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Tracking FAQS . . .

Frequently Asked Questions . . .
Q. How do I get started tracking?
A. There are several good resources, including the Moraine Tracking Club, your local AKC training club, or the Midwest Tracking Association. The Midwest Tracking Association may be reached by writing to: MTA, 1625 Glenwood Dyer Rd., Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411. There are also a number of books and web sites that can help you get started. Go to our resources page for more detailed information.
Q. What kind of equipment do I need?
A. You will need a non-restrictive harness; a leash 20 to 40 foot in length; articles for the dog to find; treats (some dogs may need extra motivation); water; a notebook and pencil, and appropriate clothing (what you would wear to walk your dog in a field). Other items will become apparent as you learn more about tracking.
Q. My dog is a ___________ (fill in the blank). Can it learn to track?
A. Every dog has the ability to follow a scent. However, not every dog is equally motivated. Only by giving the sport a chance will you discover whether your dog has or can develop the necessary motivation. A more important question to ask yourself is " can I learn to follow my dog?"
Tracking is a dog sport in which the human handler must relinquish the lead position to the dog. The handler helps the dog realize that a particular scent must be followed. The handler helps the dog learn to focus on that scent despite numerous distractions. The handler helps the dog have confidence and motivation to continue even in difficult situations. But, it is the dog that follows the scent. The handler who overcomes the desire to lead the dog will succeed.
Q. Can I enter a test even if I don't belong to a club?
A. Yes. However, if you plan to enter an American Kennel Club Tracking Dog test, you and your dog must be certified by a licensed AKC tracking judge. The certification test is proof that the dog and handler are capable of handling the challenges of a tracking test. If the dog/handler team is certified, you will be given 4 certificates that will enable you to enter a licensed test. A certificate must be included with any entry to an AKC TD test.
Q. Q.How old should my dog be before I start teaching it to track?
A. You can start teaching your dog when it is a puppy. But, it must be at least six months old to enter a test.
Q. How do I get a judge to certify my dog?
A. Contacts can be made through the Moraine Tracking Club or the Midwest Tracking Association. Be aware that judges have a limited amount of time. Please do not attempt to become certified unless you and your dog are truly ready for the test. (This is where it really helps to belong to a club. Other trackers will tell you if you are ready to be certified.)
Q. Do I have to use only grass when I start teaching my dog to track?

A. Some people start only on grass. Others use a variety of surfaces. The belief is that using variable surfaces from the beginning helps the dog accept these surfaces and obstacles as a "matter-of-fact".



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