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Sorry! Services are closed for now!
I'll be gone for a month, and I'm already a little behind with the dogz I've already received. Thanks for your patience!

This is the services section of Sailor Star's Kennel. We realize that yes, you do like to pamper your petz, and yes, your petz do like to be pampered. Look over our list of services and see if there's anything that appeals to you!

NOTE: Unlike some kennelz, we DON'T ask for a copy of your pet. We realize they are unique and special to you, so they're taken care of and treated as an individual. The only thing we ask in return for our services is a link to here from your page if you have one and/or any breed files, hexed clothes, playscenes, etc. you have to expand our colleciton. That's it! If you don't have any of it's ok! Look on the individual services page for how long your pet would be staying with us, or you can email me with any questions you have. Further instructions are on the individual services pages.

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