December, 1999

There are web page designers among us (sort of)...

"We were taken from our computer."

"Thirty-six hours and they're already demonstrating more lameness than any of our others."

...unexploited by anyone with good sense...

"How many people will want to die because of what we thought up."

...escaped (and nobody missed us)

"Since we started writing, we've spent every moment with our finger on the backspace key."

"We Pretend we're writers with the ability to actually do this."

"The Centre doesn't even want to think they're alive."


"We try not to offend, but we are amused."

"Life's a gift."

The Pretender and all of its characters are the property of NBC and Mitchell/Van Sickle Productions.  We are not making any money off of this and, as you can see, we never will.  This is just for fun.

The Pretender Web Ring. site is owned by Beth UKA.
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