I am a scientist.

I am not the only scientist on this planet.
There are others.

As a scientist, I (in total open-mindededness with all curiosity and investigation) search for, accept, and accumulate ALL information that I have become aware of with my understandably-limited senses.

I do not exclude ANYTHING. NOTHING is censored. NOTHING forbidden to probe into. Nothing is too wild, weird, or crazy. There is positively NO bias whatsoever.

Of course, I will not search for nor accept anything that I assume would (obviously) harm or incapacitate myself. I am not foolishly suicidal in my investigations, nor do I ever intend to be, thank you.

One of the phenomenon of existence I have become aware of in my vast searching and encounter with all I have come to know exists in reality is: The HOLY BIBLE - which (I am quick to add for the despicable sake of the immediately bigoted) I myself have not PREJUDICIALLY excluded in my continuing SCIENTIFIC investigations. And if you even HINT to revile me or call me a LIAR, I might lethally smash you in the throat.....whenever and wherever!

As you can readily see, I will - and I DO mean WILL - defend myself against MINDLESS blatter attempting to contradict or belittle me about this!

I would not be a TRUE scientist to dismisss or ignore the contents of what has been and is called: "The HOLY BIBLE!"

Upon opening that Book and reading the initial text of Genesis chapter one, I read the words:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face on the waters. And God said, "Let there be light." And there was light.

Scientific analysis of the above quotation follows.

"In the beginning....."

THAT is a LOGICAL place to start. It is a SCIENTIFIC statement of BOTH a CONCEPT and a PRECISE TIME MEASUREMENT. MATHEMATICALLY, it could be rephrased: "At zero (0), time began counting forward..."


The obviously-had-to-be-one Creator is now identified as "God" with respectful capitalization and prominence of the "G" - whoever or whatever he, she, or that which could eventually be further identified and described. I personally have NO problem observing the Creator being termed: "God" -- and I hope that you the reader have no problem with that "religious"-sounding word either. What IS clear is that "God" is invisible and [logically] more POWERFUL and LONG-LASTING than anything or anyone ["He"] made or allowed. And WHAT did "God" do?

"....created the heavens and the earth...."

God the Creator brought whatever now existed into being. Into reality. Physical phenomena perceivable and measurable.
"The heavens and the earth" is an intriguing way to describe the then-totality of everything physical and physically perceivable that existed (all? of which YET exists). Note that God described TWO SEPARATE entities: "heavens" and "earth." Such an ONLY-2-PART description certainly gives remarkable importance to "the earth" as contrasted and complementing "the heavens" of vast then-empty space.

"....And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep...."

Again, mentioning "earth" again places even MORE emphasis on this planet Earth ALONE compared to all physical and physically-perceivable reality and phenomena in existence.
"Formless" earth indicates there was no solid ground [whether observable by anyone or anything....or not]. There was no division of land contrasted with oceans and seas, but rather a constantly-changing-shape spheroid of shapeless mist under which was (perhaps) waters, lava, whatever.
The word "void" nowadays usually signifies CANCELLATION of something no longer current or applicable, so "void" is not the best word to use in translation. A suitable replacement might be: empty or without distinguishable contents.

".....and darkness was upon the face of the deep...."

For the first time, the phenomenon of "darkness" is mentioned as a physical entity (to prepare us for "light" to come later, I guess).
"Face" is perhaps better rendered: "surface." And "the deep" is another phenomena mentioned for the first time, indicating the presence of something NOT SHALLOW but rather having a depth of significance - perhaps miles, hundreds of miles, or more.

".....and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters...."

Now obvious is WHAT was "deep," which is: WATERS. A liquid compound of hydrogen chemically combined with oxygen in mass.

[NO mention of "lava"].

And, for the first time, a new attribute or person of God the Creator is revealed as [His]: "Spirit." Moreover, that Spirit was in motion -- travelling across the surface of the misty spheroid's watery-surface primordial seas (for whatever cause and however long).

[May I remind you the reader that - so far - "lava" is not mentioned WHATSOEVER, nor any Big Bang, nor any purported accumulation of interstellar gas and dust, gravitationally condensing [ILLOGICAL, by the way, because of the physical nature of EXPANDING gases repelling both cohesion and adhesion] to self-ignite stars with molten-lava planets spinning off from them].

"....And God said...."

So, God can SPEAK? Audibly? With a VOICE? To WHOM? Could anyone or anything HEAR such? Does God then have a mouth, tongue, vocal cords, and lungs?

"...Let there be light..."

"LET" there be light? Who or what is hindering "light" from happening, that a "let" has to be requested by God? Is light being hidden or restrained somewhere somehow by some power who or which God has to beg permission for it to exist perceptibly? English language and translation inadequacy might be overcome by God instead stating:

"Light! Exist!"

And God brought "light" into being for the first time, but NOT the light of the Sun (which Sun was not created, according to Genesis 1, until Day 4 of Creation Week).

The Genesis RECORD [and - as far as I can perceive - NOT legend, myth, allegory,, metaphor, nor fairy tale] continues, involving what we scientists describe with radioactive dating (of not-known-what-quantity of not-known-how-much-of-which PARENT-type original or half-life- decayed CHILD-type second, third, fourth generation RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES)......and the fossil record (concerning the alleged "evolution" of ADULT, ALREADY-FULLY-FUNCTIONING-THUS-LIFE-SUSTAINABLE lifeforms.

Continuing on in Scriptural analysis, scientific deduction grows with exponential increase that God the Creator is both consistently benevolent and absolutely perfect historically down to the present moment I am writing this - in any and every sense of the word.

The same benevolence and perfection certainly NOT can be said of ERRANT HUMANITY.

Origins Curriculum Part B

Origins Curriculum Part C

Origins Curriculum Part D

Church-State Separation/Integration Part One

Church-State Separation/Integration Part Two