Reincarnated Hero
by Syntari

Class: Any


Heroes are often the reincarnated in the forms of another hero who was slain in battle (An immortal hero who dies would be a nice fit reclassed as an REHE), seeking vengeance on the monsters that did them in.


Has a penchant for 'Flaming' weapons, and almost always uses Swords, particularly a 'Flaming' one.

Uses little or no +res all jewels, prefering to be covered in Diamonds, Sapphires, and Crimson (the color of blood), often with brightly shining (+light) armor.


In battle, will often neglect magic, using it mainly to clear out large groups of weak creatures, and clear the path to strong creatures or uniques (who are often hunted with particular zeal).

Spells used include Inferno (fire of hell), Lightning, Holy Bolt, Teleport (flight), Town Portal, Flash, and Nova (from scrolls, of course).


A Quest of Retribution would fit nicely.

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