"Easy Baking"

Show 55

Elizabeth Vdovjak

Chef/Owner - The Upper Crust

703 323-6391

Pastry Cream
(This can be used in making a fruit tart or
filling for other pastries)

1)  2 cups whole milk
2)  2/3 cup granulated sugar
3)  1/4 cup cornstarch
4)  6 egg yolks
5)  2 tablespoons butter
6)  2 teaspoons vanilla

1) Combine 1 1/2 cup milk and all the sugar in a saucepan.  Bring to a boil.
2) In a bowl whisk together the 1/2 cup milk, the cornstarch, and then the
egg yolks...adding them one at a time.
3) Whisk about 1/3 of the boiling milk into the yolk/milk mixture...and
whisking constantly, return the now hot yolk mixture to the boiling milk
on the stove.
4) Cook and stir until thickened...being careful not to scorch.
5) Remove from heat.  Add cold butter and vanilla.  Stir well.
6) Scrape into a clear glass or stainless bowl.
7) Cover immediately with plastic wrap and chill.

 Meringue Buttercream
(This can be put on a cake as a frosting)

1)  1 cup egg whites
2)  2 cups granulated sugar
3)  1 1/2 - 2 cups sweet butter
4)  Food coloring (if desired)

1) Whip whites and sugar over boiling hot water until sugar is dissolved.
2) Place bowl on mixer stand.  Whip on high until meringue is very stiff.
3) Add softened butter with a paddle attachment.  Add flavoring.
4) Food coloring can be added at the end if desired.

Easy baking!!

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