Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Meet Clayton
More Moore


"A fiery horse with the speed of light,
a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi-Yo Silver!"
The Lone Ranger rides again!
Return with us now to those
Thrilling Days of Yesteryear!"

Check out the Legend of The Lone Ranger
and meet the man behind the mask!

  • Find out how a badly wounded Texas Ranger, nursed back to health by a childhood friend, becomes the famous masked rider in The Legend of The Lone Ranger!

  • See how actor Clayton Moore became The Lone Ranger and how the role changed his life forever!

  • Read the text of a radio interview conducted with Clayton Moore long before his book "I Was That Masked Man" was published!

  • Get the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about both The Lone Ranger and Clayton Moore!

  • Check out the lyrics to a 1979 song written about Clayton's battle to keep wearing the Lone Ranger mask. The song is called Keep The Mask On The Lone Ranger.

  • Go to other sites with information on both The Lone Ranger and Clayton Moore, Westerns or Serials. You can also send us an e-mail message!