Diablo Variants

Got Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 variants that need a home? Is one of your variants here and you'd like anything about it changed (mistake corrections, new version, etc.)? Do you have any complaints about a variant hosted here? Let me know. Know, however, that I do not respond to vulgar or unreadable e-mails.

Variant Navigation

Variants are grouped by intended class and then listed alphabetically. The majority of D1 variants hosted here are "unofficial" - they were never dotted. Confirmed official variants are denoted by one of three graphics (determined by char class dotted under the variant rules). If you have dotted (1st) a variant that is listed here as "unofficial" and would like its status set to "official," let me know. Also note that some of these very well may have been dotted and I just don't know about it. If I don't know with which class a variant was first dotted but I know that it *was* dotted, I randomly give it one of the three images.

Here are some links to speed up your variant searching.

Feelin' blue? Try a variant!

| Any Class | Barbarian Class | Bard Class | Monk Class |
| Rogue Class | Sorcerer Class | Warrior Class |
| Miscellaneous Activities | Unfinished Ideas |

Diablo 2 Variants

Diablo 1 Variants

Alphabetical by Class and Title

Variants for All Classes
Variant Title Author Description
Bartender Meshuggah Servin' drunkards is yer business
Bear Tahrajj Smokey goes psycho
Borg Skandranon Prepare to be assimilated by the Collective
Capitalist Gilmere Restore the economy of Tristram
Compulsive Gambler Syntari The odds are against you. Feelin' lucky?
Dark Avenger Dr.Disaster & Lord Marcus He always follows the guidelines of his faith and his goddess
Dark Jedi Freak-The-Jedi You do not know the power of the Dark Side
Dentist LemmingofGlory A variant that always looks down in the mouth
Diablo 2 Characters LemmingofGlory These characters think they're in another world
Disciple of the Random Number God Syntari Worry not, for all you need to know is right in front of your eyes
Friend of Farnham LemmingofGlory A hero sympathetic to a life-long friend, Farnham
Greenpeace Kaervek Save the animals
Gremlin LemmingofGlory Evil imps wreak havoc
Illogical LemmingofGlory A character that does the exact opposite of what another might do
Jedi LemmingofGlory A variant based on the Force Sensitive heroes and villains of Star Wars
Jedi Ry May the Force be with you
Jeweler DaveTheMage Your keen eye never misses a ring drop
Lighthouse The`Shooter Show the monsters the light
Living Off the Land Bostic Forget about gold and shopping. Find it all on your own.
Mutually Beneficial Trio Lupus[DE] A team variant that tries to eliminate equipment squabbles
One-Armed Bandit Grarrrg This silly "variant" makes you play using only one arm
Other Nudists Analysis by
The Not-So-Legendary OTHER Nudists
Pagan Shank-Alfonse You live by the will of the gods
Paladin Orcin A holy hero crusades against evil
Phoenix Elfiran Take the role of the legendary bird of immolation
Pretender Shank-Alfonse Masquerade as another variant
Reincarnated Hero Syntari Return from the dead and avenge your death
Restricted Characters LemmingofGlory Various restrictions to add more challenge to a character
Scavenger The Wanderer The labyrinth's resident pack rat
Seeker Sirian Hunt for elusive items
Stone Mason LemmingofGlory A subclass to the SNOB variant, this guy really likes rocks
Taxman Hal Terrorize others as a horrifying, demonic entity... tax collector!
Three Anonymous One and two are not enough!
Thug Exodus Gang up and bash some heads in with this team variant
Ultimate Quest Sirian Is one time through the dungeon enough to keep this team going?
Undead Tahrajj Night of the living dead in Tristram
Vampire Shank-Alfonse Feed off the living
Vampire Hunter Syntari Blood-suckers beware
Various Variants Rand'al Fighter, Cleric, Paladin, Mage, Druid, Ranger
Wood Worker Grarrrg Think "Bob Vila"

Variants for the Barbarian
Variant Title Author Description
Carpenter Krashnark Pack a toolbox. It's time to stop buildin' and start killin'
Thor Krashnark The God of Thunder vs the Lord of Terror!

It was ME!
Variants for the Bard
Variant Title Author Description
Max Weinberg Grarrrg Conan O'Brien's band leader goes after Diablo

I left my monastery for THIS?
Variants for the Monk
Variant Title Author Description
Bishop Eaglesnows A holy man puts prayer aside to kick some ass

Look at me that way again and you'll be deader than the slain townsman.
Variants for the Rogue
Variant Title Author Description
Algebra Teacher Gorath Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with the insidious weapon of Mathematics
Axe Rogue Heidi Warriors aren't the only ones who can heft the mighty axe
Blob The`Shooter Extraterrestrials made of gelatin
Eagle Irate Take flight with this Eagle worshipping tribesman
Fairy Dr.Disaster Mischevious, magical, and diminutive
Griswold's Assistant Heidi You're Griswold's stockgal, so get to work!
Half-Dragon Dragos Breathe fire on the denizens of Hell
Monk LemmingofGlory An imitation of the Hellfire character class
Pickpocket Wyvernslayer Kleptomania strikes even heroes
Squirrel LemmingofGlory This rodent variant is for the rogue

... and I made THIS out of dryer lint!
Variants for the Sorcerer
Variant Title Author Description
Algebra Teacher Gorath Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with the insidious weapon of Mathematics
Belial's Advocate Rat Whacker The Lord of Lies sends forth a servant to keep Diablo from returning to Hell
Bishop Eaglesnows A holy man puts prayer aside to kick some ass
Dark Artist Clanless(NCR) A race of wizards specializing in the conjuration of monsters and dark arts
Daywalker Syntari Part human, part vampire, fully vampire hunter
Elemental Mage Teams Sirian A Team variant where Sorcerers must work together for victory
Familiar LemmingofGlory A rodent-mage who works for Adria
Infiltrator Meshuggah Assassinate the evil mage demons that inhabit Hell
The Invalid LemmingofGlory
You are an invalid diagnosed with an illness for which not even Dr.Pepin can provide a name
Lemming LemmingofGlory A wacky, suicidal rodent-mage
Naked Mage DSF The Legendary Naked Mage
Nerd Zifnab Feelin' dorky?
Sage Tir Search for knowledge; all else is just distraction
Skeleton Magi Tahrajj A longer version of the Burning Dead and Horror variants
Sorcerer's Apprentice Kasyern This poor apprentice is in for a rude awakening as he strives to survive with his underpowered spells!
Temporal Agent Syntari Take control of the tides of time
Tyger Mage ~Rasputin~ Nomadic warlocks from the north rely on cold, hard steel as well as the mystic art of magic
Warrior Wannabe Kaervek This Sorcerer aspires to be revered as a warrior

How do you tell the difference between oral and rectal thermometers? I've always gone by the taste.
Variants for the Warrior
Variant Title Author Description
Aborigine Metal Worker Irate A faction of the ancient Aborigine tribes, these people are experts at making beautiful weaponry and armor out of metals
Axe Master Belial Mighty warriors who use no weapon other than the axe
Berzerker aeNima A speed-loving fighter with an aspect of finality
Daywalker Syntari Part human, part vampire, fully vampire hunter
Carpenter Krashnark Pack a toolbox. It's time to stop buildin' and start killin'
Fool Meshuggah A bare-necessities warrior
Gladiator GrapeApe Out of the Coliseum and into the labyrinth
Goat Men Garibatis BLEAT The minions of Baal train in the Halls of Terror
Griswold's Assistant Heidi You're Griswold's stockboy, so get to work!
Hamster LemmingofGlory A rodent-warrior who fears even equipment, has bad eye-sight, and monster strength requirements
Knight of Khanduras Tres A valiant swordsman who disdains shields, powerful magic, and the premium items of the townfolk
Max Weinberg Grarrrg Conan O'Brien's band leader goes after Diablo
Monk LemmingofGlory An imitation of the Hellfire character class
Northman Pickle A lover of most two-handed weaponry
Titan Nima Power is paramount to this huge hero
Warrior Clans Aniltakia The Warriors of the Khanduras disagree on the perfect weapon

Miscellaneous Activities for All Classes
Activity Title Author Description
Closed Team Rules None Common rules for playing a closed team of characters
Games LemmingofGlory Got a character with nothing to do? Try some games!
Lame Name Patrol FriendlyPK Police the uninventive. Humor

Diablo 1 Ideas

Diablo 2 Variants

In Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction mercenaries can in many cases play as variant characters. Variants whose rules allow for mercenaries to play using a somewhat modified version of the overall rules are denoted by mercenary graphics in the "Class" column. Like the normal character classes, not all merc types can play by every variant rule set. The applicable mercenary types have their portraits appear in the "Class" column. On the particular variant's rule page, there exists a special "Mercenary Rules" section where you can find the rules for using mercenaries with that variant as well as rules for playing a mercenary as that variant.

Variant Title Author Classes Description
Bushido Charis
The lands of the East bring a swift lightly clad warrior with a strong heart.
Classic Diablo Characters (Official) LemmingofGlory Any
Characters that believe they're still in Tristram
Closed Team Rules None N/A Common rules for playing a closed team of characters
The Hand of Trag'Oul (Official) LemmingofGlory Necromancer A powerful yet fragile assassin
Hamster LemmingofGlory Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Paladin
The rodent-warrior returns! Wheecht!
The Holy Grail LemmingofGlory Paladin, Barbarian Read this team variant or I shall say "Ni!" to you again!
Horadric Knight (Official) LemmingofGlory Paladin The Horadrim trained warriors to fight by their side.
But how effective can a fighter be if he was trained by a... mage?
The Legion of Greiz (Official) LemmingofGlory Any
For the glory of Greiz!!
Man-azon LemmingofGlory Necromancer Something of a spoof on Charis' popular Amazon variant
Nudist (Official) LemmingofGlory Necromancer, Paladin, Sorceress
Comments on playing Itemless characters in D2
Returned Albrecht (Official) LemmingofGlory
Necromancer The once-possessed corpse of Albrecht laid decaying and waiting for Diablo's power to grow...
Sorc with a Cold (Official) Hocus
Sorceress, Necromancer
Ah!-Ah!-Ah-choo!... Pass the chicken noodle soup. *sniffle*
Valkyrie Host (Official) LemmingofGlory Amazon An Amazon too clumsy to kill things for herself enlists the aid of a Valkyrie
Undead Paladin LemmingofGlory Necromancer
Slain Paladins defiled by demons come back to roam the world once more

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