"Easy Baking"

Show 53

Elizabeth Vdovjak
Chef/Owner - The Upper Crust

Cookies with Basic Short Dough

1)  1 lb. softened butter
2)  9 oz. sugar (1 1/4 cup granulated sugar)
3)  3 eggs
4)  1/2 lb. cake flour (2 cups)
5)  1 lb. of all purpose flour (4 cups)
6)  1/4 oz. salt (one teaspoon)
7)  2 teaspoons baking powder
8)  1 teaspoon vanilla
9)  1/2 teaspoon almond flour

Mix those ingredients in a blender...then put in plastic wrap and refrigerate
for at least 2 hours.  Then roll out the dough and shape cookies with cookie
cutters.  Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes or until they begin to

Easy baking!!

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