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The intent of this site is to record the reunions, gatherings, shipmate connections, and other activities that have occcurred to reconnect shipmates since the original web site covering the history of the ship was developed.

There were approximately 145 sailors aboard when LST 1159 was commissioned. I am estimating that approximately every 2 years there is a crew turnover of 50%. In the 19 years LST 1159 operated and cruised, approximately 700 men were onboard for various lengths of time. It was my hope to make the information on this site available to any of these sailors that are interested in it, and to stimulate the reconnecting of old shipmates that may have lost track of each other.

As proud as we are of the accomplishments noted on this page they are recorded here not for personal pride, but with a sense of appreciation for all that we were able to be a part of. Our successes were just that - OUR succeses. It is because of the hard work, talent, and contributions of countless volunteer crew members that we have made a difference. The teamwork that made the Tom Green County such a great ship has been continued by the Officers and crew over the past several years and this has kept the spirit of our ship and our experiences alive.

Scroll down and you will be able to select the Table of Content. The Table of Content permits browsing the site in any sequence you desire. From the Table of Contents you can follow the historical sequence of the connections made or go directly to the reunion, gathering, or connection you desire.

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