"Easy Baking"

Show 67

Stephan Giannoni - Pastry Chef
Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Chef Stephan Giannoni and Lindsey Gustin

Caramel Custard or Creme Renversee

1)  1 quart of whole Milk
2)  1 cup of Sugar
3)  10 whole Eggs
4)  Vanilla Extract to taste
5)  1 cup of Sugar
6)  1/2 cup of Water for Caramel

1)  Mix one cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of water in a pot
      and cook until caramelized, then pour into the
      dishes or dish.
2)  Whip the whole eggs and sugar until blended, add
      the vanilla extract and the warmed milk.
3)  Pour into the dishes and cook in a water bath for
      about 30 minutes or until done, at a temperature
      of 350 degrees.
4)  Refrigerate, unmold and garnish with berries before

Easy baking!!

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