Eric...not in front of your mother!

***photos guaranteed to...uh, well, to be seen or something***

Surfing the Internet at 2 AM does have its advantages! Namely, I was actually able to find some pictures! Oh...just one thing I ask for all of you surfing not, I repeat, do not wear any of these clothes or even comtemplate it. Bad things could very well happen.

 I now return you to your regularly scheduled That 70's Show Fan Page. Commence with the picture-staring.

Fez, ladies man.

Hyde has discovered another conspiracy...

Kelso, have you actually*gasp*had an idea?

Those shoes+my feet=severe pain.A Pinciotti family outfit?

Scary thought:I'd wear those.Brown...groovy.

"This is fun...whore!"

Do the hustle!

More painful shoes. Ow.

From CK model to Kelso...

Love the sideburns.

Did I mention she's tall?

Eric Forman, 90's style.

The woman who whipped Kelso.

Fez! What else is there to say?

I want that chair!

Smile everyone!

 ***Just so you know, all you happy giddy people, the majority of these pics were found by me. Some you can find on Fuchsia's quintessinal site 'cause she's cool, some are from FOX,some are from the wonderful official site, but the vast majority are from me not being able to sleep at 2 AM and surfing that there web. If you want to see a ton o'pics, go see Fuchsia or Eric Forman's Basement. Then you'll be a happy camper too!***

Go home! Red needs you to mow the lawn!

Write stuff now.

Educate your mind.

 Ladies and gentlemen...

Quotes To Live By

Obsessed Much?

Read the news! Get educated!

Stop!You are making me have needs!

More pics to come(in other words:when the ex boyfriend teaches me the art of using a scanner, this'll be loaded). In the meantime, enjoy and remember: 

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