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*** Speeches Below: 1)God's Peace Kingdom... 2)In Order to Realize the World of Peace ***

Inaugural Convocation of the Universal Peace Federation
Keynote Address
Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon
"God's Ideal Family - the Model for World Peace"
September 12, 2005 - Lincoln Center, New York, New York

12-City American and 100-City Worldwide Speaking Tour

Good evening.
I address you as leaders from around the globe who do not hesitate to make extraordinary efforts for the realization of world peace. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your being present here tonight in spite of your very busy schedules.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin the 21st century, we find ourselves at a truly historic turning point. We are at a point of decision. Can everlasting world peace take root, or are we doomed to repeat the 20th century's dark and oppressive history of war and conflict?

The 20th century was a period of ceaseless struggle, including wars for colonial dominion, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and the Cold War. Living through this era, I dedicated my life entirely to the accomplishment of God's ideal of peace. I have always prayed sincerely that the United Nations, founded after the Second World War, would be an institution of peace, and that it would uphold God's will for the realization of eternal world peace.

The United Nations has made important contributions for peace. Nevertheless, at its 60th anniversary there is a broad consensus, both inside and outside the organization, that the U.N. has yet to discover the way to fulfill its founding purposes.

The number of member states approaches 200, but the offices of these states do little more than represent and even insist on their own interests. They seem inherently unable to resolve conflicts and achieve peace.

For these reasons, I declare today before all humanity the founding of a new international organization, the Universal Peace Federation. Its mission is to renew the existing United Nations and provide a new level of leadership as an "Abel-type" United Nations, that is, a United Nations whose efforts for peace are offered to Heaven, investing itself ceaselessly in living for the sake of others. To commemorate this day in its fullness, I am declaring a message from God to humanity in this age. It is entitled, "God's Ideal Familythe Model for World Peace."

God's Ideal Family
Respected world leaders, what do you think is God's ultimate purpose for creating human beings? Simply put, it is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. What does an ideal family look like? First, each person in the family is an owner of true love. When God first created human beings, He made Adam representing all men, and Eve representing all women, with the intention that they become owners of true love. The quickest way for them to cultivate a character of true love was to secure a parent-child relationship with God, whereby they could live in attendance to God as their Father. They were to have followed the path of living as one family with God.

I invite you to enter into a mystical state and prayerfully ask God, "What is the center of the universe?" I am sure that the answer you hear will be "the parent-child relationship." Nothing is more important or more precious than the relationship between parent and child. This is because it defines the fundamental relationship between the Creator God and human beings.

Then, what defines the parent-child relationship? Three things define this relationship: love, life and lineage.

Without our parents' love as a precondition, none of us would be alive today. God created human beings out of His absolute love, to be His partners in love. This relationship forms an axis of love, linking God the Father with human beings as His sons and daughters.

Is there anything higher or more precious than to be a son or daughter of God? If anything were higher, then surely human desire would aspire to attain it. But there is nothing higher. Do you think that when the omniscient and almighty God created Adam and Eve, He secretly reserved the highest position for Himself and made Adam and Eve to be only second best? We cannot imagine that God would do that to His children, to His partners who share absolute love with Him. As our eternal True Parent, God invested Himself 100 percent into the creation of human beings and endowed us with the right to have equal status with Him, to participate in His work as equals, to live with Him, and to inherit from Him. God bestowed upon human beings all of His attributes.

Though God is the Absolute Being, He cannot be happy alone. Adjectives such as "good" and "happy" cannot apply to any being that lives in isolation. They apply only where there is a robust reciprocal relationship. Imagine a professional singer who finds herself exiled to an uninhabited island. She may sing at the top of her voice, but with no one to listen, will it bring her happiness? In the same way, even the self-existent God absolutely needs a reciprocal partner of love in order to experience joy and be happy.

Next, how shall we live to become God's reciprocal partners and return joy to Him? In other words, how shall we live to become children of God, people whom God delights to call "My son," or "My daughter," people who embody a divinity equal to His? How can we become God's partners in completing the work of creation, partners who will inherit the entire creation? I answer: We should emulate the ideal beginning point of God's creative process. In the beginning of creation, God set up the principle of "living for the sake of others." God set the practice of true love as the nucleus, and from that point He began to create.

Therefore, to become God's children, our first responsibility is to resemble Him. We need to embody true love. The way to embody true love begins by living as a filial child, then a patriot, a saint, and finally a divine son and daughter of God. At that stage we can experience the innermost emotions of God's heart and resolve the grief that He has experienced for tens of thousands of years ever since the fall of Adam and Eve. God is almighty. It was not due to His shortcoming or lack of ability that He has been imprisoned in great pain and has endured immense suffering behind the scenes of history. It was because there are provisions in the Principle of Restoration, which He was not free to disclose, that called Him to wait with forbearance until Adam and Eve's positions, lost at the human fall, were recovered with the appearance of the perfected "Second Adam." Although God is all-powerful, He will not set aside the eternal laws and principles that He Himself established.

The Importance of Lineage
Do you know what has pained God's heart, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. And with the loss of His lineage, He lost His right of ownership. Let me talk about lineage for a moment. Lineage is more important than life and more important than love. Life and love come together to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three qualities that define the parent-child relationship, love, life and lineage, lineage is the fruit.

The seed of true love is embedded in God's lineage. God's lineage provides the context and environment for a true life. Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God's lineage is it possible to create God's homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are linked to God's lineage is it possible to establish world peace. Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough.

Without lineage, neither life nor love can endure. You strive to set a good tradition, but it will endure only through your lineage. Lineage is the bridge allowing the parents' spirit to carry on through subsequent generations. In other words, lineage is the first and final condition necessary for parents to harvest the fruits of their love, the fruits of their life and the fruits of their joy. We need to know this with certainty.

God intended for the seeds He planted to grow into a bountiful crop to be harvested in the autumn in the Garden of Eden. The ideal of God's creation was that He would raise Adam and Eve, His son and daughter, to the point where they would blossom in true love, give bloom to true life, and bear fruit in a true lineage. God desired to harvest the owners, families and nation of eternal life, eternal love and eternal lineage. Yet when Adam and Eve fell, this lineage, more precious than life itself, was lost. The fruits of true life and true love never matured. They became the fruits of Satan, lacking any relationship with Heaven. From them descended the six billion people now covering the earth.

God's Suffering in Search of the True Parents
False love, false life and false lineage infested the earth. God's love, life and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love. Heaven and earth were suffocated and transformed into hell. The world became a wretched place, far from God's presence. Yet humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this. People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the fall. That is why we refer to this world as hell on earth. God views humanity's tragic situation with a heart full of pain.

After creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God intended to wed them with His Holy Blessing and bequeath to them Heaven's right of ownership. God wanted Adam and Eve to inherit from Him the ownership of the entire universe. Because of the fall, however, all this fell under Satan's control. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night.

Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. There was only one way to recover this lineage and ownership. This was the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.

Was there ever a time when God, as their True Father and True Mother, could rejoice with human beings, enjoying the natural bonds of parent and child? Has God enjoyed even a year of comfort with His children, knowing that what He created was good? The answer is no; God has not enjoyed this even for one hour. And has anyone been able to comfort God in this pain? No, because no one has known the reason for this unbridgeable gap between God and humankind. No one has known why God and humanity are in such a tragic circumstance.

The biblical account of Cain and Abel reveals the beginnings of human conflict right in Adam's family. It provides the archetype for humankind's unending history of struggle, war and conflict. We are conflicted on many levels, beginning with the war between body and mind within each individual and extending to wars between nations and even to the global conflict between materialism and theism. Extreme selfish individualism threatens our prosperity even today. We deem young people to be the hope of humanity holding the promise for the future, but drugs and free sex enslave them. Advanced countries seem to believe that material goods are all that matter. They recognize only their own interests while ignoring the misery of tens of thousands who die of starvation every day.

Who can untie this ancient knot of Cain and Abel? It has been tightened for thousands of years and grows ever more tangled. Do you think the United Nations can do it? The U.N. at its founding proclaimed a movement for world peace, and for sixty years it has dedicated itself to this task; yet world peace still remains far distant. Peace among nations can never come when those entrusted with the task have not resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. Therefore, the time has come to launch an Abel-type United Nations that will set its course according to God's will.

God eagerly anticipated that someone would come and resolve these tragedies, but no such person appeared on earth. God waited and waited, looking for anyone who would take on the role of the True Parent. If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered forth lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens.

In this sense, it is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has succeeded in establishing the position of Adam, securing the position of the owner of true love, and received God's anointing as the True Parent of humanity. It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. I gained victory in the position of the horizontal True Parent, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. On that foundation, on January 13, 2001, I dedicated to Heaven the "Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship." By that ceremony I liberated and released God, the vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration. In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Through this absolute providential victory, God's body and mind are completely liberated!

The Way to Peace Through the Holy Blessing Ceremony Respected leaders! Our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused so much suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why should we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle? It is through the Holy Blessing.

The Holy Blessing Ceremony offers the grace of being grafted onto the true olive tree. It was inaugurated through the True Parents, who bring God's true lineage to humankind. Once you change your lineage to God's lineage, your offspring will belong to God's lineage naturally. The Holy Blessing is received in three stages: resurrection, rebirth and eternal life. Once you receive the True Parents' Holy Blessing, you can give birth to pure, sinless offspring and build an ideal family.

The best way to receive the Holy Blessing is with someone from another race, nationality or religion. I call this an "exchange marriage." This contributes to the enormous task of transcending the barriers of race, culture, ethnicity and religion and creating one family of humankind. In God's sight, skin color makes no difference. God does not stand behind the barriers of religion and culture. They are nothing more than the Devil's tricks. He has used them to rule over humanity as a false parent for tens of thousands of years.

Imagine two enemy families who have cursed each other throughout their lives, people who would never dream of living together. What would happen if these families joined together through an exchange Holy Marriage Blessing? Would the parents of two such families curse their son and daughter who became husband and wife, loved each other and built a happy home? If their son were to love this beautiful daughter of a hated enemy, and she were to become their daughter-in-law and give birth to Heaven's grandchildren as pure and clear as crystal, the grandparents would smile with pleasure. In time the lineages once soaked with enmity would be transformed.

What method other than exchange marriage will empower Whites and Blacks, Jews and Muslims, Orientals and Westerners, and people of all races to live as one human family? The ideal family is the model for living together in peace. The ideal family is the nest where we live and learn to become one. There we have the foundation of love and respect between parents and children, shared trust and love between husband and wife, and mutual support among siblings. For this fundamental reason, you should receive the Holy Marriage Blessing from the True Parents and establish Heaven's tradition of ideal families.

A Life of True Love
Let me reiterate: To resemble God, the original Being of true love, we should become the owners of true love. We should embody true love and practice it in order to develop our character. This is the way each of us can become true parents.

Then, what is a life of true love? True love is the spirit of public service. It brings the peace that is at the root of happiness. Selfish love is a mask for the desire to have one's partner exist for one's own sake; true love is free of that corruption. Rather, its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction in helping his parents. God created the universe out of just such love: absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, investing everything without any expectation or condition of receiving something in return.

True love is the wellspring of the universe. Once a person possesses it, true love makes him or her the center and the owner of the universe. True love is the root of God and a symbol of His will and power. When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually increasing in the joy of each other's company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.

The main attributes of true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so whoever practices God's true love will live with God, share His happiness and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

Respected leaders, you are now living in an age of blessing. God's promises are coming to fruition. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the Kingdom of Peace that is God's ideal of creation, is being established before your eyes. My life of more than eighty years, this lonely path trod solely for Heaven and stained with blood, sweat, and tears, is now bearing victorious fruit for the sake of the world's six billion people. From the spirit world, the Founders of the world's religions, tens of thousands of saints and your own good ancestors are watching your every movement. Whoever, therefore, strays from the heavenly path will be punished accordingly.

In more than 180 countries, Ambassadors for Peace who have inherited Heaven's will and tradition are making serious effort, day and night, to proclaim the values of true love and true family. They are moving forward with full force to establish peace on this earth. In the Middle East, one of the world's tinderboxes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have found the resources in my philosophy of peace to engage in a new dimension of dialogue. In past decades my Unification Thought played a decisive role in ending the Cold War. Now I am successfully leading behind-the-scenes efforts to bring about the unification of my homeland of Korea.

But I am not yet satisfied, because I began my life's work at the command of Heaven. I have come as the True Parent of humankind with God's anointing and I am determined to keep my promise to Him. I am determined to obliterate all national divisions and barriers that have poisoned this earth and to establish the world of peace, where all people everywhere can live hand in hand.

Respected ambassadors for peace: I believe you have learned many things through the message from God that I am conveying to you today. Humanity continues to drift aimlessly and needs your help more than ever as people representing Heaven. Please take this opportunity to make a new determination to be Heaven’s envoys prepared to uphold Heaven’s command. With this in mind, I would like to summarize the message I have given today so that we can all take the mission given to us by Heaven and inscribe it deep within our hearts.

What did I say was lost by the fall of Adam and Eve, who were created as God’s children?

First, the realm of the lineage given to us by God was lost. Blood lineage is the most special among all special rights that parents pass on to their children. By the fall, Adam and Eve received the false lineage of Satan and descended to become Satan’s children. We must understand with certainty that all human beings today without exception, regardless of who they may be, are the descendents of the fall who have inherited the blood lineage of Satan. When God created Adam and Eve, He invested His entire being – 100 percent – and created them on the standard of absolute love, absolute faith, and absolute obedience. He gave them His lineage as the seed for their love and life.

So from this moment, you are in a different position. The path has been opened wide for you to change your lineage through the Holy Wine Ceremony handed down by the True Parents and be re-Blessed so that you may establish true families.

Second, the realm of siblings was lost by the fall when, in the family of Adam, the older brother Cain killed his younger brother Abel. God’s original structure and blessing was that siblings in a family would lead a life of love and harmony, but this was degraded to become an enemy relationship of envy and resentment.

This is the reason that humanity needs to complete the restoration of lineage through the worldwide exchange marriages led by Rev. Moon. Then Abel, who is comparatively closer to Heaven’s side, establishes the position of the older brother in the subject partner position. This would establish the original family structure

Ladies and gentlemen, because I have spent my life digging up these secrets of Satan, it was inevitable that I would face persecution and suffering so intense as to be indescribable in words. Now, however, I have been victorious over all obstacles, and I have declared the Age After the Coming of Heaven, when the power of Heaven becomes manifest. On this foundation, I am building an Abel-realm on the world level that brings together religions and nations representing 70 percent of the current world population. To create a Cain-realm on the world level, I am bringing together those with the Mongolian birth mark, which includes some 74% of the world’s population.

Now these two, the worldwide Abel realm and the worldwide Cain realm, must become one and become as one body with the Universal Peace Federation that has been initiated in the position of an Abel-U.N. To establish a world of peace on this earth, all national boundaries and other barriers must be removed on a level that transcends religion and nations. I would like to remind you that this is how all humankind will be able to enter the world of the original ideal of creation. It is our destiny to fulfill the responsibility to establish the original right of ownership lost by the fall of Adam and Eve.

Please remember that now is the time when the Abel realm, which is on the side of Heaven, must digest the Cain realm on a cosmic level. Then we make a new beginning toward establish the New Heaven and New Earth – or the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven – with Heaven’s complete authority.

A Project for Peace
Leaders from around the world, let me take the opportunity provided by today's distinguished forum to reiterate my proposal for a truly providential and revolutionary project. For the sake of peace and human welfare, I propose that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, where Satan has historically divided east and west, and north and south, and where the North American and Russian land masses are separated. This passage, which I call the "World Peace King Bridge Tunnel," will link an International Highway System that will allow people to travel on land from Africa's Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.

God is warning that He will no longer tolerate separation and division. Carrying out this project will bind the world together as one village. It will tear down the manmade walls of race, culture, religion and country, and establish the world of peace that has been God's cherished desire.

The United States and Russia can become as one. The European continent, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all nations, and also all the world's religions, can combine their energies to succeed in this project. The success of this project will be decisive in establishing a Peace Kingdom where people will no longer make war with each other.

Ladies and gentlemen, some may doubt that such a project can be completed. But where there is a will, there is always a way - especially if it is the will of God. The science and technology of the 21st century render it possible to construct a tunnel under the Bering Strait. The construction costs are also not a problem. Think of how much money the world is wasting on war. Humanity needs to realize that we are committing fearful sins in the presence of history and our descendants. Let us take one example. How much money has the United States spent on the war in Iraq during the past three years? It is approaching $200 billion. That budget would be more than enough to complete the Bering Strait project.

In this age, war is a most primitive and destructive means of resolving conflict, and will never lead to lasting peace. Now is the time, as the prophet Isaiah taught, to beat our swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. Why must we continue this tragic path, pouring countless dollars into wars that, in the end, will never bring the reconciliation of enemies? The time has come for the countries of the world to pool their resources and advance toward the world of peace desired by God, the Master of this great universe.

Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is traveling down a dead-end street. The only way to survive is to practice the peace philosophy of true love, true life and true lineage taught by Reverend Moon. Now that we have entered the Age after the Coming of Heaven, your good ancestors are activated and the heavenly hosts are sweeping down upon the earth. Soon the countries and peoples that appear strong and mighty will change course and shift in this direction.

Our Mission
I leave you with a choice. There can be no perfection in ignorance. The message from Heaven that I convey to you today is both a blessing and a warning to this generation. I, Reverend Moon, will take the lead in establishing true families, true societies, true nations and a true world. Will you join with me as I rise and gain strength in accordance with heavenly fortune? Or will you remain captive behind the same old walls, all of them Satan's handiwork: the wall of your religion, the wall of your culture, the wall of your nationality and the wall of your race, and spend the remainder of your time on earth in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth.

Today we are participating in the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation. It represents God's victory, the fruit of the True Parents' blood, sweat and tears, and the world's cherished hope. It will carry out the role of an Abel-type United Nations in relation to the existing United Nations. Under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, we will serve as peace police and peace army to safeguard global peace. I hope that you will put on new armor in this new age and be wise and brave activists in this worldwide peace force, for the sake of humanity's future.

Please inscribe this warning from Heaven deep in your hearts. Remember that the only way to inherit Heaven's lineage, and to establish for eternity the ideal families that God has longed to see, is through the Holy Marriage Blessing established by the True Parents.

In closing, I ask you to devote your best efforts for the development and success of the Universal Peace Federation.

Thank you.

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God's Peace Kingdom

This is an edited version of Rev. Moon’s speech given on his USA 4-City tour to New York, Washington D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles, June 25-28, 2005. Theme: Now is God’s Time. Title: God’s Peace Kingdom is the Eternal Homeland for All Blessed Families.

Respected leaders of the United States: I am grateful that so many of you could gather here today, in spite of your busy public schedules. I would like to read to you an excerpt from one of my prayers given 47 years ago, in 1948:
"Loving Father, thank you for the grace by which you have protected your humble son, who has fought since childhood so that Heaven may not suffer humiliation and insult.

"Even the finest things of this earth are worthless when measured against the original heart by which You act. Considering this, we should feel boundless longing to stand in a position where we can connect to Your heart. A person who encounters Your true love could lose the entire world and don't miss it.

"Beloved Father, we must now establish the ideal world, our original homeland, where Your love saturates every person's life. During our earthly lives we must prepare for the day when we will make the transition into the new life as Your liberated children, inhabiting a realm of freedom there. Just as a child must be healthy in the womb for it to be healthy during its life in this world, we must lead wholesome lives in this world, if we are to be healthy and complete after entering heaven. Nevertheless, the world in which we live today is under the dominion of evil and therefore is full of contradictions. Thus the only way that Heaven and earth can support us in our endeavors, and the only way we can harmonize with the dynamic ebb and flow of the universe, is if we are victorious over ourselves to the extent that we are ready to give our lives.

"Loving Father, You have toiled throughout history to create a new springtime of hope for us. Let us recognize that, in order to greet the new spring, our lives must be bound to Your life. We must assimilate ourselves completely into You and be absorbed into You. Allow us the certain knowledge that this is the only way to receive Your spring and break forth as Your beautiful blossoms.

"Help us to also understand that just as a tree that blossoms in spring must pass through summer and autumn before it bears fruits, so too our lives must pass through a certain process before we can bear fruit. No matter how long it takes, or how stormy the environment, we cannot allow our inner self to be invaded. We must continue a course of steady development. This is the only way we can reach the next spring as a mother's body for a new life, a mature seed ready to be sown in the fertile soil.

"Though we may appear shabby and wretched, we must not forget that we are people whose internal form is as a crystal, capable of gathering the infinite life force to be planted as life-bearing seeds in the infinite world. I beseech You that we always remember, in the face of difficulties, that the more pitiful our external appearance, the more significant and substantial is our internal value. "We know, loving Father, that anyone whose heart is not overflowing with longing to attend You and bow down before You will be unable to bond with You in that eternal world. Let us open our hearts now, so that we may feel your heart. Let us hear Your voice today as it wells up within our hearts, so that we may establish our lives in your truth. Let us appreciate with our whole hearts, so that we may establish our lives in Your truth. Let us appreciate with our whole heart the tragic course You walked as You struggled behind the scenes of history to reclaim each one of us. Of our own accord, we bow our heads in Your presence.


Respected leaders, what is the first attribute of truth? It is that it is eternal and unchanging. If I truly have received the anointing of Heaven as the Savior, Messiah, Second Coming and True Parents who have appeared on earth to save humanity, then the word that I teach must not change. It must be the same as 40 years ago.

I have come as the True Parents of humankind with God's anointing, and I am determined to keep my promise to Him to create a united world of peace

I received Heaven’s call at 16 years old, and have now dedicated my life for over 80 years. The words from my mouth are not my own, they are truth given from Heaven. They are the heavenly doctrine that humanity should uphold and live by forever. Even if all six billion people on earth were to oppose me, they would remain eternal and unchanged. Nothing can be added or taken away, not even one iota.

The words from my mouth are not my own, they are truth given from Heaven

God created us to be born in love, raised in love, live our lives in the midst of His love, and then die in the arms of love. All should give rise to gratitude. The person who ignores the value of each and every moment to love will lose what is truly precious. A great person lives his or her live constantly aware of the precious value of each moment. From this perspective, it is vital to understand how to live in relationship with God’s will.

The Bible records a 4,000 year providence that includes Noah’s, Abraham’s, Moses’ and Jesus’ families. The mistakes made in those families were not events extending over several decades. Those who erred did so in a single moment and fated their descendants, peoples and nations to a path of indemnity extending over a thousand years of history.

As people of faith, we must understand how to eradicate evil and advance goodness in the context of our own life; how we are living each moment according to God’s will.

You may not understand about the spirit world, but through God’s grace, I came to know that unknown world with certainty. It operates on a simple principle. Those who live for others go to Heaven and those who live selfishly go to hell. It is our destiny to return to the original homeland lost by Adam and Eve.

Living for the sake of others is the essence of true love. Religion helps by teaching sacrifice and service. The ultimate goal of life is to possess God’s love completely. True love is the core of God’s being. It is to be possessed by a man and a woman together. The place filled with true love is the ideal Kingdom of Heaven.

Because of the fall, Satan’s blood lineage has passed to all people. He is the false parent. You must go back to God through the True Parents. You must inherit God’s love, life and lineage. This is only possible through the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony. This is not a religious rite of the Unification Church alone, but grace from God.

There are three reasons why God create man in material form: 1), for Him to be the Parent of all material existence and humankind. He wanted to be a being with form. 2), Being invisible, He cannot produce children (human beings) of His perfect image by Himself. Human parents are necessary to populate (create citizens of) the ideal Kingdom.

You must inherit God's love, life and lineage. This is only possible through the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony

3), He wanted to establish and maintain an eternal partnership of love with man. Everyone would call Him “Father.” All would be equal in His love. We are now living in an Age After the Coming of Heaven. The founders and saints of the great religions, accompanied by myriads of good ancestors, have descended to the earth to help with the Providence. If you cannot unite with the True Parents to complete God’s will, He will go to the atheists of former communist countries.

Respected leaders of the United States, we are now entering a glorious age. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is being established before your eyes. Heaven called me to walk this lonely path soaked with blood, sweat and tears. I have come as the True Parent of humankind with God’s anointing, and I am determined to keep my promise to Him to create a united world of peace.

As I stand here today, on this platform, I propose that a bridge be built over (or a tunnel under) the Bering Strait that separate North America and Russia. This will create the world super highway starting from the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to Santiago in Chile, and from London to New York; making the world a single community. With the completion of this project, humankind will be one step closer to the Peace Kingdom where there is no more war. Please become wise leaders who will set new coordinates for your lives.

Thank you.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 6, 2003
Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea
World Summit Conference Banquet

In Order to Realize the World of Peace

Respected former heads of state, religious, political and academic leaders who have gathered from around the world, diplomatic representatives, and eminent leaders from Korea.

I would like to begin by congratulating you on the results you have achieved for world peace through the Summit Conference, and I would like to convey deep appreciation for your many expressions of congratulations on this occasion of President Hak Ja Han's and my birthdays. I would like to offer all of this glory to God who has protected us until today.

On this meaningful occasion, I would like to share with you my convictions about realizing a peaceful world. In view of our hope for world peace, there has never been a time when understanding between religions and reconciliation between religious people were more urgent than it is today. The precious teachings of our religions are the source of the wisdom that has brightened human history. But religious people of all faiths tend to have three weaknesses. One, they are not realistic but are oriented toward the hereafter; two, they can be narrow-minded and sectarian; and three, they can be fanatical. Religious leaders must be able to embrace all people with open minds. The real duty of all religious people is to overcome the lines of division crippling the human race, in particular the walls between religions. Religions do not exist for the sake of their own success or for the salvation of their believers alone; they exist in order to accomplish the Will of God. Religious people must never be narrow-minded or seek their own gratification. When one lives with a loving heart, all walls are broken down. The great founders of all the religions understood this and tried to accomplish this ideal. God is the origin of true love. Because the generic character of true love unconditionally seeks to live for another, true love always seeks a reciprocal partner.

It is in relation to this point that we can properly understand God's motivation for creation and purpose of creation understood. God brought forth the created world as His reciprocal partner for true love. In all the creation, human beings were set apart as His closest reciprocal partners of love; that is to say, as His children. The first person, Adam, was not just an individual; he was also to have been the origin of the family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos of true love. God's ideal of creation was an ideal of harmony and unification in which each person lived for a reciprocal partner in a realm of true love. But before this ideal of true love was realized, the ancestor of humankind disobeyed God during his time of growth to maturity and fell through false love.

Through the fall, trouble began between God and humankind. Confrontations and conflicts ensued between God and Satan, between people and Satan and among people. The fact that there have been many different nations and many conflicts bears witness to this truth. We can find the beginning point of an ideal world only through a movement that is able to overcome and go beyond the origin of these myriad conflicts. The way to resolve conflicts and struggles is altruistic and sacrificial love, that is to say, "life for the sake of others." The realization of the ideal nation of God begins with individuals who think they should love their enemies. The way to win over enemies is not through superior strength. It is only possible through the power of true love which embraces even one's enemies. If you plant soy beans, soy beans grow; if you plant red beans, red beans grow, and if you plant the seeds from red flowers, red flowers blossom. In the same way, if you sow the seeds of Satan which seek revenge, a tree of revenge will grow, and if you sow the seeds of goodness which loves its enemies, a tree of goodness which loves its enemies will grow. If a nation that consists of people who have a mind to love their enemies comes into existence, that nation could become the ideal land that God desires. It could become the ideal model that humankind could follow.

For the last thirty years, without resting, I have been devoting myself completely to solving the problems of America such as the breakdown of the family, sexual immorality, the decadence of youth, the fall of morality, and the decline of Christianity. In spite of my many efforts, Americans, including many Christians, misunderstood me, persecuted me, and even imprisoned me. The negative attitudes and vicious slander against me continued unabated. But I refused to be caught in negative feelings of hatred or resentment, and I have continued to live a life of love in which I gave consistently to those who persecuted me.

No matter what situation I may be in, in the deepest part of my heart, I consider God's love and will as most important. Because of this, as time passed, more and more Americans and especially Christians realized anew the value of my teachings and life, and I can see that they are changing their minds about me. In a public speech I directly told them, "Christians must respond to their mission to realize the will of God who is their true root." Christians must change their attitudes and their ways of life. The founder of Christianity taught, "Love your enemy." If Christians fail to fulfill this basic principle, the only path for them will be one of decline. If that happens, it will be because they left the sacred laws in the teachings of Jesus that give us true freedom.

If the Muslims and the leaders of other religions as well are able to realize a higher level of love in terms of morality and in terms of living for others, their enemies could be subjugated through the mighty power of true love rather than through external strength. I have always told the leaders of the Western world that they must not disregard or overlook the 1.3 billion Muslims or the 3.4 billion Asians, or the people of other religions throughout the world. If America fails to understand the meaning of the existence of these parts of the great human family, how can we anticipate that America will build a better future and realize a world of peace for our descendents?

For the same reason, how can the Islamic world or the people of other religions look down upon or overlook the importance of the Christian culture in the West? If we look down on each other or disregard each other, then there is no hope for us. All the religious leaders must become leaders in a worldwide movement to realize a higher love that embraces other religions and societies. This is the lofty teaching of the founders of all religions. What is the direction that God's will and history is calling for? The ultimate ideal of God is a world that is peaceful and unified through true love, a world transcending religion, race, and nationality, in other words, the realization of "one family of humankind."

The goal of God is not the victory of one religion or one ideology; it is the realization of a world of love in which all people live in peace, unity and joy. In view of the external tendency towards unification through the technological and physical development of modern society, it is the responsibility of the religions to lead the way to the realization of an internal harmony and unification.

Religions should take the lead and provide the example in this work. History is calling for the harmony and cooperation of the religious world. This should not be delayed. It is the holy will of God. If that is not accomplished, religions will decline. Throughout my whole life, I have taught based upon my direct experience of the heart of God and the will He hopes to accomplish.

What I teach is by no means a speculative theory. God is alive and working in history. It is just that through the fall, human beings lost their original position, and without being able to perceive God completely, they have lived in sin and strife. Although God is omnipotent and perfect, when He has no appropriate reciprocal partner, He can not fully express His omnipotence. After our first ancestor disobeyed God, God lost the foundation of goodness to which He could relate. Accordingly, His goodness and absolute power could not be expressed, but history nonetheless went forward.

God is carrying out the providence to restore His position and heavenly will by restoring humankind to its original state. To restore the ideal of true love, true parents, and true family that the first ancestor of humankind could not accomplish, God is carrying out the providence by establishing people with missions as the second Adam and the third Adam. I was called early by God, and my mission as the True Parent, is connected to these kinds of providential conditions.

Respected leaders!
I would like to ask you to take deep interest in the prophecy that I am about to make. Humankind is at a turning point. This era is that long-awaited time in which the power of God will become manifest in our lives, even though He is invisible and has seemed almost powerless and nonexistent in the past. The time has come when the absolute power of God, who is the Lord of the holy order and laws which really do exist in all things and in the universe, will manifest in amazing ways and be experienced by people in their daily lives. This is a miraculous event that is possible because a solid reciprocal foundation of goodness has been established based on the sacrifices and unconditional love of God, True Parents and righteous people throughout history. From now on, humankind will gradually come to perceive God and to understand the spirit world and the works of spirit people. People will become conscious of their internal person which is called their spirit self, and their spirituality will develop.

In this way, humankind will naturally experience the laws of the universe, and become true people through a clear change in character. Through this, people will learn that the existing order of the universe and the relationships of humankind were not made to be centered on oneself or self-interest; rather, they were made to live for the sake of others altruistically. God's ideal of peace in the original creation is an ideal of unification. The existing world itself is made through an ideal of reciprocal partners. It is based on the premise of harmony and unification. No ideal of peace can be realized by neglecting or giving sorrow to one's reciprocal partner.

When the relationships extending above and below, front and back, right and left throughout the spirit world and physical world all realize harmony and unification and realize the ideal of true love that works by living for the sake of others, complete peace will be realized. Accordingly, God's happiness and joy will be attained together with the happiness and joy of his reciprocal partners, human beings. Furthermore, the individual purposes of all created entities are to be realized in relation to a larger purpose, that is, a public purpose. The order of the entire universe is set so that through the connection of these dual purposes a great harmony and unity is to be established.

But through the fall, human beings, who betrayed God and fell into ignorance, have lived disobeying the original order of existence under the dominion of selfish greed which is the fallen nature. People have lived stressing their private things more than public things, and their own private purposes more than public purposes. The result is self-evident. They could not guarantee continuing freedom, peace or happiness. People who have gone forward struggling with and confronting others while pursuing enjoyment centered on themselves, on physical things and on external strength, are now miserably bogged down in unhappiness.

Now is the time when people must reflect on themselves and listen to the voice coming from Heaven. Through the benefit of the providence, the living God has now drawn near to us. From now on, people will have many spiritual experiences that they could not have earlier. That is to say, they will communicate with the transcendent world. Through these frequent spiritual experiences, people will be influenced directly and indirectly. Especially people who experience the inspiration of God and good spirits will have their spiritual senses developed centered on God, and they will experience major changes in their personalities. People who change their personalities in this way to fit the way of heaven are the true people for whom God has been hoping.

We must all accomplish the true love that liberates us to love our enemies, become true persons who properly understand the spirit world, become true parents, and establish true families. This personal transformation is the starting point of the world of peace. This is the starting point of the ideal nation God desires. For the person who is not able to establish a harmonious, ideal family life by becoming an incarnation of true love, there can be no ideal world or ideal nation in which he can live happily, singing songs of peace and joy. The ideal fatherland that God desires will be realized through the way of loving one's enemies. It will be realized where the tradition of loving the enemies of one's self, of one's family, one's tribe, one's nation and the entire world is established. Many people are hoping that the United Nations will solve the problems of the world and be able to establish world peace. It is granted that the UN operated under some restrictions, but by failing to recognize the importance of religions and spirituality altogether, it chose a path that could not but compromise its influence. The result is that in analyzing the problems of the present reality and in trying to solve them, the UN has been leaning to one side. If this continues, the UN will not be able to realize the purpose for which it was founded, and its relevance will diminish in the future.

In order to realize the ideal of a world of peace in a fundamental and comprehensive manner, I once again advocate that the United Nations establish an assembly consisting of representatives from all religions. At that time, the representatives must implement the central ideal that their founders sought to realize, and they must do it with wisdom, exemplifying in their personalities a true love that can serve as a model for everyone. I hope that many leaders will take this matter seriously and continue to strive to establish an assembly of global religious and spiritual leaders within the UN.

I have worked without ceasing my entire life for the sake of realizing the one nation in Heaven and on earth that is the will of the true love of God. During that time I have taught the leaders not only of the religious world, but also of the worlds of government, philosophy, academia, business, media, and non-governmental organizations that we must "live for the sake of others." I did not teach concepts alone, but I led the way and provided the example.

On that worldwide foundation, I established the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, and appointed Ambassadors for Peace throughout the world. That was in order to cultivate leaders who will realize the world of peace and harmony by eliminating the boundaries that cause conflict and struggle and by serving as living examples of altruistic true love. In addition, I am building "Peace Embassies" in every nation of the world as bases for our peace movement and our service movement, and as educational centers to teach and accomplish the vision and wisdom that our IIFWP advocates.

I earnestly request that you leaders recreate your families and nations through true love. I hope that you will support and help to accomplish the vision of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, which is working so hard to establish the true, everlasting world of peace that God desires, a world without national boundaries.

Hoping that this conference has provided you with productive and inspiring experiences that will lead to the world of peace being realized even sooner, I conclude my address.

Thank you.

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