 bytes)

The threat of BIOLOGICAL WARFARE is very real! Here's an article (11508 bytes) about one way to defend against it (and most other diseases, as well)!

(11508 bytes)

The Big Picture

(6228 bytes)

There's a tremendous amount of information available concerning what's going on in the world. In fact, you could fill a library with it! So why am I adding more? Most of my articles are intended as "entry level" literature. The Global Scenario is a very big picture; difficult for a newcomer to grasp. Most of my articles are written to give a brief overview of the big picture; to lay out the basic elements of who's doing what to whom, and why.

The Root Cause

The eternal being who is the basis of all existence, Yahweh (I AM), created humanity in his own image, intending that we all be free to choose our individual destinies. Another being he created, Lucifer, thought he would make a better god than Yahweh. He was thrown out of heaven, and is now the god of this world.

He enticed Adam and Eve to disobey Yahweh, thus separating them from Yahweh's protection. Then he enticed many of their offspring, offering them power through the occult. "Empty yourself of conscious thought, and open yourself to the Cosmic Consciousness," he said, to get them to abandon reasoning, the way we defend ourselves against being deceived. Some people gave themselves over to this practice, variously called witchcraft, necromancy, spiritism, etc.

This gave the devil, Lucifer, access to put his ideology into people's minds. His ideology is collectivism. He wants people to be his mindless servants. The "New World Order" is his religious/social/economic structure that deprives people of their minds, their rights, and their property. It is the means to implement his control over every human!

He offers high positions in his structure to those who are especially shrewd and ruthless, and who totally offer themselves to his service. They built today's financial system to steal everyone's property. They infiltrated the governments to gain the power to physically attack people. (Communist governments have murdered 180 million people!) And they gained control of today's education system, media, and most churches, to convince the people that all this is "for their own good."

The entertainment industry entices people with lust, to keep them occupied, so they won't think about how they're being manipulated. The news media gives a warped picture of the world, leaving out certain key information, so people will think that their government is doing the right thing.

This "octopus" has spread its control over the entire world. It is now working to extend its control deeper and deeper into the private lives of all people. The Devil's (and the servants he has enlisted) lust for power drives them to want to control every detail of your personal life! "You are not your own! You belong to the collective!"

Of course, collectivism often masquerades as "capitalism." Either way, you get a monopoly. Collectivism starts there, capitalism tends toward it. Either way, there is no free market.


A free market is the ultimate form of democracy! Not only does everyone do what the majority wants, every individual does what he or she wants! (As long as they don't interfere with others.) Sovereign individuals! That's freedom!

Yahweh created humanity intending that each individual freely manifest his or her own personality. Your property is an extension of yourself; what you create with your hands, and what you barter it in exchange for is a far greater expression of your individuality than just your own self! Everyone has pretty much the same basic equipment: arms, legs, fingers, toes. (With a few exceptions, such as injuries.) But your property is a far greater expression of your individuality than your self!

Yahweh also provided for our need created by the disobedience that began with Adam and Eve. Yahweh manifested himself in the flesh, calling himself Yahshua (I AM SALVATION). The word became Iesus in greek, and Jesus in English. He offered himself to receive the penalty for our disobedience. Having taken that into himself, he now offers forgiveness of our disobedience. We receive it by putting him on (like a garment) in immersion.


All who truly forsake their disobedience, and learn his ways, and live accordingly, will be fully restored to the physical perfection that existed before disobedience. This restoration will be done when the Devil's empire has run its course.

The New World Order will have its day. Yahweh will let the Devil fully implement his plan, so the true nature of his plan will be plainly seen. The Devil offers "freedom" (from morality, from self control, from respecting others' rights) that leads to destruction! The Devil's "freedom" leads humanity to destroy one another!

Then Yahweh's Kingdom will arrest and execute all who held positions in and cooperated with the Devil's empire! And rule the Earth with true peace and happiness, that can come only through justice! No collectivism! True freedom! Through self control! No thugs (jack-booted or otherwise) will victimize people anymore!

Whose side are you on?

To have a place in Yahweh's Kingdom, you must prove yourself faithful now. You must demonstrate character that is compatible with the peace and safety that can come only through justice! You must choose! You will be in one kingdom or the other! If you do not choose to join Yahweh's Kingdom, you have by default chosen not to be in it!

The process of choosing does not end when you present yourself to be immersed into him. That is only the beginning! You must learn his ways, and live accordingly. He is the Creator! All knowing and all wise! His ways are best! They may be more difficult up front, but the later benefits (in this life, and in the world to come) far outweigh the cost!

His ways include guidelines for conducting your own personal life, and for nations to organize their activities. In fact, over 80% of the Bible discusses affairs of state! The Bible has a lot to say about governing the affairs of people! Nations that follow those guidelines prosper tremendously! Nations that ignore those guidelines destroy their wealth!

The following are links to articles I have written about Yah's ways, and the need to be on his side in the global conflict we were all born into, and is soon coming to a climax.

Making pamphlets

As I said up front, feel free to download, print, copy, and distribute the documents. Not everybody has access to the Internet. So make copies to pass along to them.

Many of these articles were originally pamphlets I made for free distribution before I got this website. To make pamphlets from these articles, cut and paste the text from the web page onto Word Pad or Microsoft Word (or whatever word processor you have), change the text to a font like Arial or Arial Narrow or Book Antiqua (whatever looks nice, and fits on the page), and adjust the margins to about a half inch on each side. Try different fonts and sizes to fit the text nicely on the page. At a font size of 10 or 11 points, the text will come out to about 5000 characters per page. A 10,000 character document makes a great one page, two-sided flyer!

Copy and distribute!

Articles - Articles - Articles - Articles - Articles

Read about The Lord's Command on Politics (24560 bytes)

Do you know what God's Issues are? (13222 bytes)

We need to Restore Christian America! (22702 bytes)

Is the USA a Democracy or Republic? (2014 bytes)

Here's a great flyer for people with green and purple hair! (6724 bytes)

Are You Fed Up? (3128 bytes)

Is Everything Really OK? (10309 bytes)

Read about the real threat to national security! (17785 bytes)

Here's an Open Letter to Bill Clinton. (3819 bytes)

Bill Clinton opposes older men taking advantage of younger women. Really! He said so! (1141 bytes)

And now a word from a dangerous, fanatic, homicical, mass murdering, genocidal LEFT wing extremist! (2461 bytes)

ISO 9000: Turning your company over to the global planners! (6982 bytes)

U.N. Announces Plan for Global Governance. Plus updates on how much of it is already implemented! (17404 bytes)

When you realize how powerful the enemy is (Revelation 13:4 - "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?") remember what you read in This Will Boost Your Morale. (11165 bytes)

This song goes right along with the above article. It will also boost your morale! (7131 bytes)

Here's the most awesome picture you've ever seen!

(I shall add more articles here.)

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Many years ago, men of strong mind, strong will and strong character used to meet in The Green Dragon Tavern .  Coming together secretly, and often late at night, they met upstairs in the Long Room.  Here . . . they planned the destiny of our country, and plotted the course of freedom which we now sail.  

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Links - Links - Links - Links - Links - Links - Links

Alan Keyes has some very sound ideas, and is running for the Republican nomination for President. We must support good candidates in the primaries to have a decent choice in November!

A top choice among links is The Patriot. It contains HUNDREDS of links to web sites promoting the Patriot Movement.

Patriot Knowledge Base has an excellent links page. (From there, click on "Huge List of Patriot Links.") This directory of links also lists the articles posted on each one of the sites listed in the directory!

Restoring America is a VAST web site, with hundreds of articles and hundreds of links. Extremely informative! As much info as the TV networks! But (of course) FAR more accurate!

Every American needs to read this article!
George Washington's Vision and Prophecy for America

The Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List has many links to sites about the most basic of human rights: the right to life!

Of course, the premier pro-life organization is Operation Rescue. ENDORSED BY GOD !!! With signs and wonders! Who ever thought FLORIDA would burn down? It did! In June 1998, God himself showed up at Operation Rescue's protest of the Eisner-controlled Disney Corporation's support of pornography! (Forget about any arson theories! The miracle is that it was even POSSIBLE for The Swamp State to burn!)

Another pro-life resource is the American Life League.

The Western Journalism Center is one of the BEST sources of news ANYWHERE!

NewsMax is also outstanding!

Media Bypass is a great way to bypass media censorship!

The Washington Weekly also has lots of info The System wants to keep from you!

Free Republic is also excellent!

The Informed Electorate has a list of links, most of which are pretty good.

The Drudge Report also has some good info.

Most of the above news links have pages linking to other news outlets, and good columnists like Thomas Sowell, Joe Sobran, William Buckley, Chris Ruddy, and Pat Buchanan.

Charley Reese is one of my favorite columnists.
Pat Buchanan calls him "an America first patriot who makes me sound like Boutros-Boutros Ghali!"
(Been having trouble accessing his columns?
Click on the above link now to access the new and improved Charley Reese pages!)

The Rush Limbaugh Featured Site (and the archive of past featured sites) is quite good, but so is the home page of Vic Bilson, who runs the site, and The Jeremiah Project, which he also runs. Vic is a member of Central Christian Church of Wichita, Kansas, whose minister, Joe Wright, created quite a stir on January 23, 1996 with his invocation before the Kansas Legislature (posted here with comments.)

True Light Ministries has some very good articles on what the Bible says about some of the false doctrines rampant in today's church.

Religion/Politics & Other Stuff !!! is a fellow's website with lots of interesting commentary and other goodies!

Here's a link to some searchable on line Bibles!

The Biblical Studies Foundation has a large library of Bible study materials online.

The Constitution Society has a large library of Constitution study materials online.

Hey! Check this out! The flag has a web site!

Anybody remember this? Gordon Sinclair's broadcast on June 5, 1973 on CFRB radio, Toronto.

(I shall add more links here.)

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