LemmingofGlory's Guide to Diablo
Version 1.03
By LemmingofGlory (duh!)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Characters
2.1 Overview
2.2 Warrior
2.3 Rogue
2.4 Sorcerer
2.5 Bovine
2.6 Diablo

3. Items and Spells
3.1 Basic Items
3.2 Magical Items
3.3 Unique Items
3.4 Books and Magical Staves
3.5 Hacked Items
3.6 Quest Items
3.7 Spells

4. Monsters
4.1 Normal Monsters
4.2 Boss Monsters
4.3 Diablo

5. Battle
5.1 Monster Killing
5.2 Killed by Monster
5.3 Player Killer
5.4 Player Killer Killers
5.5 Player Killer Killer Killers, etc.

6. Shrines
6.1 Shrines
6.2 Goat Shrines
6.3 Cauldrons

7. Battle.Net
7.1 Chat Commands
7.2 Guilds
7.3 Clans
7.4 Spam
7.5 Bnet Censorship
7.6 Operators and Private Channels
7.7 Begging
7.8 Bounty Hunters
7.9 The Meaning of a Golden Icon
7.10 Other Icons
7.11 The Little Bars

8. Gaming on Bnet
8.1 How to join a game
8.2 How to interpret game names
8.3 How to crack game passwords

9. End Notes


I wrote this guide because there are just too many stupid people out there. Yes, I had to help all those stupid people. It is the job of all Diablo veterans to do useless things to help people who don't need help. After all, we have nothing better to do.

If any newbies have questions, the best way to get an answer is to verbally abuse us. We understand that those are the only words that you know how to spell (though sometimes you don't even know how to spell even those words) and we are tolerant of your ignorance, arrogance, bad spelling, and verbal abuse. When we say that we'll hunt your newbie ass down for weeks, we don't mean it. We just mean that we'll HELP you. You newbies need to learn how to interpret things.

Another reason to write this guide was to dispel rumors and lies put out by other guides. Some people just like lying to players.



The first thing you need to know is that there are 5 character classes. Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer, Bovine, and Diablo. Getting the Bovine character class is very difficult, as is getting to be Diablo. Later, I'll do my best to explain how it is done.

When you kill things (especially other players), you get experience points. When you get enough experience points, you get a level up and 5 statistic points to distribute. You start out at level 0 but as soon as you make a game, you are instantly a level 1! Isn't that great? A whole level and you didn't even have to do anything! Well, the maximum level is 100. You can get level 100 only after playing lots of games in secret Diablo levels (which will be discussed later). It takes a long time, but don't get discouraged! It is worth it.


The Warrior is the easiest and the strongest in melee. Because of the strength of his magical spells, the Warrior is the most powerful non-secret character in the game. The strength of a Warrior's spells makes him unbalanced to play when compared to the other non-secret characters. All newbies should play Warriors when they start out.

The Warrior swings all weapons - except for the bow - the fastest of any character. He casts spells slower than any other character, but that is only because his spells are more powerful than any other character. He has to take more time to harness intense magical power and since it takes so long, the spells a Warrior casts are much stronger than what a Sorcerer could cast. In fact, a spell level 1 Firebolt from a level 100 Warrior is more powerful than a spell level 29 Fireball from a level 100 Sorcerer.

The most important statistic for the Warrior is Strength. You should put lots of points into Strength.

Magic is the next important statistic. You should put points into that one, too. Magic helps you read books. A Warrior is unable to max out his spells by reading books and must resort of using shrines if he ever hopes to max his spell levels at spell level 15. As you can probably guess, it is because he *must* use shrines that his spell power is so great. He doesn't develop his spells for himself, the GAME gives him unbridled power!! Basically, once you read a book once, don't read any more of the same book. Use Enchanted Shrines to max out that spell. You'll be glad you did.

Vitality is your life. If you don't put any points into it, when you get level 30, your life will be 438. If you do put points into it, your life will be lower. Keeping your Base Vitality low is an important thing to do if you want to be tough.

Dexterity is a useless statistic, especially if you have a shield. You only need dexterity if you use a bow. Don't increase this statistic - the more dexterity you have the worse your To Hit is. Why is that? A bug makes it so that when you have lots of dexterity and you don't use a bow, you LOSE To Hit instead of gain it.

In summary, a Warrior should max his Strength and Magic first. Don't pump Vitality or Dexterity. Don't even drink Elixirs of Dexterity.


The Rogue is very weak. She's a pathetic character when compared to the Warrior. A Rogue should always use a bow because she doesn't do enough damage in melee, and she rarely ever blocks with a shield.

The Rogue is master of the bow, but that's about it. She has mid-power spells between Warrior and Sorcerer.

The most important statistic for a Rogue is Strength. You should max it quickly. In fact, the more strength a Rogue has, the faster her arrows fly.

Dexterity is also important, but only if you use a bow (like you should be using!!). If you do use a bow, then your high Dexterity will help you out a lot.

Magic is very important. You should read lots of books, just like a Warrior. Unfortunately, a Rogue's spell power is always going to be less than that of a Warrior's. A Rogue should still ALWAYS be able to beat a Sorcerer in a magic duel though.

Vitality is a stupid statistic for Rogues. They don't benefit from it too much. In the end you can get a total of 60 hit points if you max Vitality, but you can get 60 hit points from a ring of the Lion too, so don't sweat Vitality.

In summary, use a bow and max your strength. After that, put points into Dexterity.


The Sorcerer is the weakest character in the game. Only true Diablo veterans are able to handle him.

The Sorcerer is something of a very weak attempt at a Jack-of-All-Trades. You see, if he maxes out his strength and dexterity he can use any bow in the game, just like a Rogue can. But the problem is that since he is magic-based, he loses power in his bow. Still, a Sorcerer is MUCH better with a bow than any Warrior could ever hope to be, so Bow is a viable option for the Sorcerer.

Sorcerers are mainly meant for projectile (bow) combat, but since his bow damage in late life sucks so much, all Sorcerers convert to the way of melee. The only way you can hope to level a Sorcerer after 30 is to play like a Warrior.

Sorcerer might have really high magic, but does it really help him? Not really. His spells are weaker than a Warrior so don't even think about using damaging spells outside of Normal Difficulty.

The most important statistic for a Sorcerer is Vitality. You will want to max this statistic quickly because you have very low life and the Vitality will help a lot.

The next statistic you should max is Strength. You'll be able to use heavy things when you max strength.

The final useful statistic is magic, but your spells will be so weak there's really no reason to add points to it.

In summary, a Sorcerer should play like a Warrior. Playing like a Rogue could work early on, but pumping that Dexterity so he can use bows will end up hurting him later when he has to switch to melee.


This character class is very rare. Few players have ever gotten this character class. It looks just like a Warrior but it is actually a Bovine. It has different statistics than a regular Warrior. The Bovine is very, very hard to play and even getting one level up could take hours.

I won't ruin this class for you by giving you level up tips, but the way to get to be a Bovine is if you kill Diablo and watch the end movie. Statistically, once every two thousand (2000) times Diablo is killed, there will be a short message following the end movie. It tells you how to get to the Cow level, and once there, you can become a Bovine character.


This character class is even rarer than the Bovine class. It is truly the most powerful character class because it can't even wear items or else it'd be just too powerful. What's more is that its power level is different in different difficulties. In normal, the Diablo class is at its weakest. In nightmare, it is immediately twice as powerful as in normal! In hell, Diablo is king.

Diablo has many abilities. For example, his innate skill is Apocalypse. He also walks faster than normal characters. He never starts out as a level 1, but rather starts out at level 30!! Finally, he has natural immunity to Magic and max resistance to Fire and Lightning!

Diablo gets 20 points per level up, +10 life, and +10 mana. His max strength, dexterity, magic, and vitality are all 255. To top it off, he starts out with roughly 1666 life. However, his starting stats are only 25 for strength, magic, dexterity, and vitality. His starting damage is 30-60 and starting AC is 70.

Diablo cannot drink Elixirs or Potions, but he can read scrolls and books. This is because he regenerates mana and life, so using potions would make him WAY too powerful. Oh, and Diablos are able to eat ears to fully regain health and mana.

Best of all... if you're Diablo and you die, you drop items that you didn't even have before! You can go recover your brand new items! These items have a 1% chance of having a "Diablo's" enchantment on them. "Diablo's" causes weapons to have +255% to hit and +1000% damage! On armor items, it gives +1000% Armor Class! Know how I said Diablo can't use items? Well, the only exception to that is his own items. Diablo is able to use his own items but not others.

The only way to get the Diablo class is to make a new character. The game has a 0.001% chance of turning a new character into a "Diablo," but you won't find out if you are a Diablo until you make or join a game and then go into the dungeon. For every character you have with 3 dots, the percentage of making a "Diablo" goes up by 0.001%. Maximum chance of getting a Diablo is 0.009%. (This would be 9 3-dot characters, with the 10th character being the new one created. You can only have a maximum of 10 active characters.)

Identifying a Diablo character while in a game is pretty easy. They usually look like Sorcerers wearing red plate and wielding a staff. These Sorcerers tend to use lots of Apocalypse on things. To the owner of a Diablo character, your character looks like Diablo. To other players, he looks like a Sorcerer with a staff (or other weapon if he's using a Diablo's item).



These are the white colored items that you find. They are the most commonly found items in Diablo. These items suck. Using an enchanted item is the only way you can ever hope to defeat Diablo. Don't use Basic items unless you're forced to.


These items are blue colored and very valuable. You want to have an entire outfit of magically enchanted items.

Magical items can either be Cursed or Beneficial. A Beneficial item has a positive (+) effect. A Cursed item has a negative (-) effect. Don't sell cursed items, because Griswold will get mad at you if you make him buy them. Also, Griswold only pays 1 gold for a Cursed item - it's not even worth selling. Instead, give them to people as jokes.

Magical items also help you find better items. Ever notice how someone with really nice magical items just seems to find better and better items while you keep finding crap? That's because the better items you have, the better your odds are of finding even better items!


Unique items are golden colored. Using all unique items is very noble. You get to brag about your outfit if you use all unique items.

Many unique items come in different types! Try to make and outfit out of all one item!

List: Some good, legitimate Unique items and information about them.


Books come from Monsters, Bookshelves, and Skeleton Tomes. Adria also sells books. Books are very important. Buy them and get your spell levels to 15 as fast as you can. Although you can technically make your spells more powerful if you use Fascinating, Ornate, Sacred, and Enchanted Shrines to boost your spell levels instead.

Staves are useless. Don't bother with them.


Some people make hacked items. They use third party programs to make items for themselves and others. Also, sometimes the game itself accidentally makes hacked items. This is usually because of Battle.Net's influence. If you were ever even in the same channel with a hacker/cheater, your Diablo program will have a chance of accidentally making hacked items. Know how to tell what items are hacked or not. Remember, just because you found it doesn't mean it's not hacked.

"No true Diablo player needs to use dirty, hacked items." -Some Diablo Gamer

List: Some commonly hacked items


These items are rare in multiplayer, but you can find them. You can only find them from the same boss that drops them in single player. Sir Gorash replaces Lachdanan, you'll have to kill Sir Gorash to get the Veil of Steel. Griswold's Edge and the quest rings are found randomly in the dungeon or, rarely, Griswold sells them. Arkaine's Valor is only found from armor racks in the catacombs.


Spells are great. They let you deal damage, heal, and move around for the cost of nothing more than mana.

The best spells are Fire Ball, Chain Lightning, Phasing, and Autokill. Fire Ball and Chain Lightning are obvious why they're so great, but why phasing?

Phasing is better than Teleport because it costs less and casts faster. Most people think that its downside is that it puts you in a random location. However, this is not so. It may appear to be random at first, but with higher levels in phasing you can control where you go. To do this, you must simply highlight an object and cast phasing. If you're not phasing directly to something, then it's always random. Also, monsters will know where you Teleport when you do it. As you are Teleporting, monsters are told by the game what your new location will be so they can try to get there first. This is not so with Phasing.

Autokill is darn near the best spell there is. It's really hard to get though. To get Autokill you must first learn Heal Other and Blood Star to spell level 23. Once you have level 23 Heal Other and Blood Star you have to cast Blood Star, Teleport in front of it, and then cast Heal Other on it before it hits you. After you have done that, Heal Other and Blood Star will merge into Autokill. Initially Autokill will only work on 1 player at a time, but it eventually progresses to working on all players and finally to killing monsters.

Spells are not without bugs though. The spell Resurrect appears as a gray tile (in speedbook and spellbook) when in town, but it is actually castable there. It should be a red (scroll) or blue (learned) or orange (staff) colored tile instead of gray but if it isn't selected (in the little spellbox), it appears gray. There is more to Resurrect.

Now, if you want Resurrect you have to stop looking for books of Resurrect. You should be looking for books of "Abduction." Books of Abduction can only be found by killing Lazarus by stabbing him to death with a dagger. This is because Lazarus killed that boy on the altar with a dagger after he abducted him; you must kill him with a dagger and find out if you get a book of Abduction. Be warned that Abduction will not appear in the name of the book, and you must read the book he drops after you kill him (using a dagger to do so) in order to find out if it really was a book of Abduction. Oh, and the book must be a spell from page 2 of the spell book because Abduction appears at the top of page 2. You can't learn Abduction from Laz's books of Firebolt, Golem, etc. because they're not page 2 spells. For best odds of learning Abduction, don't learn any spells that appear on page 2. It's really, really hard to get Laz to drop Abduction if you already have spells on page 2.

The final thing about Resurrect/Abduction is how it works in town. If Res/Abd is cast in town on a dead player, it has a 5% chance of making a movie play. The movie shows a large flying saucer descending out of the sky and hovering over the cows. 3 light rays are shot out and they hit the grazing cows. These rays turn them into armored cow-warriors. The cow-warriors run across the field and find the dead body, they then grab it and run back to the field. The body is put on a floating metal platform and it is lifted into the ship. The cows then return back to normal and the ship flies away. After the movie ends, a message in gold will appear saying "(player name) has left the game and is being probed by aliens." Beware casting Resurrect in town, my friends!



These are typical monsters you find in the dungeon. After killing them, you gain experience points. You also have a record of kills for that type of monster. After killing Fallen Ones, you will see a number of kills on the next Fallen One you see, for example. Killing 15 of one monster lets you see that monster's resistances and immunities to magical attacks. Killing 30 monsters lets you see that monster's range of hit points. Killing 1200 monsters lets you see what type of item that monster will drop when you kill it. Here's an example:

Fallen One
Kills 12034
Hit Points 2-3
Resistances None
Immunities None
Item Cape1

1: This word will either be Golden, White, or Blue.
Gold would mean it is a unique cape.
White would mean a basic cape.
Blue would mean a magical cape.


There are some monsters that have light coming from them. They are boss monsters. You always get either a Magical Item or a Book from boss monsters. Some boss monsters always appear, most do not, however.

List: Monsters that always appear


This is the game boss. He always appears on the last level. He never drops items.



Killing monsters is simple. You kill a monster and it could drop an item. Monsters can drop Potions, Gold, Elixirs, Scrolls, Staves, Weapons, Helms, Armors, Shields, Books. Some players prefer only killing monsters, not other players.

The monster type known as "Black Deaths" (a yellow zombie found on levels 3-5) has the ability to PERMANENTlY steal life points if it hits you. This would normally be bad, but it has its uses. Try to get your hit points beaten down to a negative number or 0. You will instantly beat Diablo and all of your items will become indestructible.


Being killed by a monster, or monsters, will cause the killed character to drop all items that it has equipped. The character will also drop a percentage of its gold. If they retrieve the gold, some of it will be missing. Example: If you had 60,000 gold and died. Restarting in town might leave you with ~40,000 gold. After retrieving your lost gold, you may only have a total of ~50,000 gold. At death a percentage is taken by the game, you see.

There is a way to not drop items. As soon as you hear yourself die, hit QUIT DIABLO and you won't lose any items.

Death on level 16 of the dungeon results in loss of all items a character has equipped and the items lose half of their current durability. To defeat this mechanism, use items that take away hit points. Make your hit points no greater than 9 but no smaller than 1, when you die, you won't drop your items. You should use mana shield when you have hit points that low, but be sure test this out first by dying on 16 to make sure that your hit points are indeed low enough.


Players are able to kill other players. When a player kills another player, the slain drops an Ear (with their name on it), some gold (as much as if a monster had done the killing), and their items. Now, you can keep your items if you escape the game fast enough. As soon as you hear yourself die, hit QUIT DIABLO or ctrl+alt+del twice fast and you won't lose any items.

Everyone knows that being player killed means that you are an incompetent ninny with a character weaker than a Fallen One. Wheecht! If you die, you're totally helpless, you fool! I mean, what kind of REAL hero would be killed by another one? NO HERO WOULD! YOU'RE NO HERO, YOU LOSER! If you die, it is the ultimate form of disgrace! Don't you see that yet?! DON'T YOU?!?!? YOU SUCK! GO BEG FOR HELP, YOU PITIFUL FREAK! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!


Some players seek to kill only players that kill other players. They are typically called "PKKs," which stands for Player Killer Killers. If you are a player killer, you should fear these people for they are mentally deranged fools who will stop at nothing to stop you from killing players. If you are a player and not a killer, you should befriend these players for they will protect you by killing other players.


Some players seek to kill only players that kill player killers. They are typically called "PKKKs," which stands for Player Killer Killer Killers. If you are a player killer, these people watch your back. If you are a player killer killer, fear these players for they are mildly more deranged than even YOU.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Some players seek to kill only PK^54s. They are typically called "PK^55s" for Player Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killer Killers. If you are a PK^53, these people watch your back. If you are a PK^54, then you should fear these people for they are *slightly* more insane than you are.


Shrines are thingamajigs that characters use to pray. You have to pray when you play this game. There's an unholy demon who is secretly trying to taint your feeble little mind by playing this sweet, addictive game. So use all shrines, or the devil will get you!


This is the basic shrine type you see first see in the Church levels. These all have good effects. You should use every shrine that you see; no matter what, it'll have a good effect.


Goat Shrines and Cauldrons are just like normal shrines except both of these are random. You get a surprise effect! You like surprises, right? I do, too! :)


Aside from shrines, there are Blood Fountains, Murky Pools, Purifying Springs, and Fountains of Tears. Blood Fountains and Pure Springs restore life and mana, respectively. Murky Pools give you instant Infravision for a limited time. Fountains of Tears boost a random statistic.


AH! Battle.net! Battle.net allows you to play games of Diablo on Battle.net and to chat with other gamers. It's such a great, free service! And do you know what? Blizzard is so protective of its Diablo fan base that they keep us restricted to public channels so we don't accidentally wander into any channels filled with naughty no-no things!


While connected to Battle.Net, you can enter chat commands. Some of these work even while you are in games. I won't list the commands here, but pressing ALT+F4 or TAB 4 times & ENTER will bring up a help screen.


Guilds are clans.


Clans are guilds.

7.4 SPAM™

Everyone loves Spam™.


Battle.Net censors chat in public channels. Saying certain offensive words will come out to other players as something like this "@!#$" rather than the actual word. You can uncensor yourself so that everyone hears what naughty words that you are saying if you ONLY talk in capitalized censored words.


Battle.Net has Channels, or Chat Rooms. Private Channels exist only because the creator of the channel (the first person to go in there at that time) went into it. The first person into a private channel gains Operator Status. An Operator has the ability to kick and ban people from the channel. But you don't need to worry about this because Diablo players can't get into those channels anymore.

But when playing other games, you can obtain "Ops" from an operator by whispering to that person this Battle.Net command: /ImaybeafoolbutnowIhaveops


If you don't have items, you can beg for them! The best place to beg is in channels with LOTS of people. Once you find such a channel you should go beg there. Especially if it is full of people with a S.C. icon. They have every item in the game.


Bounty Hunters will hunt players for you. You should supply the Bounty Hunter with information about the player: his/her full name, home phone number, and home address. Ok, so don't give out that information, just give the bounty hunter 5,000 gold and choose a random person for them to go after.


Players with a Golden Icon have discovered some of Diablo's secrets.

Secrets of Diablo


Some players have an icon that says "CHAT." They are using a special spin-off game from the Diablo CD. Only certain D CDs came with the CHAT game. CHAT games are now restricted to certain channels, however, and you will be unable to get there.

Some players have an icon that says "S.C." That means that that player has every item possible in Diablo. "S.C." stands for Storage Character, in other words, that player has every item in the game. These are special character icons and the characters themselves do not play when inside of games - they only hold items. A Storage Character is easily recognized when within a game (always in town) because it is a Rogue who does not have a bow equipped.

Some players have no icon, just a blank space. Those are level 100 players. Battle.Net is unable to properly display the level 100 and thus the icon becomes blank.

Some Diablo players have a simple "Diablo" written in their icon. This means that they ARE Diablo. They can only play with other characters who have achieved the Diablo character class - the mysterious 5th class. You might also see an icon of Diablo with a little "sw" in the corner. That just means that they're on shareware Diablo - they aren't really a Diablo class character.

Other icons have to do with other Blizzard games. Some icons are used by Blizzard representatives themselves.


To the right of every player's icon there is a strip of bars. These number anywhere from 1 to 6 and are green, yellow, and red.

These bars can represent items. The better items someone has, the fewer bars they have. Green bars mean someone has great items. Yellow bars mean someone has ok items. Red bars mean someone has crappy items.

Storage Characters with bad colored item-bars are interperated differently. Because there are so many items in Diablo, several Storage Characters are needed. A Storage Character with bad item-bars simply means that particular S.C. has more bad items than good. A S.C. with good item-bars means that S.C. has more good items than bad.

Some players have something else in place of item bars. It is a picture of an alien. It might look like an electrical plug to some people, but it's an alien. It means that a player has no items because the items were confiscated after their last alien abduction. Every Diablo character class has an alien item-bar.


Gaming on Battle.net can be one of the most fun experiences OF YOUR LIFE! If there's one thing to do before you die, it's play on Battle.net. The people are always so extremely nice I can only describe it as excruciatingly nice. You'll never find a better group of folks.


Press the JOIN button on the left side of your screen. There will be a list of Game Names. Highlight a game name and you can see A) who created the game B) at what time it was created C) the creator's character level.


Oftentimes, game names are in Diablo Code. It isn't really a code, but just general slang used around Battle.Net. A game that says "legit" or "legitimate" means that those players use only the best of the best cheated items and they like to kill other players with them. An example of bragging about it might be: "Hey, I just killed this unlegit a-hole. Ha! I love doing that."

Game names that say "KEEP OUT" or other such things, mean that you should keep out of the game. Or do they? There's only one way to find out!

Some players use game names to beg for items. Usually they already have the item but just want to steal more from other people. You should tell these people that you have it and then kill them when they ask you for it.


Some games are private games and such games have passwords. Passwords are fairly easy to crack. You need to know a game's name before you may attempt to join it. Type GAME in the password blank and then press ALT+QUANDARY. It bypasses the password function.


Siht si eht dne fo eht ediug. I epoh ouy deyojne ti. Rebmemer taht eht rewop fo diputs elpoep si llams, tub eht rewop fo diputs elpoep taht kniht yeht wonk tahw yeht era gniod si hcum retaerg. Eraweb!

Could you read that? I couldn't either. To read it, print it off and take it into the bathroom. Now dip it in the toilet water. Magically, the correct words will appear. That's because I used "secret message" font for the letters in that particular paragraph. If it still is not working, squirt some of that stuff into the bowl that makes the water blue and try again.

The End