Hello I call myself Baggins
Yes.  That is after Bilbo Baggins from the Novel The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.
My little logo is a picture of bilbo from the animated movie based on the Book

I can be reached by e-mail baggins@bigfoot.com
You can catch me on my computer via Yahoo messenger or AOL Instant Messenger under the Name
the NJ is for New Jersey, USA.   Which is where I Live.
feel free to chat with me anytime on these pagers.

If you wonder what I look like,  I am putting up two pictures of myself.
My friend Bilbo and I (I am the one on the right)
 Me (you can actually see my face in this picture)

I am 24 years old, My favorite pastimes are camping, windsurfing, hacky sacking,  playing volleyball, blah blah blah.....

That is all the personal information that I really feel like putting up about myself on the Web.   You can probably find out more about me from my Yahoo profile
I'll probably update that more often than I do this page.


Well, that is something about me
email me