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12/07/00 23:20:07

My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Kallie you are sure a pretty kitty.By the sound of it Mommy has you a little spoiled too, but that's ok that means that she loves you and takes good care of you. Can't wait till next summer so I can see you.Love you. Auntie Yolly

12/02/00 04:16:56
Name: Indian Outlaw
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I LOVE what you've done to your homepage!!!This is one of the more fascinating homepages that I've been to...and I've been to hundreds of them!*LOL*I did not know that you were a graphic artist...maybe I could get you to design an Indian graphic for me on of these days.It would be wonderful to be able to put a graphic onto my homepage and say proudly that you were the one who designed it. Gots to go...say hello to Bobby for me and I'll chat with you soon. Jim

06/14/00 23:37:36
Name: 1981
My URL: Visit Me

hello we have been talking for a while in HCU now and thought it time I signed your book - you are such a nice person and always a pleasure to see you come into the room.... I hope our friendship will continue for a long time to come *HUG*

05/24/00 00:32:23
Name: ~*§kyÃngêl*~
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I made this banner for my sweety, not to brag.

Hello K Lola, I know u don't know me but I was visitin' HCU and saw your link so I checked out your cyberhome...very nice and cozy...you have a very unique and beautiful place...love to come back and see more... bye for now...cya in HCU!

04/22/00 18:32:53
Name: *~MRS*PIKO~*
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

HIYA...Great page...Keep us the good work. Don't forget to go to my page and sign my guestbook and slambook *smile* See ya in HCU...Aloha, Gail

04/12/00 01:57:08
Name: Laula
My URL: Visit Me

Aloha & Hugz K Lola, its nice to see you picking on tim. we all know he needs it to keep him in line . I still say he looks like tiny tim *L* Great Hp ya have here . See you in Hcu or on ICQ

03/20/00 22:15:01
Name: Lesley Gelauff
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi! Whenever I miss you, I check your website to see if you've updated with more pictures. It was nice to see so many! You're looking great ~ and HAPPY! Keep enjoying life!!! Your loving friend, Lesley

03/14/00 01:49:48

03/09/00 18:43:29

03/07/00 16:17:26

Name: Bill Freeman
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Sorry K ... Hawaii logged you out WAY TOO FAST ... one telephone call at work and Poof I'm logged out!

03/01/00 04:57:52
Name: Aquillian Angel
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

HI THERE!!! Longtime no see!! Ran into a mutual friend of ours. She just happened to mention she was looking at your page and I just had to visit. Hope you don't mind. So happy to see you and bobby are happy and things are going well. If anyone dese ves to be happy it's Bobby. I'm glad he's found that happiness with you!! All the best. Please....I know we've been out of touch...drop me a line. Still have you and bobby on my list of people I'd love to meet!! If you ever plan on coming out to Toro to...please put me on your list. Say hello to that big bear of your's and tell him to write me sometime!! All the best!!! *hugs*

02/08/00 02:38:35
Name: luscious locks
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

K Lola!! What can I say??...You have become a true friend...One I feel free to share my deepest hurts, and my greatest accomplishments....I know you always listen, and support me....You have a wonderful homepage, and it has been my pleasure to sit down a d read thru it! You are an angel to me......with much love....Grace.....

12/15/99 03:32:31
Name: CJ (f)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was in HCU when I saw your homepage. I think it's great! :)

12/09/99 04:07:37
Name: shari
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

i like u love and belive in angels...i love your website...

11/16/99 16:03:15
Name: Lesley Gelauff
My URL: Visit Me

The pictures are great ~ I am jealous though. One of the things I miss about living back East are the Fall colours! I am thrilled that you seem to be so happy!!! Love the web page too!

11/06/99 07:19:06
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

~K Lola~ What took you so long? Beautiful page you have.I've always told you how talented you were. Come on back to London to show me some of your tricks, because you know how slow I am.Keep up the good work. Talk to you soon. Love you.

11/02/99 22:06:44
Name: Lesley Gelauff
My URL: Visit Me

Hi! It's great to see you! If only over the web!!! Your page is awesome! Lesley Gelauff

10/20/99 23:13:46
Name: Sandra Salowitz aka ~*Bell@*~
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

cool very nice BELLISSIMA

09/09/99 04:22:07
Name: restlesslady
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

k lola,hello, it took me long enough to get here but i finally made it! i love your page! i have loved getting to know you at hcu! i love to chat and make new friends and keep the old! take care and god bless!

09/09/99 04:17:03
Name: sharon hensley
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

K lola,hello, i love your page! it took me long enough to get here, but finally made it! i have loved getting to know you at hcu and everyone else to! i love chat and to make new friends and keep the old! always take care and god bless!

09/08/99 02:06:28
Name: Gavster or gavin
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


09/03/99 03:50:35
Name: P Man™/KnightRider™
My URL: Visit Me

Cool page K Lola! Thanks for stopping by my site. It was a pleasure meeting you at the Montreal reunion. Take care! Peter :)

08/27/99 09:16:44
Name: Moon Dancer
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Wonderful site you have here...Hope we have a chance to chat in HCU!!!
07/29/99 08:52:37
Name: ~HawnSmile~
My URL: Visit Me

K....GREAT Angel page!! love it sis!!

06/23/99 22:30:09
Name: Jellybean
My URL: Visit Me

Hey there you sexy thang you! *S* I love the page...love the pics...love the info..love everything *S* It looks funkalicious! *hehe* Here's your thought for the day..."You've got to dance like nobody's watching and love like it's never going to hurt" Love ya girlfriend! *hugs* Take Care and Keep Smiling

06/18/99 17:26:31
Name: Slash
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Yo K lola nice page man... See U in HCU

06/17/99 01:20:16
Name: lil' sis (sara j)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

just dropping in...you've done a good job on the page...take good care of bobby!...*S* luv ya!

06/12/99 16:26:55
Name: Ariel23
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey K Lola Ariel23 here. Nice page! Finally got around to making it here. Keep up the good work. When you have time come on over to mine. Not as nice as yours but I'm getting ideas. See ya in HCU. Talk to you soon and take care!

06/03/99 22:45:48
Name: spinna
My URL: Visit Me

HI we finally made it to your hp, what a great page! Rufus and keg and fusion and i wish you could visit us! (but you would be sneezing) i love chatting with you! GREAT PAGE and i didn't fall over coming in! thats a surprise! have a great day! spinna and fusion and rufus and keg!

05/31/99 17:38:47
Name: Michelle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Michelle aka HawaiianHulaGirl

05/30/99 01:37:22
Name: counselor
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I am finally signing the book I enjoyed the pictures took you long eough well can,t write much might tie out keep up the page and I enjoy chatting come to Fl when you get the chance

05/29/99 12:12:31
Name: Mona aka ~hawnsmile~
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I love your page and glad to know you better now! Enjoy chatting with you at HCU and thankful for the warmth you showed me from the start!! See you at HCU!!!

05/28/99 23:07:27
Name: Ron
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

WOW....you got a nicer page here...I sure hope mine looks even half as good as yours...*G* It's alwasy lots a fun chatting with ya sweetie! EASY

05/28/99 18:01:06
Name: TungTyed
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

The page looks great. It has good balance. Its not cluttered. It has a good beat and easy to dance to. I give it a 10.

05/28/99 11:26:04
Name: Marillion
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Well I want to be on your list of chatfriends.

05/24/99 04:08:14
Name: genuinesmiles
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Hun!*hugs*...just checking out your HP and enjoyed reading about you*S*..but...guess I need to sign your guestbook so you add me to your friends list*hehe*... Love chatting with you*S*...and look forward to chatting more*S*...take care!

05/16/99 23:30:42
Name: downunder
My URL: Visit Me

great HP looling forward to seeing the final product

05/16/99 16:25:56
Name: Windy King
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

your hp is way soooooooooooo kick ass.......... I defently love it no i can't spell YOu can guess that i defently not a english teacher........."LOL" well gotta run check ya later........chat at you later

05/13/99 18:01:26
Name: Rich
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hiya K! Occasionally I like to come into HCU and just browse HP's. I like the changes you've made. *S* Although we haven't been chatting much lately, mainly because i've been a "chat slacker"...(not everyone is as "dedicated" as you are! LOL)..., you've a ways been interesting to talk with. If I happen to disappear from here completely some day, know that I've enjoyed chatting with you and hope that you always have fun in life *S*

05/13/99 00:33:31
Name: : : s i e r r a :: s k y e : :
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello! Great page, keep up the good work! My domain isn't up right now, check back in a few days!

05/10/99 22:00:09
Name: Riley Brendowski
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Finally made it here, happy for me!!!!! finally signing your book, great site.

05/06/99 23:33:29
Name: sexykool
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi my name is sexykool and I just love having sex

05/04/99 17:38:07
Name: nicole
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey I talked to you in HCU nice page! Check out mine when u get time and don't forget to sign the guestbook.. SEE YA IN HCU!

05/03/99 19:12:01
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

WOWZERS!!!!!!! lookin GOOOOOOD babe! now hurry up and get those pics in here chicky!!!! *hug*

05/03/99 17:57:04
Name: Kimi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very nice, girlfriend! Thanks for telling me this was here!!!

05/02/99 21:53:22
Name: downunder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me

~K Lola~ Nice start very impressed, looking forward to seeing the pics when they are in. Hell I even found the guestbook button this time *S*

05/02/99 19:05:32
Name: Jasmine
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi KLola!! *huggs* great new page! I feel I know you better now!! Let me know when you get PICS!!!! See you in HCU (where I'm a dedicated chatter toooo *cough cough*)

05/02/99 03:52:49
Name: babycakes
My URL: Visit Me

Lola *hugs* what a great job! Glad I finally stopped by to see it when you gave me the addy! You are a very dear friend and I thank you for that! *hug* I enjoy laughing, crying, bitching and generally having a great time! Now I HAVE INVITED you to my p ace so I damn well expect you to show up girlfriend! *LOL* I already have the wine! *wink* Take care and remain the beautiful person you are inside and out! *S*

03/30/99 04:04:17
Name: Astra
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey there!..Just thought I'd sign, seeing as it is always a pleasure chatting to you in HCU!..Together we will yet conquer the invincible Tim!..*L*...You have wonderful hobbies, and are a lovely lady!..*S*..Take care!

03/28/99 06:44:27

03/27/99 03:02:27
Name: apollo
My URL: Visit Me

i like you very much....you are special..in such a soft whispery and noble way...kissing your blashing eyes...see you......

03/27/99 02:46:30

03/21/99 04:56:55
Name: Lana
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi K Lola. I'm checking out your HP while I'm at HCU *L* You sound very real. Hopefully, we'll bump into each other at HCU. I rad your comment about adding pics... that's funny because I don't know why I put pics on my page... spooky I tell you *L* J/K Ta e care and see you at HCU. Lana =)

03/15/99 18:35:26
Name: p.kitty
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Lola...just hopped on in to view your page...i think i've been here before...but never signed...so here i am...signing your book!...yay!!!...anyway...things look good in here...and maybe one day i'll make it on your list of friends...*LOL*...take care...a d see ya in HCU!!!... p.kitty...

03/04/99 16:50:23
Name: NightHawK
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi KLola, Just droped in to say hi,,, Page is comming along nicely,,, Looking forward to chatting with you in HCU,,, Take care, Lee

02/28/99 02:20:18
Name: Splendid (m)
My URL: Visit Me

K Lola... MAhhhhvvvelllousssss homepage ... simply maaaahhhhvvvelllousssss.... Kinda splendid in fact....*smile* *hugs*...*smooch*

02/27/99 03:20:35
Name: ısportsterı
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi there here i signed your book now i am officialy your friend LOL hope we can always be that way bye take care

02/24/99 23:52:34
Name: Monifa
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey hey hey! Great job on your page! I hope you are having a wonderful life...'cause I am! *wink* HCU rules! Monifa

02/24/99 03:18:44
Name: Tori
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey Lo! I was going to bed this Pm and I couldn't help but turn the computer on one more time...I saw you have a home page...so I decided to check it out! Good job girl...I want to get one too, and I will soon! Just to thank you for a great friendship on he net...you guys are so awesome! Hey...I love cross stitch too...and I've done lots of projects...you should see my place! We'll have to swap patterns sometime...I love precious moments stuff! Well...take care for now..and I'll check back when you update ..e-mail me anytime!! Love...Tori

02/21/99 15:29:59
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I must say,Very impressive,you sure have the start to a great homepage,maybe you can help me to do mine soon,*wink*Anycase,It is always a pleasure to chat to you and i will see you around.*S*

02/18/99 22:22:14
Name: Kingpin
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

uhhhh, nice page!!! Now you'll have to visit mine!!! always nice chatting with you at HCU!!! see ya and take care!!!

01/28/99 01:11:00
Name: Tony
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Lola,,,hi babe, I enjoy chatting with you a whold bunch. YOu got to send me some email so we can keep in touch. See ya , Tony

01/26/99 00:21:44
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hi... I really enjoy chatting with you in HCU...always a blast!! EASY

01/16/99 22:24:12
Name: Langston Tabb
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey! It's soldierboy!! Just stopping by!

01/10/99 04:39:57
Name: Baghdad
My URL: Visit Me

Hi Lola-bear! Cool page....

01/02/99 20:16:11
Name: Sweet Madame Blue
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page ya got there Lola! *S* always fun chatting it up in HCU see you there soon...please feel free to visit my page *pssst* don't forget to sign *Big grin*

01/02/99 03:39:56
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

cool page!! looks great. take care of your arm. i'll see u around.

12/21/98 03:14:57
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12/19/98 19:40:58
Name: Laula
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Aloha K Lola ! Its nice to see we can put away or lil fight we had and become friends *S* Good Job ya did here I'll be coming back for the pictures *S* I wuv loking at pictures *S* Im sure I'll see you in Hcu *S* Have a Mele Kalikimaka !

12/13/98 02:30:36
Name: Sir Tinker
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

~K Lola~ , It is always nice to see a friendly face like yours in HCU, best wishes to you.

12/12/98 22:06:05
Name: Drifter
My URL: Visit Me

Howdy kiddo.....just don't how to do any of this yet myself .......great start tho ....think you have it down,.

12/12/98 21:22:28
Name: PepClvr
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi K Lola...glad you have a HP, now I have to get one! It looks Great! So glad we have met in HCU. My time there is always fun and friendly! See ya on soon!!...HUG!

12/12/98 15:46:31
Name: Relocate
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just signing in and hoping all is cool. Your site is great. Don't lose touch

12/11/98 02:57:04
Name: Ms~t~blu
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hiya K Lola.. *hugs* Great start! It's always a pleasure to see you in the chats! May the future hold all good things for you and yours. *S* Hope to meet up with you soon. Take good care, my friend... Diane

12/11/98 02:34:13
Name: Susan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hello, glad i have met you in HCU....we really have fun sometime...and i have shared some of our private life to each other...hope that we stay friends ....good to see you and bobbyK together....and hope that things work out for you.

12/11/98 02:33:53
Name: TAnnie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Wonderful page Lola! I'm so glad we have met! Take care of that man of yours! Talk to you soon! Annie

12/10/98 02:46:54
Name: Game Man
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey luv..u have a great page here..keep it up..i'm glad to have met ya..hope to know more of ya..yor sweet..kind and all that..BBIG HUGS BIG WET KISSES..see ya in the chat..Game Man.MARK

12/10/98 00:32:33
Name: bobby kbear
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

wishing very much that I could be with you and show some tricks that I have done with web page work. You are doing great with your one web page with the java applet..I am also glad that you found a homepage programme that will work for you.. Take to you soon...love you always bobby kbear

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