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I was astonished to open up my mail recently and find an e-mail from Shane West's mother and step-dad. Here it is below:


Just found your site.

My daughter who is 19 1/2 loved "My So Called Life". It was her favorite show. ("Daria" came next.)

My son's acting name is "Shane West". He will be playing the character of Eli Sammler in "Once and Again".

I hope people like the series. We saw the pilot (which will be the first episode) and loved it. You can tell this show is semi-autobiographical, for at least one of these writers! The show accurately depicts what it's like when your original set of parents, separate, divorce and begin trying to date again (before you end up with another set of "parents") - from the kids' point of view, and from the parents' and their ex-spouses' points of view also. (I should know. I've been there myself.)

If it stays this funny and fast-paced (just like the lives of single parents with kids), it just might find an audience.

Shane's mom and step-dad