
pages that house swampy fic

Arcane Knowledge: Fran's Mecca of a Swampy site houses a lot of the fanfiction that you've seen in this archive.

Tiff's Swamp Thing Page: Has her script-style fanfics.

Homage To Alec Holland: J Juno's "Untitled", together with a beautiful title graphic.

Eek, I can't believe I forgot to put this up! Like A Something is the page for all things regarding the Arcane/Graham subtext, including links to subtexty + slash fic in this archive.

And lastly, JJ's Page: That's me. With my perverted fanfic... and my perverted drawings... and my perverted... um... perversions...

BTW, if you want to try fanfic based on the Swamp Thing comic book, you might want to check out Stories From The Shadows: A DC/Vertigo Fanfic Archive; however, the Swampyfic there is painfully rare.


Punctuating Dialogue Correctly: Because we all know, "dAmmit, shut up." He screamed at Tressa. just looks bad.

DangerMom's Grammar Guide: Or would that be Grahammar? *rimshot* Remember to tip your servers! *wink*

Minotaur's Sex Tips For Slash Writers: For those of us who want to write slash; deals primarily with male/male. If you're squicked by the idea of m/m sex... then why are you clicking a link to help you write better slash??

Dictionary.com: Always helpful.

Encyclopedia Brittannica Online: Encyclopedias are always good for fact-checking. Monthly subscription to EB Online is $5.00 (US). No, they're not paying me to say this. You need a credit card, though. :/

"Dammit Graham, what the hell are you doing?!"
"Filling up space, sir, just like you asked."
"And if someone should select the entire page, Graham? Or
perhaps view its source? What then, hmm? <mutter> Sometimes
I wonder what the hell I'm paying you for..."
"I, uh, hadn't thought of that."
"No, you didn't, did you?! Now stop typing and shag me
"Yes, Dr. Arcane, sir!!!
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