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Well if you would like to link to me i would be very honoured and this is a button thing i made which you can use.

This is more general links section:

This is probably the biggest fanfiction section on the net. It probably has every single anime ever created.
Neo Mag
This is the website for the first UK anime magazine woo, has a forum and stuff about the next issue.

Cosplay resources -self explanatory really, its one of the largest communities for cosplaying, and it has a huge forum where you can ask for tips and stuff - i think it's being revamped, and the forums are offline....but theres links to anime europe where they have lots of stuff -this is a tutorial for making armour and stuff using fun foam (get from places like hobby craft) and plastic sheeting (theres UK links on the site) - loads of stuff here, they do ship world wide, but im not sure how much etc - Shop from they sell wigs, boots and wonderflex (and if you're wondering what it is, it's like a great material for making props and armor that all you have to do is heat up to use ^^) - wonderflex tutorial and examples of what you can do with it (same site as above, i think they sell wonderflex with the best shipping rates to outside america, although dont quote me on that.....) - they sell some wigs, good if you want a plain wig, and some of them are really cheap. They have a london store too (thanks to Roach1)- This site is kinda like comprehensive section to post info on your costumes, and a comission section as well as lots of links ( if your willing to pay for postage and stuff)(thanks Caz-Chan)-Too much to mention, but if you search cosplay then you're likely to find some great costumes, i think all are sent from Hong Kong or China, so if you're ordering look to pay some steep postage prices, on there at the moment, Lulu from FFX and Sailor moon suits
Local Charity shops! (thanks JoeW)- They have lots of random stuff,and they're cheap, and it all goes to charity, what more do you want?
Primark - Stupidly cheap shop, go there for plain T-shirts (for like £3) trousers, belts (again about £2, so good if u want them to cut up and stuff , like i did to use the buckle on one) etc etc


Manga download sites

direct manga This site has tonnes and tonnes just go and check it out for yourself

Multi Anime Sites

Michaels favorites Has more or less anything you could ever want to see to do with Cardcaptors, Yu-Gi-Oh, Tenchi, Sailor moon and slayers. Masses of screen shots.


Beyblades 101 Cool site, has lots of info. Not been updated recently.

One of the best Kai shrines i've seen. Lots of G-revolution spoilers as well, if you can't wait for the dub to come out.

Official beyblade site What more can i say?

Beyblade eternal Has one of the best humor sections i have ever seen, it's a must visit.


Shaman king

Shaman king house Lots of info on the Japanese version of Shaman king. Very good music section.
Shaman king AnimeVery good site with lots of images. Some of the links are at the top of the page for those are silly like me and didn't notice them....

Tokyo Mew Mew

Saikou Ni Happy
(written by Lai who owns the site)My website is a Tokyo Mew Mew fan site with galleries, song lyrics, summaries, character, creator & seiyuu info, merchandise etc... I wanted to create a Tokyo Mew Mew site because there are not many sites (especially Uk sites) based on the anime & since the anime is not widely widely know, i decided to create this site!

J-pop/Rock Fan sites

Maaya Sakamoto Fan Site
(written by dillpops) Well, it's really two in one, both based on maaya Sakamoto ^^ Guitar Chords & Grapefruits has been up for around two years now, I'm really proud of it ^^ it's basically a Maaya Sakamoto site with the usual news, reviews, discography etc.

Online manga and anime shopping

City Cyber anime
I happened on this while i was searching for where to buy Shonen Jump and lo and behold you can pay in pound sterling and its got all the american releases (region 1 though i'm afraid) and Shonen jump *jumps for joy* Yay, and it has a next day delivery if you order before 4pm. It's so good. Shipping is quite expensive though.

United publications
Another import site, very good and shipping is cheap because its based in Kent.

Yet another import site, also very good.



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