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This I Believe...

My Testimony, part ITemporarily missing
My Testimony, part II Temporarily missing

Christianity's Oldest Recorded Hymn

My Statement of Faith (Summarized)

The meaning of life is to honor and praise God, come what may.

A central part of the faith includes the importance of each believer to strive for holiness -- In other words, to attain uncompromising obedience to the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the seal of promise (Epheisans 1:13) which enables us to know what is holy and what is sin. This same Spirit, the totality of God, gives us certain gifts and revelations which can be used to further His purpose on earth and bring others to Him. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are One -- one-in-three, and three-in-one.

I firmly believe in the power of prayer. Many prayers have been answered by the concern of my brothers and sisters through the power of Almighty God. Bodies are healed, great things are accomplished, lives are changing -- To God be the glory! Pray with expectation, but never make demands upon the Lord. God has the ultimate say in how a prayer is to be answered.

I hold firm to the scriptural truth that "we are saved by grace through faith, not by works..." (Ephesians 2:8-9). May our works be known as the fruits of our salvation, and not as the source. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), and for that we all deserve destruction for being, by nature, rebellious to our Father in heaven.

But God sent His only son Jesus Christ to earth to give us a chance at salvation. To avoid the flames of hell, one must believe upon Him with all of his/her heart. "Salvation is not something man does, but the exact opposite: it is something we do not do." Regardless of physical or spiritual status, all may submit and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is made possible through the sacrifice Jesus endured for us by crucifixion, then by conquering death and rising from a sealed rock-cut tomb after three days. A terrible painful execution it was, yet He endured it all so we can share eternity and an earthly communion with Him.

Imagine how much love is invested in you. Such amazing love should not be overlooked. We owe God our eternal allegiance.