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George Bush Wants You DEAD!
"Protecting the Homeland: The Best Defense is to Give No Offense" From the Director of Defense Policy Studies Ivan Eland at the CATO Institute "The only viable way to reduce the very real threat of such an attack [nuclear, biological, chemical] is to reduce U.S. interference in the disputes and conflicts of other nations." From this we can certainly surmise that even if for no other reason the U.S. government and corporate America bear criminal liability for all terrorist actions which result from interventionist policies enacted in the chase of heightened corporate profits that result from the use of cheap energy in U.S. factories and office buildings. For those unaware the cost of liberty is eternal vigilance. You share responsibility for the deaths perpetrated by an establishment you support through consumerism, taxes and unquestioning allegiance in return for the fragile comfort of simplicity and material you're afforded.
More than 35 MILLION people worldwide have died early excruciating deaths at the hands of the establishment, the result of lethal product sales, favorable legislating and media support since the medical community discovered high levels of alpha radiation in tobacco. The genocide of the working class continues. This page has links to 7 web-sites (including PBS and Florida State University) that detail the dangerously high levels of radiation in tobacco and the cover up that has spanned more than 4 decades.
From Patriotsaints.com, 911 Conspiracy, Terrorists Who Profit from Western Aid, U.S. and Western Role in Building and Supporting Terrorist Networks. The U.S. was the Talibans largest financial benefactor in 2001.
This page at Patriotsaints dot com has links to numerous articles that detail the connections between the Bush and Bin Laden family.
Even state controlled media utters truth now and then. This as it is an effective strategy to build public confidence. I estimate that less than a 10th of the truth is ever published in major periodicals. This from the Washington Post: "Between 1984 and 1994 the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings. "
WASHINGTON -- NewsMax.com has learned that active FBI Special Agent Robert Wright is about to blow the whistle on his superiors for hindering investigations that might have prevented the terrorist attacks of September 11.
This article details the big oil motivation to invade Afghanistan. Insider accounts published in the British, French and Indian media have revealed that US officials threatened war against Afghanistan during the summer of 2001. The former deputy director of the FBI who resigned in 2001 because he was being hindered from pursuing terrorists was conveniently offered a job as security director at the WTC and died on 9/11. Too much about 9/11 is so highly suspicious to ignore.
George Bush teaches how to lie, cheat, steal and coerce your way to wealth and power. During the push to build the Ballpark at Arlington, Bush proves that property rights are only for the rich and the governing elite. This article details how George Bush used his position as Governor to steal land to build a ball park for the baseball team he owned. He later sold the team for a 2500 percent markup.
In addition to stealing the land to build a ball park for his baseball team, 70 percent of the funds to build George Bush's ball park that he made 15 million dollars from came from Tax payers! It was later concluded in court that the original land owner had been unfairly taken advantage of and was awarded six times what Georges government agency had coerced the land from them through "eminent domain" for. George Bush and baseball owner buddies had an agreement with the tax payers to pay all costs to build the stadium over 135 million. Though they sold the team for 250 million they refuse to reimburse the tax payers for the approximate 7 million awarded to the original land owner by the court system which was above the 135 million agreement.

Bill Clinton, murder as a method to maintain power. Approximately 50 people that had connections to Bill Clinton died suspiciously, some during his tenure as governor and most during his stay in the White House. Nearly all of them were witnesses scheduled to testify against the former "most powerful man" or were privy to information that would have been career damaging.

"A Dangerous World the Clinton Years" this article provided by Greaterthings.com is essentially a tirade from the religious community on Bill Clintons corruption.

Corrupt politicians and corrupt police serve as a support structure for each other while they both get "fat" off the tax payer dole. Police abuse overlooked. Allegations include pistol-whippings, rip-offs, planted drugs, guns being held to the heads of innocents, RAPE and MURDER. Review shows 293 allegations of wrongdoing. Even when caught lying officers escaped serious consequences. Few penalties levied against these officers of the law. This article from the Miami Herald.

Ret. Vice Admiral U.S. Navy Jack Shannahan in a Boston Globe Editorial piece dispells the lack of virtue in George Bush's nuclear policy.
More support for the theory that George Bush is causing nuclear propagation to use as a population control method. "This taken from Part II in FTW’s Series on the End of the Age of Oil - Population Reduction of 3 Billion A Global Necessity? What Will Be the Next Target of the Oil Coup?" By Dale Allen Pfeiffer
George Bush's chaos inviting 4 nuclear arms policy changes in 1 year could only have been intended for one purpose, proliferation of nuclear arms and to those who would be most likely to use them against U.S. citizens. Further none of the policy changes stands to reason to protect Americans from any legitimate threat. William Hartung made these statements before Bush took office and turned what had obviously been functional nuclear policy into disaster. These statements from a transcript of William Hartung backing my belief that GWB’s intention is to cause America to incur nuclear devastation. "Robert Walpole has testified earlier this year that a ballistic missile is the least likely way that a foreign power or terrorist group would use to deliver a nuclear missile, a nuclear weapon, or a weapon of mass destruction to U.S. soil..." Further that "...this forthcoming national intelligence estimate on the effects of a national missile defense system says basically if you are going to push China to deploy more medium and long range missiles, likewise with India and Pakistan, and you will probably provoke more transfers of nuclear technology to the Middle East. And so basically, you are going to create precisely the kind of proliferation that the system is meant to defend against."
Most people are completely unaware that experts have predicted within a decade permanent black outs will return to the middle ages those of us unfortunate enough to live outside the status of the top 1 percent of wage "earners". As this is certainly an issue that will take years to prevent from having a profoundly negative effect on our lifestyle and well being it should shock you that the U.S. government didn't have an energy policy until last year, nor does it have a sound energy policy now. Dr.s Youngquist and Duncan confirm the disaster that will follow the next energy crisis is near at hand.
This is a little something I typed up entitled "Ten reasons George Bush Wants You Dead and Ten Ways George Bush Will Make You Dead."
This article details common methods used by candidates to secure money for their elections. This article pertains directly to Bill Clintons fund raising scandals though is actually a modern fixture in executive politics.
"Ultimately, the only true campaign reform is to shrink government. As long as $1.7 trillion in taxpayer wealth is available for plundering in Washington, interest groups will spend mightily to get their hands on it." This excerpt from "Most Campaign Finance 'Reform' a Bad Idea" by Doug Bandow
"Think campaign finance reform isn't an incumbent's protection racket? Just look at the spending limits included in the Shays-Meehan and McCain-Feingold bills, the hot "reform" bills on Capitol Hill. Shays-Meehan would limit spending in House races to $600,000. In 1996, every House incumbent who spent less than $500,000 won compared with only 3% of challengers who spent that little. However challengers who spent between $500,000 and $1 million won 40% of the time while challengers who spent more than $1 million won five of six races. The McCain-Feingold bill, which sets spending limits in Senate races, would yield similar results. In both 1994 and 1996, every challenger who spent less than its limits lost, but every incumbent who did so won."This from "Why Campaign Finance Reform Never Works" by Bradley Smith
"Since many farmers who operate a modest amount of acreage are not able to receive subsidies, most of the compensation goes to agribusinesses and wealthy individuals. EWG keeps a national database of the recipients of subsidies, and it is not unusual to find media billionaire Ted Turner, investment billionaire Charles Schwab, and multimillionaire pro basketball star Scottie Pippin on the list of people who receive subsidies..." "As a result, an unintended consequence of the bill is that it favors the consolidation of smaller farms into larger ones, often turning family farms into tenants of much larger corporations, Riedl says."Excerpt from "Farm bill a pork feast, say analysts" by Jason Moll

"Boeing Eyes Unmanned Fighter Jets" transcribed from The Metro. This article is a simple yet accurate detail of the quiet push to automate our military and the role of big business in gobbling up your tax dollars to make systems that will in all likelihood be used against you.

A tool of the establishment, The Federation of American Scientists has this to say about the X45: "The UCAV weapon system will exploit the design and operational freedoms of relocating the pilot outside of the vehicle to enable a new paradigm in aircraft affordability while maintaining the rationale, judgment, and moral qualities of the human operator." Per this statement they would have you believe that a human operator will be required to fly this killing machine, I submit to you present day planes can take off and land on autopilot. Thus, there is nothing preventing us technologically from creating a perfectly conscienceless, highly efficient fighter/attack aircraft. The Federation of American Scientists do go on to say: "In our vision, this weapon system will...[be]capable of dynamic mission control while engaging multiple targets in a single mission under minimal human supervision." One more telling aspect of the intended use of this mobile death machine also from the FAS: "Advances in small smart munitions will allow these smaller vehicles to attack multiple targets during a single mission and reduce the cost per target killed." Murder served up by the frugal gormet. Obviously if you're going to be killing alot of people you've got to get your moneys worth per bomb, right? One more note on this project, I would be willing to bet that more people have died from choking on chicken bones in the last 20 years than engaged in aircombat for the U.S. which makes this effort so obviously entirely needless were not for the establishments need to wage conscienceless warfare efficiently to assure their continued dominance.
Libertarian Party Press Release, November 30, 2001 "Why did police arrest 734,498 pot-smokers, instead of tracking murderous terrorists?" The obvious answer is because George Bush wants you dead! The establishment would have you believe our intelligence system was able to track and arrest nearly a million pot smokers, is capable of taking over countries at the drop of a hat, but couldn't keep tabs on one known terrorist that the CIA had controlled for years.

The goal of the efforts I am prepared to expel is to generate a system through which people are able to from birth till expiration attain every need to exceed enjoyment of their life for the least amount of effort each person need expel per the world population. To accomplish this goal the countenance of a life of excessive joy need be defined. Also the means to provide such a life need be determined, produced and delivered. Further the production and delivery of goods as necessary should be streamlined to ensure as few man hours as the worlds population is willing or able to donate to this cause are expelled.

Definition of a life of excessive joy

People the world over enjoy a variety of activities for the same reason. Their brains tell them they are enjoying those activities. The human brain releases “reward chemicals” (serotonin, dopamine) when a humans sense’s experience a pleasurable occurrence. These reward chemicals being measurable in their production and release will serve as the measurement of joy level. Having at the disposal of the worlds population nothing less than daily excessive joy is acceptable. Any level beneath that is unacceptable and will require action to adjust to an acceptable level.

To produce these reward chemicals humans need food and mental health. The first task that need be conquered is determination of the sustenance needs of a world population constantly enjoying life.

Second task is to develop a system to produce and deliver that sustenance. Such a system will likely incorporate greenhouse growing, indoor growth under solar power lighting, hydroponic growth of food, and possibly growth of food in space. Indoor growth of food will provide food production unaffected by weather and allow food to be grown on many levels in tall buildings. Until such time modern agriculture sheds its need for petro-chemicals (fertilizer and pesticide) to feed the worlds population oil should be reserved for agricultural and food delivery purpose only. We need to implement educational measures to prevent greater strain resulting from population growth. In particular, worldwide those of childbearing age should be made aware that the carrying capacity of the planet has been exceeded.

The growth of food can also be automated, as can harvest, delivery and preparation. Though making this task easy is possible it’s not necessary. The only necessity with regard to this matter is the task stated earlier, satisfying the world populations hunger.

Regarding mental health, mental health is in great part determined by life experience. As the world has been ugly to most for the entirety of their lives people are greatly disturbed. To provide people with the educational means and support to overcome mental ailments that exist today need be a priority. Every mental ailment be it addiction, criminality, psychosis, hatred or mild depression is curable. A majority of mental ailments are the result of the burden of the control exerted by the establishment. I feel not only will people respond well to being placed in control of their own lives they will then have the ability to choose a healthy lifestyle rather than being pressured into the existence the establishment chooses for them to serve their morally inept purposes. Those purposes generally fit the description: expand dominance, thus their heightened dopamine production and release and so apart from the dopamine release of others. Incidently dopamine production and release is not dominance dependent, greater control can be acquired through cooperation. Dopamine release signifies control expansion as such dominance is disspelt as a requisite of the enjoyment dopamine release effects.

To release reward chemicals humans need pleasurable experience or chemicals. To provide pleasurable experience world need for shelter, clothing, entertainment and mobility to facilitate interaction need be determined, produced and delivered.

Regarding chemicals that enhance release of reward chemicals or extend the period they spend in the brain, tests need be performed to determine what level each person can healthily consume. That amount should be produced and delivered after certain progress is made on priority issues.

In order to establish the above requisites for continued existence and progress toward peace, greater control of our Earthly situation needs to be placed in the hands of people whose best interest it is to establish peace and coexist. At present those with little motivation to share this planet have the greatest control. It is in fact easier for them to violently destroy several billion people than it is for them to take action to avert the dire situation at hand. To relinquish from them the power they today wield to disasterous consequence that the changes listed above can be set in place I suggest the following, subject of course to the will of the people:

Online All-inclusive Democracy

A database be constructed that holds the entirety of the laws that rule the world democracy and the current support each law has. Laws can be changed at any time and any law can be changed. Any person may submit an item for consideration as law. An item submitted will become law once 80% of the population grants consent. I suggest 80% here as a guideline though what percent of the vote establishes law will of course have to be agreed upon by a simple majority. I feel eighty-percent agreement can be expected when full disclosure of the workings of the government is provided, as I would expect the people given the ability to vote it so to demand. A percent higher than simple majority of agreement on items suggested for law should be established as a protection for those in a minority. Bare in mind that sunlight will shine on every aspect of governance facilitating decision making and providing an easy gauge of a laws equity. No one person or group will stand to gain anything from a laws passage. In order to clear the hurdle of high percentage agreement laws will need be written that benefit all.

Arguments for and against each item/law are to have space provided alongside that item/law for debate purpose. Any action taken to uphold a law must be publicly accessible so as to offer an evaluation of a law’s fairness and effectiveness. Consider the effect facilitated public access to police record will have on "policing".

The goal of all inclusive democracy is to provide people with a truly representative government. All-inclusive democracy eliminates the possibility for corruption by expanding the power base wide enough to prevent money influence on governing decisions. Thus delivering policy to status set by human entirety and so for greatest human benefit. This is a U turn from todays policy set by dominant financial influence, thus benefitting the financially dominant and so strictly to their this life financial benefit also at the detriment of the other 99% of the Earthly human population.

I am quite certain that when the entire population is given the ability to claim by vote 1 per the population within the governed area of the natural capital within area same, they will do so by at least the percent of people who would stand to gain in doing so. When considered the poor constitute upwards of 70% of the population and even the nominally rich will stand to gain capital by such action, I expect a vote to equitably share the resources available to pass without significant dissent. The only people who will loose capital when that vote is taken are the top 1% of wage "earners". One percent of the population will certainly not have access to control policies that affect the entire population.

Granted control of their destiny and without the influence of greed people can be expected to act responsibly. It is recognized that crime is attributable to greed and unmet material need. Greed will be an expensive transgression when indulging in it costs a person the support of nearly the entire world and offers not even the possibility to garner more than what one already owns. On this basis desire to break law will in all likelihood be eliminated entirely. If law is broken it becomes the duty of the world population to educate the person who broke law to prevent that law from being again broken. Education meaning only steps taken to ensure understanding how to acquire the stolen item for the least effort possible where such acquisition is permanent thus without thievery.

In addition to facilitating product acquisition, reducing every products successful theft potential through satellite based product embedded nano GPS location is a worthy endeavor. Through providing facility to acquire products for the cost in terms of human effort required to produce and deliver such product, thus minimal cost afforded each; alongside elimination of the capacity to benefit from any item thieved, such through expeditious material location; I project thievery eliminable in less than a decade.

Incarceration is not to be used as a punishment. Detaining a person should be employed strictly for education purpose and only for a period of time such that the offender is able to display on a brainscan comprehension and acceptance of the law they’ve broken. Until an accurate brainscan is developed verbal and optical patterns are to be used to determine comprehension and acceptance.

What a person is thinking can be determined by the release of chemicals in their brain. Software need be developed to interpret the chemical release of a person’s brain and provide info regarding their thoughts. This is to be used only to gauge the probability of recitivism to ensure post release safety.


Candidates are to be elected to perform organizational tasks. Once elected the person yields only the power to perform tasks as mandated by an 80% majority vote of the worlds population.

At any time a person can be ejected from office by a 5% worlds population vote. Any member of the world’s population can call for this ejection vote. A place online will be provided to track the performance of these elected organizers. A single election with as many candidates as apply, the highest popular vote taker wins the organizational office of that election. If a tie occurs a revote between only the tying parties will decide the election.

Organizers will be elected for providing the world population with each of the following life enjoyment needs:

Food, drugs, healthcare, mobility, shelter, clothing, entertainment, site maintenance and communications equipment.

Accomplishing Production and Delivery

Online a registry will hold a database of workers and skills. A request will be sent to the person best suited to perform a job who has donated the least hours. If that person opts not to perform the task requested, the request will go up the line from the person with least hours donated up to the person with “greatest contribution asked”(Greatest contribution asked=Man hours necessary to produce world needs for excessive joy divided by the worlds population).

Then a request to train for that job will go out to those who’ve expressed interest in that field. Pending no one has expressed interest in that field or refusal to train for that task is received from each, a request to train will go to those with the least time donated when their total hours averaged emphasis on most recent time donated and curved through career start. This is of course barring a person capable of performing the required task is not in line as the result of a self initiated request for work above greatest contribution asked.

The software that is this online registry will need be written to accept and record input of voice answers to questions posed at certain intervals over a person’s lifetime. Further personal voice recognition software is to be used to verify identification. The registry will also serve as a world’s census to ensure proper steps are taken to produce a greater amount of goods as the population grows and serve as a warning when birth restrictions need be implemented. The registry will contain contact information and job skill’s information.

A persons first recordable utterance at birth or as soon after as circumstances allow and each of the persons parents stating their name is to be used as record that a person new to this world exists. Thus the world census is constantly and immediately updated.

An educational interest questionnaire is to be administered at age 10. Several areas of interest should be explored in that person’s education thereafter. At age 20 a career interest questionnaire should be administered. Training for the job of choice provided thereafter and continued until a proficiency test verifies competence. Training for other jobs may then be provided, should the person so choose to learn another field.

Each person can train in as many fields as they choose after passing the competence test for their primary field. A person can then choose to change fields as they pass competence tests. Training may be tapered down or eliminated after a field becomes overfilled or antiquated. A person can donate time in any of the fields they’ve passed a competence test for within the time that field requires retesting in.

Another database online will hold info regarding the amount of and whereabouts of minerals and untended products to facilitate processing, delivery and to ensure the efficient use of those goods. Products will be delivered on a first request first delivery system.

Use of assets will be prioritized such that metal that need be used to construct a greenhouse doesn’t first become a skateboard truck. New product requests will be submitted to this database. Evaluation of ability to produce said product within prioritization constraints is to be undertaken.

Popular vote will determine what products are produced first. With regard to product requests a percent of the popular vote will not be required. Simply whatever product yields the most votes will be sent to production first.

We need to determine the max number of people the Earth can healthily support and attain that level by placing responsibility on potential parents through education. The purpose of this exercise is to avoid exceeding that number by birth restriction rather than by early death. To attain then maintain sustainability. Once sustainability is reached to monitor the population in an effort to ensure growth plateaus by mandating 2 child families accounting for potential twin birth second pregnancy. It is the responsibility of the world government to provide healthcare adequate to ensure every person is born healthily and free from genetic traits that would make early death likely. This is key to maintaining sustainable population levels as many families contribute to overpopulation due to the desire to carry on their blood line taking into account the probability of their offsprings early death.

It is important that nuclear biological and chemical weapons be eliminated. Once 80% of the world’s population registers and is voting I hope among the first measures taken by the world government is to eliminate all nuclear arms.

Transitional Government

At first it will be necessary to provide much of the worlds population with places to register and vote. Once the above system is in place PC’s enough for each person in the world are to be produced and delivered. Plans for the production and delivery of PC’s to meet the registration/voting needs of the entire world are to be handled by the office of communication.

Until the entirety of the worlds populace has at their avail the means to register and vote those who do will have the responsibility to provide the rest with the means as quickly as circumstances allow. As people register the percent of the voting populace required to enact law will be adjusted down.

With the entirety of the worlds population registered 80% agreement will be required to enact law. With three quarters of the potential voting populace 85% agreement will be required, with half of the potential voting populace registered 90% agreement, with a quarter of the potential voting populace 95% agreement and so on.

This is for transitional purpose only. Such that at first the entire world will not need be registered or have outlet to a registration facility for the rest of the world to engage in this form of government. Under this system when fewer people have the ability to vote there need be greater consensus to enact law.

Facilitating Suggestion and Debate Review

Regarding debate on items suggested for law, any person wishing to post an item to the debate field may do so. As others review the debate they are to select the most valid points expressed. Debate items are to be listed in their order of importance as determined by all those who review the debate. The debate item selected by the most people to be of greatest importance are to be moved to the top of the debate field to facilitate debate review. A point system with as many points allowed each person as debate items either listed or reviewed will allow people to vote for several debate items and alot weight to their selections.

Any person reviewing the debate on an item may vote to have that debate item moved to the top of the list. Also volunteers are to be asked to perform this function. People from every corner of the globe are to be solicited to perform this task.

To ensure laws are not put into effect that produce negative consequences for a population settled in a certain area. Popular vote of these volunteer’s is to be used to determine which debate item is most pertinent or best expresses the expected result of a law taking effect. Education to perform this function integrally should be provided to any that request.

Items suggested for law should be listed in order of their present popularity. Thus the item suggested that yields the highest percent of the vote is moved to the top of the list of suggested items. This to highlight the suggestions that hold the greatest agreement.

At age 18 a person is allowed to log on to vote on existing laws and suggested items. Each person must log on at least once a year to vote on all new items suggested to maintain their status as a voting entity. Their voting history is to be discounted until such time as they log on and vote on all items suggested up to their reestablishment date if they are to loose their voting entity status.

With any questions, comments, concerns please email RocYahSoul@yahoo.com

Thanks for visiting and your concern,

Daniel Kelley