These laddies are the "RoUgH RiDeRs" of Adult Webcams:10. It doesn't necessarily follow that they are any better or worse than anyone else, but for lack of a desire to label anyone as something inappropriate, I decided to lump these men (and a few boys too LOL), into this group. There are probably some diamonds in the rough here, but I'll be damned if I know which ones, Hehehehehe. I leave it up to you to enjoy finding out just what they are all about. Most have some history in room:10 and have won the admiration of more than a few for their wit, sense of humor, and overall appeal to the other regulars in the room. Most of the guys will end up either here or on the NeWGuYs page
GENTLEMEN                        LADIES                         RULES                     INDEX                          MORE RoUgH  RiDeRs
All times are CST (minus 6 hours GMT-Greenwich Meridian Time)
What can I say, jesus_IS_a_punker!! LMAO
He is more or less an afternoon to late evening
Phat is ready for a move up to the gentlemans' page. Ladies cast your ballots. Should Phat move up?
You  can find Phat' around 2:00 in the morning.
I don't know dove all that well, he seems like a nice fella. I DO like his taste in 'staches though. LOL stealdove is around late afternoons to late evenings.
This is "Young Tahoe", he's probably 87 by now. LMAO
Tahoe is mostly in during the afternoon and early evening.
Current Tahoe below
Sharky129 was nice enough to label his own picture, thanks buddy!! Sharky is an evening cat.
Owen.....hmmmm, what can I say? Owen likes to toss us all in his iggy bin from time to time. Luckily, he keeps enough pizza, beer, chips and a couple squeezes in there for us to keep entertained. When Owen gets pissy, we all have a better time in the bin anyway. LMAO. Owen yer a good fella, thanks fer some good laughs.  
MORE RoUgH RiDeRs >>>>>>>>
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