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JERS-1 (Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1)

JERS-1 is one of the Japanese's Earth Resources Satellite, launched Febuary 1, 1992. JERS-1 carries an Optical Sensor, which collects data in four visible and near infrared bands, and a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), which is capable of penetrating clouds.

 (Optical Sensor originally had the capability to capture data in four additional shortwave infrared bands. That portion of the sensor stopped working in December 1993.) Optical ensor also is capable of stereoscopic observation by forward and nadir look angles in the near-infrared band 4, which is a useful feature for topographic studies.

The JERS-1 spacecraft provides data to 16 ground receiving stations worldwide (in Thailand situated in Bangkok), and also stores data on the satellites recorder.

Optical Sensor (OPS)

Band 1: 0.52 - 0.60 µm

Band 2: 0.63 - 0.69 µm

Band 3: 0.76 - 0.86 µm

Band 4: 0.76 - 0.86 µm(Looking forward)

Band 5: 1.60 - 1.71 µm (Inoperative - archive available)

Band 6: 2.01 - 2.12 µm (Inoperative - archive available)

Band 7: 2.13 - 2.15 µm (Inoperative - archive available)

Band 8: 2.27 - 2.40 µm (Inoperative - archive available)


JERS-1 / SAR - Technical Specifications Sensor

name of sensor
spatial resolution
spectral range
nbr of bands
temporal resolution

size of image

swath (km)
off-nadir angle

transmitting power
data rate

Stereo angle
Ground resolution
No. of CCD Elementss
SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)
L-band SAR
18 m
1.275 GHz
44 d

1275 MHz
(noise equivalent scattering coefficient - 20.5 dB max)
14 dB min.
1.3 KW
60 Mbps
(30 Mbps x 2 channels)
3 bits
15.3° (Band 4)
118.3 m x 24.2 m (specified value)
4096 for each band


Data obtained from the JERS-1 is useful for observations of the earth, focused on earth esources, and environmental protection, agriculture, forestry, fishery, Iand use, disaster revention and coastal monitoring. The satellite will contribute to improving society by solving global problems of resources, food and the environment. The integrated earth resource observation system using the JERS-1 will be an essential part of the international cooperation in the field of the future earth observation.


JERS-1 has a data recorder installed in it. It can automatically obtain and record a certain regions' data difficult to acquire through the operations of the ground stations. The data recorder temporarily stores the data and reproduces them when the satellite is over ground stations. The satellite can also acquire data in real time when it is above ground stations. In Japan, the data is received at NASDA'S Earth Observation Center, Saitama. NASA's station in Alaska is one of the overseas receiving stations.

Related Organizations

In January 1985, the Science and Technology Agency and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry established the Technology Research Association of Resources Remote Sensing System (RRSS) for development of mission subsystems Engineering Model (EM). Taking over the EM development results from RRSS, The Japan Resources Observation System Organization (JAROS) was set up in November 1986 in order to develop mission subsystems Proto-Flight Model (PFM).

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