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About Tia and Tamera...

There's a lot of teenagers in Hollywood today reaching for the fame and glory of the entertainment industry. Only a few has been as successful as Tia and Tamera.

So what's the secret of their success?
How about: natural talents, a supporting family and faith in their Maker.

So far...
...there has been nothing but success for the twins. Starring in their own hit comedy for six years they have build a massive popularity among fans of all ages.
With 119 episodes "Sister Sister" was the first WB sitcom to pass the magical 100 episodes mile stone.

pic3.gifspacer.gif (49 bytes)Now in their twenties - the twins can look back on their teenage years with pride. Numerous awards and honors testifies that masses of fans appreciate what they stand for.

And it's been hard work all the way. Just think about it:
Working a job and attending school at the same time - and they always get straight A's, ya know.

On top of that they have chores at home, do homework, sports, attend church regularly - and hang out with friends.

There's no off position on these girls..!


They are also extremely committed to charity work for such organizations as "Make-a-wish Foundation", "Cure 2000", Nickelodeons "The Big Help-a-Thon", "D.A.R.E", "The NO-ADdiction Campaign", "Sail With The Stars" and "KidsPeace".

AIDS ProjectMake-A-Wish Foundation
 D.A.R.ESail with the StarsCure 2000

pic4.gifpic5.gifThe Future...
... certainly holds many promises for Tia and Tamera. But they are not in any hurry. They have so many plans.

But right now acting is what they love doing the most. They have received tons of movie scripts, but still await the right one.
And in the meantime...we always have "Sister Sister".

If you want to read more about Tia and Tamera - check out our regular sites:

A Tribute to Tia and Tamera Mowry
The Genius Corp. Tia and Tamera Mowry Homepage

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