MARCH 08,2002


I Thought ...

I read this on the back of a tea box ... I thought you might like it.

"There are some things you wouldn't change even if you could .Things that can't be improved on, because they are just about as exquisite as anything gets. Things that appeal to our senses and sensibilities - like a perfect moment, a piece of music, a creation - that we rely on to take us beyond standards. Things that soar above the level best. These are the things we call classics. They bring a quite magnificence into our homes and hearts. They often come to us from a time when people's visions are clearer, when they can see the way though to truths about how we could live, and what we could achieve, if we combined equal parts of wisdom, integrity, purpose, and love. Classics aren't always lofty and unattainable; most of them are easily within our reach. And they teach us that though we can't always add to the quantity of our daily lives, we can do wondrous things about their quality."

Today these words will change the world ... You shouldn't be afraid?

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