August 17,2004


Running in the Night Dust.

Sometimes I picture myself running in the night time along a wide but dusty path … lit by the moon and stars.
I’m on my 29th mile of this particular run.
It’s rained.
The wind has both warmed and chilled me. I’ve seen very little wildlife although I’ve heard much. They probably heard me first.
As my feet hit along the dusty path, I’m not going anywhere as far as a destination is concerned and tomorrow night I’ll be right back out here along the same path.

Sometimes as you run it feels as if the energy in misting down upon you until it reaches your feet … and then you float on dusty silk carpet. My feet are hitting the ground … dots in the universe … like the stars above me. You feel like you’re running atop a giant ball … and you are.

Today and tonight my run will change the world. Are you afraid?

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