
Full Name:Peter James Andrea (pronounced as 'On-dray-ah', NOT 'An-dree-ah')
Present Name:Peter James Andre (PJA)
Date Of Birth:27 February 1973

Height:5 feet 9 inches (173 cm)
Weight:9 stone 8 pounds (61 kg in 1996)
Color of eyes:Brown
Color of hair:Black

Family:Dad - Savvas,Mum,5 brothers & sisters - Michael,Danny,Chris,Andrew & Debbie
Place of Birth:Harrow,North London,England
Race:Half Greek & Half French
School Yearbook Comments:Most Likely to Succeed,Most Musically Inclined,Worst Hair

Fave Clothing:Calvin Klein Boxer shorts
Fave Genre of Music:Motown,R&B,Soul,esp 1960s Black music
Fave Thing as a Kid:a Kermit-the-Frog type of romper suit
Hates:Huntsmen spiders
Dream Girl:Halle Berry
Dream Name:Jerome

Noteworthy Quotes:

--"I believe dreams come true if you wish-then work bloomin' hard!"

--"Since they know I don't do drugs,that I'm faithful,that I take care of my body,they have nothing to go on & have to resort to sarcasm."

--"My songs are either about experience I've had or experiences that other people have had or experiences that I wish I've had."

--"Someone asked me once if I was made of plastic,I asked him if he he writes artificial articles,& then said to him 'If your articles are artificial,then my body's artificial too."

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