The Pretender
by Shank-Alfonse

Class: Any
Tag: [Variant Tag(s) which you are] P [Variant you're pretending to be]
For example, Shank(BNM) pretends to be an Amazon would be Shank(BNMPAMZ).


Well, in real life, many people try to be things they're not, and it can result in them getting into a heep of problems. Well, this is the idea behind the pretender. What happens when Thag the Barbarian wants to be an archer? Or when Questor the APM decides to be a BNW? Basically, they can't be, but they try, and try, and try... The object of this variant? Well, that's obvious, the char tries to become proficient at it.


Play as what you're pretending to be would play, i.e. if you were pretending to be an amazon, don't teleport around CL'ing stuff; do physical damage.

You can change what you are pretending to be, however, it would be shameful to do so without killing the Dark Lord at least once before you change.

Try to follow as many of the rules of what you are pretending to be as you can, i.e. don't use illegal spells, don't use an axe if you're a cleric, etc. However, breaking equipment restrictions of your original variant would be ok, but don't overdo it. This means if you are a Beyond Naked Character, still wear some of that cursed stuff

When you beat diablo you become an honorary member of the variant you chose. So, if you beat Diablo while pretending to be an Amazon, you are an honorary Amazon.

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