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Television Books

Total Television. A marvelous reference book. The first place I look for TV info.

The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows has a long name, but that's fitting for a book that lists all of the prime time shows....ever. The second place I look for TV info.

TV's Second Golden Age evidently occurred during the '80s, according to the author, who looks at such diverse shows as Hill Street Blues and Twin Peaks.

The Encyclopedia of Daytime Television: Everything You Wanted to Know About Daytime TV but Didn't Know Where to Look!. A highly rated reference to cartoons, game shows, and of course soaps, along with everything else that plays while the rest of us are working.

What I'm Reading Right Now:

Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendent (a Babylon 5 novel)

The second in a new series of Babylon 5 novels tracing the origins and development of the Psi-Corps, the highly regimented and slightly sinister organization of telepaths, this book focuses on Albert Bester, who will grow up to be a persistent thorn in the side of the Babylon 5 crew.

What I've Just Finished:

Blue Moon (Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, book 8) by Laurell K. Hamilton

Book 8 in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series (see below), this book ventures outside of the normal St. Louis environs, but features plenty of familiar characters, and further solidification of the interpersonal relationships that elevate the series.

Wizard and Glass: Dark Tower IV by Stephen King

The fourth book in the epic story of Roland and his quest for the Dark Tower. These books were, for a time, among the hardest to find King books, but they've now been made available both in a collection and in inexpensive paperback editions (see below). An unusual mix of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror, this series jumps between our world, a futuristic wasteland, and an age of chivalry which appears to be not in our past, but in our future. This is by far the longest of the Dark Tower books. The Dark Tower is an ongoing series.

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter by Laurell K. Hamilton
An outstanding series of fantasy/horror/mystery novels set in an alternate St. Louis where vampires, zombies, and lycanthropes (werewolves, for the uninformed) exist and have legal rights. If you haven't read these books, pick 'em up right now, but start at the beginning; the series features real character development, and situations in each novel build on what has come before.
Book 1: The Laughing Corpse
Book 2: Circus of the Damned
Book 3: Guilty Pleasures
Book 4: The Lunatic Cafe
Book 5: Bloody Bones
Book 6: The Killing Dance
Book 7: Burnt Offerings
Book 8: Blue Moon

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Gatekeeper Trilogy

Book 1: Out of the Madhouse

Book 1: Ghost Roads

Book 1: Sons of Entropy

Baseball Books by W.P. Kinsella
Shoeless Joe
The book that the movie Field of Dreams is based on. The story of a man who plows under part of his farm to create a baseball diamond at the bidding of a disembodied voice. If you haven't read it, do.

The Iowa Baseball Confederacy
Another baseball fantasy, this one sends two 1980's ballplayers back in time to play for a team of unknown all-starts against the mighty Chicago Cubs, in a game that goes into 40 days and 40 nights' worth of extra innings.

The Dark Tower by Stephen King

Dark Tower: The Gunslinger

The Drawing of the Three: Dark Tower II

The Wastelands: Dark Tower III

Wizard and Glass: Dark Tower IV

The Dark Tower Series (Boxed Collection)

The Dark Tower Series (Collected Paperback)


The Dummies Series Remember when being called a dummy was an insult? Now we're clamoring for books that call us names! Behind this link is a varied selection of books from the reknowned "...For Dummies" series. Yes! I'm a Dummy!

Babylon 5 Novels
Book 1: Voices
Book 2: Accusations
Book 3: Blood Oath
Book 4: Clark's Law
Book 5: The Touch of Your Shadow, The Whisper of Your Name
Book 6: Betrayals
Book 7: The Shadow Within
Book 8: Personal Agendas
Book 9: To Dream in the City of Shadows

Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi-Corps (a Babylon 5 novel)

The first in a new series of Babylon 5 novels tracing the origins and development of the Psi-Corps, the highly regimented and slightly sinister organization of telepaths.

Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendent (a Babylon 5 novel)

The second in a new series of Babylon 5 novels tracing the origins and development of the Psi-Corps, the highly regimented and slightly sinister organization of telepaths, this book focuses on Albert Bester, who will grow up to be a persistent thorn in the side of the Babylon 5 crew.


Ragtime: The Musical (Original Cast Recording)

Hey, Mr. Producer! A Salute to Cameron Macintosh

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