In dreams life is so real.
Can we control the night dreams and
make them what we want then to be?


If we could, I would cause you to come to me,
not make you come to me nor
force you in anyway, instead I would
dream me into your two loving arms.

I thought of you to day in my day dreams.
tonight I will love you in all your beauty,
I will love you in all your tenderness
I will love you in all your sweet passion.
Yes tonight my dreams will become reality
because I will again have you by my side.

The morning at awaking,
will bring the slow movement,
of the second hand of time,
for to me all stands still,
as I await the nights return and dreams of you.

The days will hear me say,
I love you and call your name out low.
Until the night returns
I once again in my dreams
Hold you in my two loving arms

because in dreams
you will forever be,
My love, my life, my dream

Written By Troy Windom

