Diana Mordor
discover that she had returned too late.  When she arrived, the castle was in flames and her siblings and the human servants were killed.  After that day she swore she would have her revenge, even if she had to spend the rest of her life in persute of it
  For five years afterwards she wandered the world, living off of her hatred alone, stealing food that humans threw away and staying in caves and forests.  She searched the world blindly for anything that might lead her to her betrayer.  Her grief consumed her and she lost almost all capability of pity or remorse, living on only for the hope that one day she would have her vengenace.  Then she decided that perhaps killing those that others hate as much as she hated her brother could possibly ease her own pain and she began working as a mercenary.
  She became one of the best and worked for kings and emperors and just about anyone who had enough to pay.  She continued this job of killing
for ten years.  Then one day she was hired to kill a High Priestess named Sheseskare Blackmane. 
  She was usualy picky about her jobs but jumped at the chance to take this one.  She was told that this High Priestess was located at a place called the Gray forest, which was only fifteen miles north of Castle Mordor.  However, if Diana thought this was going to be an easy kill, she was mistaken.  To her surprise, the High Priestess seemed to be expecting her arrival and treated her as a guest instead of a hired killer.  When Diana tried to fight Sheseskare Blackmane she was defeated, but left alive.  To her further astonishment, she told her where she could find Azazel Blackmane, Sheseskare's husband and the betrayer that Diana had been searching for for fifteen years.
  The High Priestess did not seem to think that there was any danger in telling her this, which angered Diana Mordor and she soon found the location of the clan called eve.  While there she met a few interesting people, including a few children who seemed to grow attached to her almost immediatly.  Dispite her hatred for just about everyone, she found herself having a soft spot in her heart for those few children and quickly realized that she cared deeply for them.
  Soon later, Azazel arrived at the haven and after fifteen years Diana had a chance to confront her elder brother.  At first Azazel refused to believe that he had any other siblings and denied every meeting her or her rookery siblings.  The fact that he denied his crimes only made Diana more enraged.  After what Diana had told him started to sink in, Azazel left the haven to walk alone in the woods and think on what she had said. 
That is where Diana struck, knocking him around, but Azazel did not fight back.  Strangely enough, after fifteen years of searching him out to try and kill him, Diana could not bring herself to do so.  Later, Azazel gave Diana proof that he had nothing to do with the slaughter and that the letter had not been from him, but from their father, Kain.
  This at first struck Diana harder than any mortal wound ever could, but later she returned to her brother and they began to get to know each other.  She also returned to Castle Mordor and restored the building.  But she still searches.  Searches for peace, contentment, and most of all, for a purpose.