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spacer.gif (836 bytes)Here are some BG links to check out. I will be continuing to add to these. There are a plethora of BG sites (hundreds!) right here on Yahoo!GeoCities, so check them out as well. I recommend as the best search engine on the web; use it to find even more sites.

The New Series: Battlestar Galactica site SciFi's official site; lots of downloads and other info here including Ron Moore’s blog. BG Podcasts Frack, don’t you wish we’d had this for the original?!!!

Documents on Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica John Larocque is one of the true scholars of the original series, and he’s doing the same for the new series, with all sorts of highly detailed information here including episode synopses including some of Ron Moore’s podcast commentary. This is definitely a good first stop if you’re looking for sites devoted to the new show.

Battlestar Galactica Hub Episode reviews, images, etc.

Galactica.TV A site devoted to the new series; lots of info, images, etc.

The Original Series: Check here for official information and the latest BG happenings, articles, original artwork, interviews, etc. Updated regularly, with special updates as needed. 

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Endorsed and approved by Richard Hatch and run by Chris Feehan (CureMode), Shawn O’Donnell et al. Lots of information, articles, images, etc. here, frequently updated. Also covers the new series/

Denny Miller This is actor Denny (Ser 5-9 in Gun on Ice Planet Zero) Miller’s new, and very well done site. He includes a nice page of photographs from Gun.

Beaker's Battlestar Galactica Tribute A growing site with some interesting content already.

Cypher Squadron This is a neat idea for a site: BG web sites are rated here, according to overall ranking and also by special category. A good place to start surfing!

Allscifi Battlestar Galactica Spotlight: discuss key issues of the show and become one of our resident Galactica scholars!

Order of the Athena Defenders I think we all agree that poor Athena needs all the help she can get. A good site devoted to an unfortunately underutilized character.

Richard Hatch Enterprises @ Home Richard’s new improved site, courtesy of the talented Michael Faries. Check it out!

Sheba's Galaxy: The Unofficial Universe Of Anne Lockhart A  site run by John Dorsey. Similar in concept to the Battlestar Zone, with lots of information. One of the best sites out there. Regularly updated.

CultTVman: Modeling Galactica A modeling site with a section featuring several well-done build-ups of the Monogram Galactica, viper, and raider kits, and some useful links.

Starship Excellent photos and info covering the construction of the model Galactica used in the series, a fantastic 1/1 scale replica of the series Galactica miniature, and a look at the viper miniatures. A very informative site.

Raymar3d's Battlestar Galactica Page Visit this site for some really awesome stills from Richard’s BG trailer.

Full Bore Boots An interesting site devoted to boots and other gear, this is their page on the Sidi Full Bore motocross boot, which happens to be the type of boot worn on BG. Several good pictures of the boots in their original state and also a pair from BG are featured here.

JACK STAUFFER \Bojay\ BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Jack (Lt. Bojay) Stauffer’s page. 

Battlestar Galactica Memorabilia David Moss’ extensive collection of BG merchandise (probably one of the most complete in existence). He has a lot of unusual items here, all illustrated. Chris Pappas’ collection of original costumes and props from the series. Also some of the content once at is here. Well worth a visit.

Also see my non-BG links.

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