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CBG is showing an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon in 'The Android's Dungeon'. Itchy approaches a chicken.

Scratchy: Hey sister, just give me a chance to get next to you.

Itchy drives up in a car and tips fuel over Scratchy. Itchy lights the fuel then drives off with the chicken.

Scratchy: Hey, my threads baby!

Cartoon finishes

Bart: How come I've never seen that Itchy and Scratchy cartoon before?
Comic Store Guy: Maybe because you are a prepubescent ignoramus. This is a boot legged copy of 'Itchy and Scratchy meet Fritz the Cat'. Because of its frank depiction of sex and narcotic consumption it is not for infantile intellects such as yours. Now toodle-ooh!

Bart walks away groaning but pauses to look at an old picture of Itchy.

Bart: Cool! I'll give you ten bucks for that.
Comic Store Guy: Are you the creator of Hi and Lois? Because you are making me laugh. That drawing is worth exactly seven hundred and fifty dollars, American.
Bart: It's valuable, huh?
Comic Store Guy: Whoo, your powers of deduction are exceptional! I simply can't allow you to waste them here when there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go! Go! For the good of the city!
Bart: Loser.

Bart and Milhouse are browsing through the comic books at 'The Android's Dungeon'.

Bart: (Groan) All of these new super heroes suck! None of them can hold a candle to Radioactive Man.
Milhouse: The only decent new one is 'Radiation Dude'.
Bart: Nah, he just a cheap imitation of 'Radioactive Man'.
Milhouse: Explain.
Bart: The similarities are subtle but many. For example 'Radioactive Man' has his famous catch phrase; "Up and Atom!" with "at them" spelt A-T-O-M in a delicious pun.
Milhouse: Go on.
Bart: While 'Radiation Dude' has a simular but lamer catch phrase; "Up and lets go".
Comic Store Guy: So you kids fancy your selves experts eh?
Bart: Well... between us we've read all eight hundred and fourteen issues of 'Radioactive Man'.
Milhouse: Yeah, and we both have special limited edition issue where he and 'Fallout Boy' get killed on every page.
Comic Store Guy: Well I suppose you know then, that Hollywood is planning a feature film about 'Radioactive Man'.

Bart and Milhouse's caps fly off their heads.

Comic Store Guy: I have got to do something about that air conditioning suction.

Bart: Who's going to play 'Radioactive Man' ?!?
Comic Store Guy: I will tell you in exactly seven minutes.

CBG waddles over to his computer.

Comic Store Guy: Okay, here we are alt.nerd.obsessive. (typing) Need know star RM pic.

The message is passed through several computers till it reaches a guy sitting beneath a table. He places a stethoscope on the underside of the table.

Homer, Lisa, and CBG are at 'Copy Jalopy', a photo copying shop.

Lisa: I'd like twenty five copies on golden rod...
Guy: Mmm
Lisa: Umm... twenty five on canary..
Guy: Mmm
Lisa: Twenty five on saffron...
Guy: Mmm
Lisa: And twenty five on piaha.
Guy: Okay, one hundred yellow.
Lisa: You don't have to help me with this Dad.
Homer: Oh sure I do. I always believe in helping out the little guy and you're the littlest guy I know.
Comic Store Guy: A question: Is your name Riddley Scott or James Cameron?
Homer: No, it's Homer.
Comic Store Guy: Well then, I'd thankyou to stop peering at my screen play Homer. And if I see a movie where computers threaten our personal liberties, I will know that you stole my idea.
Homer: I'm just waiting for my kid. (to him self) Mental note: Steal his idea.

At 'The Android's Dungeon' Bart shows CBG a cell he got through the mail:

Bart: Is this cell worth anything?
Comic Store Guy: (Groan) Let me show you something. This, this is a Snaggle Puss drawn by Hic Heisler. It is worth something. This, this is an arm drawn by nobody. It is worth nothing!
Bart: Can't you give me anything for it?
Comic Store Guy: I can give you this phone. It is shaped like Mary Worth.
Bart: (Groan)
Comic Store Guy: No groaning in my store!