Jughead Zone Guestbook Archive Page 1

Name: Dave
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Scsu
Time: 1997-06-04 18:12:00
Comments: Great page, and good Luck in the future~

Name: David Matterazzo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Haddam, CT.
Time: 1997-06-04 19:24:00
Comments: Your web page was very interesting....I will visit some of your sites.

Name: Jennifer
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Los Angeles, CA
Time: 1997-06-04 21:13:00
Comments: What a lovely page. Your pictures are great. Good luck with everything.

Name: nancy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: scsu
Time: 1997-06-05 01:05:00
Comments: Great job Ed

Name: Joe Celano
Website: My Homepage
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Class at SCSU
Time: 1997-06-05 02:22:00
Comments: Ed, This is a pretty cool page. It looks like you put a lot of work into it. Joe

Name: Carol Stewart
Website: Carol's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Branford, CT
Time: 1997-06-05 02:22:00
Comments: I enjoyed surfing through your homepage and connecting to all of the links. You'll have to show me how to do that when I get to that point! You've made the page interesting by talking about all your interests and your brother. Do you have a tape of the Karoke song? You should got through your page and do some editing (or have someone else do it because it's hard to edit your own work!) A few of your sentences should be broken down into two sentences or separated with commas. Good job. Make sure you give me your class homepage address when your done with it. Carol

Name: Kristie
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: The SCSU Bookstore
Time: 1997-06-05 02:26:00
Comments: Great Web Page Ed!!!! I liked it a lot.

Name: Scott
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Seymour
Time: 1997-06-05 02:40:00
Comments: Great web page Ed! I hope mine turns out half as well when I'm finished with it. I'll be sure and stop by from time to time to check out any updates that you might have made since my last visit. Take care, Scott

Name: michael swingler
Referred by: From Geocities
Time: 1997-06-05 03:14:00
Comments: thanks for letting me know about your site. i'll check it out when i'm not on the job.

Name: Christina Hurlburt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Middletown
Time: 1997-06-05 05:54:00
Comments: You go boy! I knew your page would be great! I hope mine comes out even 1/2 as good! Great guest book!!!!!
Name: Art Kleiner
Website: Art Kleiner's The Age of Heretics
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New York City area
Time: 1997-06-05 14:34:00
Comments: Congratulations to Ed Kleiner on a terrific home page...

Name: Sue Walsh
Website: You've Got to Have Heart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The Great State of Louisiana
Time: 1997-06-05 22:08:00
Comments: Hi Edward, Thanks for visiting my page. You and I have a lot in common - our love of computer technology. I work as a LAN Administrator for the company on my homepage and love it.....very challenging at times, but keeps the ole brain working. Your site is great; I too am a jughead lover. See, more in common. My site has just been up a week or two and already I'm into creating more pages for it......guess it's just in the blood. Again, your site is great and I wish you the very best with yours. If you have any friends that might be interested, send them my way, I could use some more entries too. Thanks, Sue

Name: Sherry Prucnal
Website: Sherry's World of Mickey Mouse
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-06-06 00:16:00
Comments: Great Homepage, Ed! See you in class Monday! Sherry

Name: Susan Cooper
Website: Welcome to the Coop
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Florida
Time: 1997-06-06 00:18:00
Comments: What a great site you have! Thanks for bringing me here! I love to read about people, know where they come from, and who they are! You care kind to say that my site is great! Well, it is! *BS* I have worked countless hours on it, as have you on yours. Thanks again for coming to Florida----I use to watch "Lost in Space", like all the time- Your site is SUPER! KUDOS, TWO THUMBS UP..and all that pat on the back stuff! *S*

Name: Cathy
Website: Cathy's Corner of Carolina
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Calabash, NC
Time: 1997-06-06 11:10:00
Comments: Hi Ed, You did a really nice job on your homepage. Love reading about Lost in Space, I remember that show from when I was a kid.. Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving the nice comments in the guestbook... always appreciated :)

Name: Marisa Meneo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Haven Connecticut
Time: 1997-06-06 17:10:00
Comments: Dear Ed, You must have worked extremely hard on this web page. You wrote many nice things about yourself and your friends and family. I am happy to see you have completed this project so successfully! You should be very proud of your talents. Your friend, Marisa.

Name: sheila
Website: not yet!!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: stratford
Time: 1997-06-06 19:41:00
Comments: hi Ed! Thanks for directing me to your web page.That was my very FIRST web page visit,EVER!! I'll be back again!! Thanks, sheila

Name: Lisa
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Alabama
Time: 1997-06-06 20:30:00
Comments: Hey!! Great Page you have here. It looks like a lot of work went into creating it. Thanks for signing my guestbook!!!

Name: Donna
Website: Donna's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Alabama
Time: 1997-06-06 21:53:00
Comments: Hi Ed, I just wanted to thank you very much for signing my guestbook and for the lovely comments. Your page is very informative and a pretty good beginning for a new homepage. Keep up the good work.

Name: Sherry
Website: Rick and Sherry's Home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Texas
Time: 1997-06-06 22:10:00
Comments: Hi There-- I to am a movie nut!! I collect videos and probably have about 700. It is my hobbie well besides the computer and other odds and ends... You have a lot of info here and did not know about the upcoming Lost In Space movie...Interesting... You did ask a question but I was not sure what you meant.Please e-mail with details....Glad I stopped in...Good job!!!!
Name: Jess
Website: Jess's Pepsi Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-06-07 00:24:00
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook, enjoyed my visit!!

Name: Jenni
Website: Jenni's House
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Indiana
Time: 1997-06-07 02:03:00
Comments: Hi! Thank you for coming to my house. I 'm glad that you enjoyed it. You have a wonderful page also. I love "Lost In Space!" I used to watch it all the time when I was little. Icatch a re-run of it every once in a while on the Sci-Fi channel. That is when I'm not running all over Muncie doing the billion things that I do. Your page is excellent. I will give you a link if you don't mind. Keep up the wonderful work! Take care. Jenni(:~)

Name: Karin
Website: Take a Walk in the Clouds
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: NJ, USA
Time: 1997-06-07 15:46:00
Comments: Very nice job on your web site. Thanks for visiting mine and please be sure to check back once I have rebuilt. :o)

Name: Cathie
Website: NautiGal's Net Niche
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Kentucky
Time: 1997-06-07 16:43:00
Comments: Hey Jughead ... Thanks for stopping by mine and my daughters homepages! Love to hear from people all over and enjoy them giving me their homepage URL's so I can surf a little too. I really enjoyed your Lost In Space segment ... that was always my favorite show and not alot of people rememeber it.

Name: Virginia
Website: My Home Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Kansas
Time: 1997-06-07 16:59:00
Comments: Hey Edward! Thanks for visiting me at my home page. I am glad you enjoyed yourself. I very much enjoyed yours. "Lost in Space" brings back some great memories. Always did like that show. I miss it now since I never see any of the series. You did a good job on your page. Keep up the good work. :-) Virginia

Name: Kim Sedlacek
Website: Kims Marrow Links
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: seattle
Time: 1997-06-07 18:00:00
Comments: Thanks for visiting my page. I enjoyed yours alot. Lost in Space, huh? I always wanted to name my little sister Penny. Shes glad they called her Tracy

Name: Kathryn
Website: Hearts and Souls Across the Miles
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Sunny California
Time: 1997-06-07 20:02:00
Comments: Edward,

I enjoyed your hompage. You know alot about computers.

, Don't you feel sometimes the internet is kinda like "Lost in Space?" We are part of this ever growing community yet we are also in our own small worlds.

Thanks for inviting me to your home.

, Take care and God Bless,


Name: Eileen
Website: A Woman's View
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: RI
Time: 1997-06-07 20:32:00
Comments: Dear Edward,(jughead) I enjoyed you're entry in my guestbook. It seems nice that people actually know what's going on in the webpages they read!! I especially enjoyed learning about your computer background. What is Lotus 123 anyway????? I just dabble on this thing, and hope I can create a response outta someone, ya know? Your boo parties sure do sound interesting. My sister lived in Spring Valley New York for a time, and I have been through Tappan a few times. That is surely a pretty place!!!!! Well, anyhow, I enjoyed my visit to your page. And am going to check out the "heretics", I feel the need to educate myself on that one....... Yours Truly, Isey

Name: Betsy
Website: Welcome to My Hillbilly Shack
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: West "BY GAWD" Virginia
Time: 1997-06-07 23:41:00
Comments: Very nice!! Keep up the good work...Gotcha bookmarked and will take a peek every now and then...:)

Name: Krystyn
Website: Dreammm's Room, BabEy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: CA...USA
Time: 1997-06-08 08:16:00
Comments: Jughead...Hey computer wiz! Great site...I used to wysiwyg, loved it. Glad someone else out there knew Lotus 1,2,3 besides me. Good luck in your future endeavors. :) ***Krystyn
Name: Jon and Tina
Website: Jon and Tina's Freaky Three-Ring Circus Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Montague Michigan
Time: 1997-06-08 12:14:00
Comments: Hey!!! It looks like you put alot of work into your homepage! Good job! Thanks for stopping by our homepage and signing our guestbook. If you (or anyone else reading this) need help with your homepage, drop me a line or check out my homepage! BTW--I used to watch Lost in Space reruns everyday when I was a kid. I'm a huge fan! :) Can't wait for the movie!

Name: Amy
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: bookstore
Time: 1997-06-08 15:30:00
Comments: Just dropped in to look around.

Name: Safa
Website: My cool homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: San Diego
Time: 1997-06-09 01:51:00
Comments: Hey this is Safa. You signed my guestbook a while ago. Hust incase you don't remember, mines called xxboardingxx's homepage. Your page had a lot of cool little gifs, but I promise I won't copy any of them!

Name: Terry
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Ohio
Time: 1997-06-09 01:50:00
Comments: Hi,thanks for stopping by our page and for your great entry in our guestbook. It's really nice to know that people(like yourself)take the time to really view a site. As you know it takes alot of time and hard work to put together a nice page and is always nice when someone enjoys your work. I have just started looking at your page and so far have enjoyed it. Didn't think many people remembered Lost in Space anymore. Gonna go and look around some more. Keep up the great work.

Name: Arte & Pat (13X & Muffy)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: June Creek, Alaska & Chicago, Illinois
Time: 1997-06-09 02:40:00
Comments: Nice Page, Juggie!

Name: Southern Lady
Website: Southern Lady's Home on the Net
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Southern Louisiana
Time: 1997-06-09 20:40:00
Comments: Hiya Jughead! Nice site. I enjoyed my visit. I will visit you again. Thanks for coming by my "Home on the Net". God Bless, Southern Lady

Name: Paul Hunter
Website: Paul's Celebrity Autograph Web Site
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Montchanin, DE
Time: 1997-06-09 23:30:00

Hi Jughead. This is a nice web site you have here. Keep up the good work.

Name: SunMan
Website: The SunMan's Beginning
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas
Time: 1997-06-09 23:52:00
Comments: I was just surfing by and found your web site. You are welcome to visit my site!

Name: Katie
Website: Katie's Room
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pa
Time: 1997-06-10 01:08:00
Comments: Very nice page Jughead. ;) Thanks for signing my guestbook...I really appreciate it. I like your graphics.

Name: Bev
Website: Needleworks
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Florida
Time: 1997-06-10 02:53:00
Comments: Hi Jughead! Nice Page! I'll be back again. Thanks for signing my guestbook. I knew you were an ok guy as soon as I saw you were from New England! Have a nice day. Bev

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