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Links Page

Hopefully, this page will be a comprehensive "One-Stop-Shop" links page to satisfy your Silver Jet addiction. If any of the links are outdated or if you know of a link that needs to be added, please send an Email to scene@thepentagon.com with the subject heading Silver Jet links and the page will be added here. (Pictured below from left to right: Grant Conway (drummer, bg vocals), Luke Tierney (lead vocals, guitarist), Jeff Gross (bass, bg vocals)

Instead of repeating any information that other pages may already have, I will simply make a link to it. For example, Lisa has been working very hard on tracking down various rare Silver Jet records, and I have been trying to compile Silver Jet's history. Since Jason has listed Lisa's findings on his News Page, I will advise you to check out that page. And for the history of Silver Jet? I'm working on that. Check below for a taste of what I have so far.

Fan Pages

Related Pages

Wanna hear what we heard?

Wanna read what we read?

Where are they now?

You may be able to find some of the answers to the trivia page on this page.

To understand and appreciate where Silver Jet came from, here is a background of other bands they were a part of before they became Silver Jet. Also, find out where their former band mates are now.

Two of the earlier bands that Luke was involved with was Lost Kittenz and Fizzy Bangers.

Jeff was in a band called Under the Weather and Fizzy Bangers with Luke. (Go check out the trivia page).

Follow that cart back to The Scene!
Hey, that's Grant's art work!

Alright! Now that you've been to all the links, (You have been to all the links, right?) test your Silver Jet knowledge.

This Silver Jet site is owned by Nancy. Want to join the Silver Jet Webring?
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